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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TheLuca

  1. Just watch youtube videos, man :v
  2. true question is why do you have that train as avatar >.> also try to look at shinies, some of them are pretty hillarious
  3. They propably trying to manage how to take picture with that camera ... also I have this soft adult content, but nothing really is visible, so feel free to click on it ... and not so fast here, my current ditto collection I shared on discord it all started with "Lin is just really angry Ditto" theory Marcello love it LINDITT / DITTLIN or just "Dit" rest is in spoiler
  4. Jesus christ, Jasper, dont do anything stupid please ._. I know its hard, but you need to be strong, after every rain there is sunshine~ I hope you are okay
  5. i have zero regrets EDIT: After I saw this masterpiece on Reborn wiki I decided to do a little introduction... ... ... ... FULLVIEW welcome to team meteor
  6. Sooo... I guess I got some op birdo Learned steam eruption instead of spirit shackle also... yeah but building is still accessable
  7. Okay, two things: 1) Is there any way to generate alola forms? I want shiny a-ninetales for my dog/canine run so bad 2) My game crashed when I tried to fill boxes (bcs I wanted to know if it will add alola forms too) and now when I restart it, I cant move (all I can do is to press f12 to soft reset) Game.rxdata
  8. As I said on tumblr, I love that Kiki and Julia one ~~~ Also I saw this meme thingy on tumblr and decided to make reborn one ame is gonna kill me i wanted to put Shade into "Mcdonalds! Mcdonalds!" so bad
  9. fanart section seems to be dead af

    1. TheLuca


      this one 



  10. no prob, it took me some time too until I realized it
  11. Is this under reborn city? If yes, its still accessable, just talk to policeman next to/under gate to route 1
  12. Result of this conversation Its me ShaylaShay, I just changed my name here lol EDIT: colored version~
  13. So I went to flooded gym at celestine cascade just bcs I needed pc... Julia plz.

  14. Carvanha location in e17? Need for *spoiler* quest

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheLuca


      also, in that guide is "Aqua quest" and next to it "lapis alleyway"

    3. Candy


      Sorry I cant be of more help :/ I can breed you one if you'd like though :)

    4. TheLuca


      nvm, i found it in coral ward

      bigger problem is now returning all 7th street mons

  15. Found ur hint, but it does nothing ;-; EDIT: nvm, found it, I was blind
  16. where to start e17?

    1. gkhmpg


      Peridot train station, where you started the game

    2. TheLuca
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