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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TheLuca

  1. Ten avatar... :D

    1. Login


      Psst No one knows!


  2. Can someone please make video just with Cain moments? :D
    Because I want to show my girlfriend why I love him so much :DD

    1. seki108


      I second this motion, in case anyone sees.

  3. Oh my, I really like that ticking noise in it *-*
  4. Do you know Fighting Dreamers opening from Naruto? Not finished yet, I need to fix that Ditto-Nomos-Nostra part, they look very bad. And once I finish this and get Adobe After Effects, I will complete this as opening. You can help me by completing screens from this opening, I will use them as refference
  5. Florinia, Julia, ??? (Adrienn?) and Titania?
  6. Really? Me and Sylphdrake (or Sylphe, Im not sure what is her name here) have plans to cosplay Cain (me) and Fern (her) some day too Also she working on Tacos... erhm... Taka.
  7. Oh, thanks! I will post photos here when I will be done... I dont have fabrics yet (plus contacts and wig)
  8. Hey there. Im currently working on ZEL cosplay (because they have awesome clothes) and I noticed that them have something white-red (or just red) on their back. What is this? Can I have some details? (Rough sketch would be perfect). Thanks!
  9. I want this girl to be official artist for Pokémon Reborn.
  10. And can you please lend me Rhyperior just for this battle? qwq
  11. Oh... And who you used aganist who? I tried many strategies, but it not worked. 300+ hours... well, I had problems with Corey, thats it :'D
  12. Can I ask for little help too? TEAM: Typholsion lvl. 77 Greninja lvl. 76 Manectric lvl. 74 Meowstic lvl. 72 Mawile lvl. 73 Noivern lvl. 77 Game.rxdata
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