Delphox [58] - Magician - None - Rash - Psychic, Cut, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp
Stoutland [57] - Scrappy - Amulet Coin - Adamant - Work Up, Retaliate, Reversal, Take Down
Jumpluff [58] - Infiltrator - None - Hasty - Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, U-turn, Acrobatics
Floatzel [59] - Water Veil - Sea Incense - Adamant - Surf, Aqua Jet, Rock Smash, Aqua Tail
Mismagius [63] - Levitate - Twisted Spoon - Mild - Confuse Ray, Psybeam, Shadow Ball, Perish Song
Swanna [55] - Hydration - None - Rash - Air Slash, Hurricane, Surf, Roost
Pikachu [46] - Static - Exp. Share - Jolly - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Sweet Kiss, Nasty Plot
Snover [37] - Soundproof (sadly) - None - Adamant - Swagger, Mist, Ice Shard, Wood Hammer
Mawile [30] - Intimidate - None - Careful - Vice Grip, Feint Attack, Baton Pass, Crunch
Skitty [37] - Wonder Skin - None - Hasty - Attract, Facade, Wake-Up Slap, Assist
Nuzleaf [31] - Early Bird - None - Lonely - Torment, Feint Attack, Fake Out, Leaf Blade
Growlithe [20] - Flash Fire - None - Impish - Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel
Litleo [23] - Unnerve - None - Lax - Headbutt, Noble Roar, Take Down, Fire Fang
Mystery Egg (I think its Aron)
Litleo Egg
I tried to overlevel her as you can see, but in most times, her Weavile and his Beat Up fucked all my team.