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About YoshiofRedemption

  • Birthday April 7

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  1. Most of these aren't in any particular order, aside from the very bottom of the list. 1. Gen 2-the generation that got me into Pokemon with Pokemon Silver. 2. Gen 4-slow, but great experiences. HG is probably my favorite game of the series. I also loved the Battle Frontier in Gen 4, and the Underground in D/P/Pt was one of my favorite aspects. 3. Gen 5-I liked a lot of the new Pokemon, and I also liked how B/W made you use them. 4. Gen 7-I liked how they shook up the formula and made it harder for veteran players, but the unskippable end cutscenes and fight with Tapu Koko, lack of double battles and removal (at least to my knowledge) of Triple/Rotation/Inverse battles (why did they remove the Inverse Battles?!?), lag in said double battles and occasionally blurry text (did anyone else have that problem, or was it just me?) lower its score. 5. Gen 3-I don't hate it, but the beginning is a little slow, but that's probably from me playing Ruby and LeafGreen a lot. I also really liked Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness, which I've started playing again recently through an emulator. 6. Gen 6-too easy, and not a lot of postgame material. ORAS wasn't needed at all. I do like the idea of Mega Evolutions (well a little less now), but a lot of Pokemon that did get Megas didn't need them-I'm looking at you, Mewtwo and the Weather Trio's Primal Forms. Tierno/Trevor/Shauna/Serena and/or Calem were annoying and I never wanted to interact with them (my experience with them summed up: No, rival, I don't need help taking down Team Flare grunts whose Pokemon are 10 levels weaker than mine, especially when yours are 15 levels weaker than mine.) Points for introducing my favorite battle style: Inverse Battles. 7. Gen 1-very tedious and boring, never played the original games until they came out on Virtual Console last year, and while I did enjoy my run through Red when I first got it, losing my save file while switching to a different SD card didn't help.
  2. For me it's either Chandelure or Sewaddle
  3. Tfw you finally get your work schedule after waiting for days for it to come.
  4. I have 2. #1: vs. Corey. With a newly evolved Swalot and a lot of heal-stalling, that was the first Gym battle I won on the first try. This was, of course, when my team flat out sucked and Julia and Florinia each took at least 5 tries, if not more, to defeat. #2: vs. Ditto-Arceus. This took 2 or 3 attempts and one of my Focus Sashes (I didn't want to waste one of my Ability Capsules to change my Magneton's ability to Sturdy back then, but I should have), but I got lucky with Focus Blast missing I think 4 of the 5 times it was used, getting lucky with paralysis, and if I remember correctly, having my Heracross take it out once Magneton fainted. Honorable mentions: whenever I needed to fight Taka's stupid Chatot and the PULSE Tangrowth.
  5. @H.P. Doom I feel your pain. I had the same problem with New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. Screw you, World 1-2.
  6. If you want to use a Psychic type, I'd recommend Ralts if you feel like grinding.
  7. This field is so beautiful! I wonder if there's a way to create the field ourselves or alter another field to make it. It seems very likely that Anna will use this field if we ever fight her, but what about Adrienn possibly using the field if/when we fight xym (you know, that person we meet during the El/Ditto-Arceus part of the story)?
  8. You should be able to safely transfer from Version 6.1 to Version 8 by saving in Gearen Laboratory or West Gearen prior to updating. As for the link, while I can't provide it in this post (because for whatever reason, I can't add a link to a post no matter what I try), if you go under the Pokemon Rejuventation section of the Fan-game Expose section of the Forums, go to the 5th highest pinned topic. That'll be titled Version 8 - Stopped in Our Tracks. Click that and scroll down until you reach the first spoiler tag and you'll see the download links. Hope this helped!
  9. I recommend Poliwrath. You can get Poliwag once you get to Tanzan Cove
  10. I feel your pain with that god-forsaken Steelix. I personally recommend using Poliwrath against it. You can find Poliwag at Tanzan Cove in the mornings at around the high 20s (at least that was where mine was when I found it). I'd recommend getting one with Swift Swim and teaching it Rain Dance, which will help out-speed Steelix. Have Bubblebeam (or Hydro Pump-your choice) and Wake-Up Slap and evolve it at level 43 (or 48 if you choose to teach it Hydro Pump over Bubblebeam). If I remember correctly, it should be able to take 1 or 2 EQs and deal good damage with Bubblebeam/Hydro Pump and Wake-Up Slap. Hope this helped!
  11. My vote's for Aria simply because I play as her.
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