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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sylphe

  1. Welcome, Girco! Hope you have a fun time with us all here. c: Also, hello, Spine, it's your almost-twin xD
  2. After exiting the Tower of Theolia, a cutscene with Kreiss giving the player the badge and stuff happens. But after it ends, I still can't move, my character faces backward, and the "thud" noise keeps playing. I can't open the menu, too. Looking at the cutscene again, my character was probably supposed to stop a few steps down, where Kreiss stands. I put my savefile here, or at least I hope thats what I was supposed to do? xD Game.rxdata
  3. Thank you so much! Going to try it out right now to see if it works.
  4. So, I was just about to sail with Augustus to the hidden shore where Crawli is. But, before I did, I noticed that there was an option to sail to Gearen, and as I needed to collect a Houndour and to evolve my Onix, I couldn't pass on the oppurtnity. But now I've returned to the Oceana pier, and there is nothing. Augustus gone, the ship gone, it seems like I have no way to get back to the ship, or even Terajuma shore. Is this supposed to happen, and what should I do?
  5. Oh, so Heather is going to be flying? I probably missed that somehow, sorry But the commission thing.. that sounds so cool. Hope it turns out good c:
  6. Honestly, I'm not much different from anyone else. 1. I, too, thought Cain was a girl. 2. Also that Fern wouldn't be too bad. I still have hope in him 3. Same goes for Bennett 4. I also thought ZEL had a multiple personality disorder 5. And that Victoria would tag along for longer. 6. And that Adrienn was a girl. Still having problems with using the right pronouns for xem sometimes. 7. I thought Taka would be just an one-off and dissapear after the jungle. And that he won't become one of my favourite characters. 8. I thought Shade would eat my soul. What do you mean he actually did?
  7. So, with the amazing music Reborn has, I was actually thinking how would they want to top the Gym leader theme in terms of epicness and just overall "shit just got real" feel, because they're going to need something equally amazing or even better for the elite four, and after some looking through Glitch's channel, I found this- It has this apocalyptic feel which would be perfect for El, and maybe would fit even Heather considering she'd probably have Dragons (and that always hurts). Too bad it doesn't fit Bennett very well, and Anna, if she's the last elite four member (my best guess anyway). Then again, could fit the starry field a bit. Also would be perfect for the pokemon league duh Sy it's a pokemon league remix
  8. That feel when you give someone an 5 sec. stun. Leooona C:
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