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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arisato

  1. so along with the rest of the shit i've been dealing with (which is why i haven't been active), i got a virus and had to wipe my hard drive...rip reborn + rejuvenation saves. february was not very kind to me. :c

  2. Welcome to Reborn! :") Always nice to meet a fellow lurker. third gen best gen tbh
  3. I actually had to Google "movies that came out in 2015" bc I rarely watch movies, and when I do, it's usually super late. The only movie I remember watching that came out in 2015 is Jurassic World. I wasn't crazy about it, though...meh. All of my favorites came out in 2014. For game, Dying Light bc it's the only game that was released in 2015 that I played. 2 many games on consoles I don't have 4 me
  4. when you don't log in for 8 days bc you're lazy

  5. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody? 90% of my time in that game was spent broke and hospitalized Probably Dark Souls, even though I was astonishingly better (I played the second game first). Four words: Tomb of the Giants. Actually, wait. The hidden levels in SNES Super Mario World, the ones after you connect all of the Star World levels. I STILL haven't beat those.
  6. Hi! I remember seeing your name on the Showdown server the one time I went there. Welcome to Reborn! and hey short people unite
  7. getting christmas money (finally): $250, which is just enough for a refurbished wii-u, but is it really worth it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted User
    3. Exalted


      jericho if i say so my self you have a point and you said it with tm 87

    4. Arisato


      i snorted so hard but thats also true

  8. Yeah, pretty much what everyone else said. Noibat is total garbage and it's an enormous pain in the ass to level up until it evolves into Noivern. (I did, no daycare or exp. share or anything, and I still have leftover salt in my heart.) The only way you'd be able to do it without it constantly getting OHKOed (until you get the exp. share that is) is to switch it out every time, which isn't the easiest or best thing to do against gym leaders. Noivern though? Noivern is great, which almost makes it worth it. Almost. Maybe go with Woobat for now?
  9. Adding to the Meowstic train. Also, Swalot literally saved my life against Noel. I probably wouldn't have beat him without it.
  10. exact quote from younger sister watching cowboys/redskins game: "those are the dallas broncos, right?"

  11. 57 hours and 22 minutes, with 598 seen 'mons/52 caught. Thankfully mostly actual playtime and not grinding (and trying to figure out that godforsaken puzzle on Route 1).
  12. I've heard otherwise on the higher difficulties, but surprisingly, I didn't have a problem with Valarie on casual mode. even though lapras ohkoed my manectric w tidal wave weeps Angie was the only one I actually had trouble with, mainly bc of her field and some of her 'mons knowing EQ, which was pretty bad bc my team has a rather obvious ground weakness + no one who resists ice. Plus I didn't realize Lava Plume would get rid of the field until like halfway through the 6th time I reset. That was on my own part, though, not the game's, and was actually a pretty fun challenge to try and work around. Ahem...anyways, everyone else was pretty easy, for me at least. I'm super excited for V7! :")
  13. it's 18 degrees out and it's midday [shinjiro voice] i dont have time for this shit

  14. ^ Manectric is boss. Raichu w/ timid nature and Lightningrod is pretty good - fast and hits hard if you can get a Nasty Plot in - but it's kinda frail and a HUGE pain to level up from Pichu, especially if you want Discharge. But you could always just go to the move tutor and teach it thunderbolt. Or give Pikachu the light ball.
  15. I'm probably the most casual Pokemon player in the history of ever, but I had trouble on Noel too, so I think I can at least give you some ideas. First, I'd get some Ability Capsules and change Garbodor's ability to Aftermath - IMO Weak Armor is a bad combination with the nature it has, since you'll need it to wall for a few turns while setting up against Wigglytuff. I don't remember if Sludge Wave is obtainable in the game yet, but if it is or you have it, teach it to Garbodor and use it to corrupt the field. It sounds counter-intuitive, especially if Garbodor goes down, but it helps in the long run and is WAY better than keeping the Blooming Field or whatever it's called and letting the enemy get free heals every time you get oneshotted. Set up with Toxic Spikes - 2 should ensure that everything that comes out is badly poisoned. You can get Moxie on Scrafty if you use an Ability Capsule, but you'll have to use more than one, since the abilities cycle through. It might be best to keep Intimidate for Swellow, though? I can't think of anything else, really. Good luck! (Everyone else, feel free to dispute me on any of this, since, like I said, I'm a total casual.)
  16. Dogs. <3 That, or ducks. What's the worst injury you've ever gotten?
  17. Krokorok. It looks so damn smug all the time. I love it.
  18. imi wakannai/10 but seriously, 8/10 bc Maki haunts me at night
  19. Oh, they definitely couldn't have beat Youpi. He was just way too strong - they had trouble with him in their individual fights even before his awakening, and I doubt they could do much more together even at full strength. If Kanmuru was a neverending ability, MAYBE they'd have a smaaaaaaaaall chance (using the whole run-around tactic that I mentioned), but otherwise nope. Interesting point at the end. :~) Anyways...about Meruem. I really loved his character, even when he was portrayed as a savage and merciless King, because that made his characterization and awakening all the more meaningful in my eyes ("As the most powerful being, I want to crush all lesser beings" ---> "As the most powerful being, I want to protect all of the lesser beings and use my power to create a world where we are all equal"). He was one of those characters where, in typical Togashi fashion, he's introduced as a villain, but as the arc goes on and you get more of his thoughts and revelations, it's up to you whether or not to demonize him completely. His battle with Netero was a very powerful scene IMO that violin soundtrack more like end me, and I really liked how it brought up the whole "humans as monsters/monsters can be human" deal. Don't even get me started on his relationship with Komugi LOL. To put it shortly, I cried. A lot.
  20. I have the nicknames for my Reborn 'mons in my signature, but I'll list them here anyways :^) Most of them are jokes bc I don't take nicknaming seriously at all. GottaGoFast (Blaziken) - Speed Boost, 'nuff said. Kafka (Meowstic) - named after that German guy who wrote nightmare fuel novels. No Hands (Noivern) - self explanatory. Lord Helix (Omastar) - I'm sure everyone and their mothers gets the reference. Happiness (Raichu) - a mockery bc leveling up the happiness stat so Pichu could evolve into Pikachu was painful and I barely had enough $ for a massage. Thugnificent (Scrafty) - named after The Boondocks character, for obvious (and stereotypical) reasons. Also in White 2 I have a Skarmory named MetaRidley and a Lapras named 5/100 (5%) bc I spent 3 hours under the village bridge trying to find and catch one.
  21. I pretty much like all of the rivals except Barry. Since Sinnamon brought my attention to it, though, I'd have to say Cain is my favorite. I think the part where he defends the PC from El at Radomus' castle bc their team is trashed from fighting Radomus probably set it in stone, or maybe all of the flirting got to me 'cause i'd be his prince any day tbh. Never have I been this desperate for rival interaction :")
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