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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yamiju

  1. Jin skidded back and brushed himself off. He started running towards Dave to attack again, when he had to quickly throw up a barrier to protect himself form Katsuo's attack. "Two against one huh? I might have to show more than I planned to." He said as the beam subsided. He loaded a Cartridge and stabbed his sword into the ground. "Crimson Wave!" Blood-Scythe said as a Wave of red magic headed toward Dave.
  2. With the other occupied Jin decided to go after Dave. He charged forward after Dave with his sword in a reverse grip. The gem on the back of his prosthetic hand glowed dimly. He jumped and attempted to slam Bloodscythe onto Dave.
  3. Jin looked at Shou. "I'll take on Leivinia." Jin said holding Bloodscythe in a reverse grip. He kept his eyes on Leivinia and was ready for battle.
  4. Jin had already set up his device and Barrier Jacket. His Barrier Jacket consisted of a black and red vest over a black shirt with three red belts. A pair of black gloves with a red shell on the backs of the hands. and a pair of black hakama and steel-toed red boots. He hefted his device Bloodscythe in sword mode over his shoulder. "So what's the plan?" Jin asked Liliana and Shou.
  5. Jin looked over to Liliana and nodded. "May the blessings of Lady Olive be upon you." Jin said putting his right black prosteic arm across his chest to his left shoulder, and giving a small bow to Liliana. He may be a bit of a jerk but he still had his manners that were beaten into him by sister Schach. He nodded at Liliana's inquiry. "Yes. I've seen you from afar. When I wasn't training with Sister Schach." He said.
  6. Jin frowned. It seemed the only one interested in introducing themselves was a energetic girl. "Nice to meet you Leivinia. I guess...." Jin said still not enjoying the fact that he was here and not back at the church. "So tell me... What exactly is this Task Force for? And why are there so many people from Riot Force 6 in this Task Force?" Jin asked. He crossed his arms. One of said arms were black showing it was his parents' weapon the Azure Grimoire working as a Prosthetic Arm.
  7. Jin scowled as he was called over for introductions. He looked over his fellow members of Buster 3. 'Man... I finally make Guard detail for Lady Carim and then I'm recruited for some fricking Task Force... This sucks!' He thought. He listened to Chrono and walked over to the other members. "Um... Hey." He said to them.
  8. Not sure if my opinion matters due to me not being in the RP but. 1.I'm ready. 2. I think we should go straight to the battle. 3.3v3 sounds like a good way to create bonds between certain people.
  9. Thanks for all the welcomes guys. I hope I can get along with everybody.
  10. Yeah... It's a shame when people that deserve a happy ending don't get one.
  11. Nep Neep Nepu

    1. Hiss13
    2. Shamitako


      Loochs tneve emag noitamina cisum

  12. Hey there. Name's Yamiju, but you can call me Yami! I love anime and Videogames. Especially Hyperdimension Neptunia. If you couldn't already tell from the profile picture. I'm looking to roleplay and make friends. So talk to me whenever.
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