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8bit Moonside

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About 8bit Moonside

  • Birthday 07/20/1996

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    Music, sleeping, video games, history, cartography

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  1. It really is a shame nobody really talks about Super Monkey Ball these days, although that might be because there hasn't been a game that's been...memorable, I guess? since the first 2 on Gamecube and also Deluxe. The DS and Vita games were good too, but they lack the same appeal the first few games had.
  2. [FOGHORN SOUNDING] CONTROVERSIAL OPINION INCOMING shadow the hedgehog was actually kind of a good game It's nowhere perfect, and it's definitely not the best Sonic game, but the gameplay is kinda fun and the graphics and music are very good. The level design, on the other hand, is atrocious, especially in the latter half of the game.
  3. Internship interview went really well!!

  4. Custom Robo was an amazing Gamecube game, and probably the best 3rd person shooter I've ever played. My only gripe with it is that it's very linear, even in the postgame.
  5. I have an interview for an internship tomorrow...Kinda nervous...

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      May Arceus bless you and your endeavors. Good luck.

    2. mde2001
    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Don't worry! I had to do this too! Just be yourself! Good luck! ;)

  6. call of duty is kinda addictive help

  7. 8.5/10 because it reminds me that i need to sit down and start reading hxh already
  8. I've been playing a lot of GTA 5 lately, and a lot of songs on Radio Mirror Park have really appealed to me. Such as... Niki & The Dove - The Drummer
  9. Wow, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is the first game I've seen that uses Pokemon as traps. What's next, am I gonna accidentally step on Groudon and have to fight it or something?

    1. Flux


      What about the classic Voltorb traps from the earlier Pokemon games?

    2. 8bit Moonside

      8bit Moonside

      Those didn't actually drop a Voltorb/Electrode that you had to fight though, they just exploded. In Super you can actually stumble upon a fightable Stunfisk in the ground that paralyzes your whole party.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Also, sometimes an item on the ground will be a Ditto. When it transforms, all of your party except the Pokemon it transforms into will be confused.

  10. I agree that the lack of special episodes is really disappointing. There's so much that could have been explored, but nope! For example (spoilers, of course): Still holding out hope for a re-release of some kind that adds in something akin to special episodes but I doubt it'll happen.
  11. Cold weather. While I do like hot weather too (partially because I was born in July I guess), cold weather is just...way nicer. Plus, it's way easier to mitigate cold weather than hot weather.
  12. I'm not very good with nicknames, but I'm proud of: Sia the (I'M GONNA SWING FROM THE) Chandelure Gee Bill (how come your mom lets you have TWO swords?) the Doublade
  13. TIL that graffiti is actually a plural noun and that the singular form of it is "graffito".
  14. I really wish Super didn't have the Connection Orb, or at least didn't have it the way it was. I kinda wish they did something where you still had the random missions like the old games, but the Orb was there in addition to them. But other than that, I do enjoy the gameplay, even though I thought the story was kinda weak. I also wish the continents had more story to them as opposed to just being towns with lists of dungeons attached to them, but that's kind of a minor thing.
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