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  1. Two minor bugs (I think) in my playthrough: - Soak doesn't seem to work, as, after soaking an Aegislash, Toxic didn't have any effect. - "Flora"'s Claydol didn't move the whole time (its turns were skipped)
  2. Yeah thanks. I've decided to use Moody for the earlygame, then I'll change it with Simple when I'll get a boosting stats move. Now, I've just beaten Shelly and the team is doing good, never having blacked out. The challenges are coming in the late game, though. And Kiki too will be a pain.
  3. Hello, I have read most of the topics concerning the location of the save file on mac, but I still couldn't find mine. The problem comes from the fact that I use Wine 1.8 and i never put concern in the directory where to run the file. (Which is /Users/filippo/.wine) However, now that I need the save file, it is impossible for me to find it. The aforesaid directory doesn't seem to exist and the file game.rxdata doesn't come up when I search it from the finder (while rejuv save and ep 14 reborn save still appear). Now, is there a way to find it? Because the file must exist somewhere in the computer, as the game starts normally. Does someone know how to find it? Thanks in advance
  4. Yeah, I thought about it, but I decided I wanted to use the original Raticate, as he is the true ancestor of all the rodents. Most of them learn Crunch and, even though a stab dark move could have been handy, I decided to stick with the original decision and try, even though I think it will be really difficult ahah In the end, I decided to sacrifice alola, even though I might add one team member later (Gumshoos or, exceptionally, Alolan Raticate). I also decided not to get perfect ivs rodents, settling for decent ivs and a good nature only. I'm still uncertain about ev-training. Might even do a mixup, but I feel the real challenge would be to play it like a standard run, without ev training. About Bibarel, in your opinion, moody or simple?
  5. I managed to make it with a mod. However, other suggestions are highly welcomed!!
  6. Yes, I think that should be the problem. Isn't there any other way to have it?
  7. Hello, I would like to try a Rodent Run with the first six generations' first route rodents (Raticate, Furret, Linoone, Bibarel, Watchog, Diggersby). Considering the difficulty of the challenge, I decided to allow myself to breed and trade the necessary rodents and therefore using some useful egg moves. However, it seems impossible to have extremespeed on my zigzagoon, even though in US/UM, by having it mate with an Arcanine, it should be possible for it to learn it. Is the game not updated with the mechanics of US/UM? Is there any other way to manage to have it on my zigzagoon? If not, would someone be able to hack it onto it? The challenge seems really difficult even with the use of bd/es linoone, but without it, it seems borderline impossible. Apart from that, do you have any more suggestions on the team? Should I choose a simple or moody bidoof? Thanks in advance.
  8. Uhm sorry, I'm not really experienced with Wine, so I don't really know where to start to create a new prefix for Wine and also I can't seem to find the program :/
  9. I managed to install Winetricks, but couldn't manage to install Direct X, could you please tell me how to do it? Thank you
  10. Yes, still doesn't work. However, this is the thing I get. Is anyone able to solve the problem? (The log is both in the file and in the spoiler) backtrace.txt
  11. I use Wine 1.8, but when I tried (a couple weeks ago) with wine 1.6 before updating wine, it still didn't work. It's really strange because, for example, Reborn works instead...
  12. Hi, I've encountered a problem with Pokemon Rejuvenation on Mac. I've played version 8 without any problem, but, lately, trying to play version 9 (but even version 8 now doesn't work), I got this error, which approximately says: "The program Game.exe has encountered a mistake and has to be closed. We're sorry for the incovenient." "This could be caused either by a problem in the program or by a shortage in Wine. You could be willing to consult the Applications' Database for tips on this application." and the game blocks and Wine blocks, so that I have to force exit from Wine. What can I do? I have no clue, please help me. Thank you in advance, Filippo
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