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Everything posted by Neco

  1. Time to continue. After slaying a Dragon and solving the problems at Apophyl, we can now meet up with Cain. Of course, opening a fucking door is too difficult, so we have to fight him first. Oh well, time to test my newest team member: Okay, now the battle. VS Pretty Boy Cain Nothing too difficult, even though you could've probably played better. I felt no urgue to redo the battle, so on we go. Walking through the Byxbisan Wasteland (if I remember its name correctly) isn't as hard for me as it once was now, so we relatively quickly reach the Hideout. There, we experience how Fern managed to win against Aya. Afterwards, he tells us how it is a good idea to stop using a mono-grass team to beat a Poison Leader. Fern, you made my day! You are going to watch the next Gym Battle, right? So please take some notes and learn how Hana handles Aya's team. I'm sure a looser like you has still much to learn, to rephrase his words. He is kind enough to offer us at least one good battle, so that our way through the Wasteland wasn't done in vain. Go fuck off, please. Hardy, Reborn's Rock Leader, arrives and picks on Fern. I already like him for that. So, on we go, fighting Fern and showing him who's the better Grass Type Specialist. VS Swag Jockey Fern Nothing too difficult, I guess. I really have to check if some of my special attackers have HP-Fire the next time I meet his God damn Ferrothorn... Anyways, people keep on picking on Fern, while we ultimately face Aya. Let's cover the fight without further ado! VS Punk Aya Victory on first try, but man, I do hate double battles. While I felt this battle went pretty smoothly (outside of my luck with the paralyzis at the end, this was pretty damn lucky), I always feel uncomfortable in doubles lucky Ame included no tripples. While we do get a new Badge, finally raising our level cap to 50 and allowing us to use Strength outside of battle, we also get the TM for Sludge Wave, which only two Grass types can learn, of which only one is available pre-Gen VII (however, it might come in handy upon fighting Charlotte...). Anyways, with this battle we've shown how easy it is to beat Aya with a team of Grass Types. A hint for you, Fern: Go catch and train the correct Grass types, will you? This ends the current Chapter, allowing us to finally go save the children. However, before I do so, I still want to collect Venoshock for some extra Poison coverage (should be hidden somewhere in the Wasteland, if I remember correctly), maybe start mining for a certain fossil, and train one or two mons for the sqaud. Having one weakness out of the way feels good I so don't wanna face Bennet. Until next time~
  2. Yes, I Love those two as well. And I am somebody who usually hardly cares about shinies (in the main games many look just terrible imo). As many weaknesses as they might have, Grass is a pretty versatile type!
  3. Haha, thanks. Counter would work too, I guess. Always funny to find creativve ways to defeat difficult fights (:
  4. Okay, before going into the next Chapter, a short disclaimer first: this Chapter will be divided into two parts, one dealing with the events up to Solaris and the second documanting the events up to Aya. Chapter VII: Of Slaying Dragons and Curing Poison So, after defeating Kiki, we are now tasked to save Cain. However, he can still enjoy the presence of Taka for a while, I have some training, breeding and catching to do first~ Azurine Island offers three new mon, and while Chikorita has to wait a tad bit longer, I can catch a Foongus right away, even though I have no idea what I should make out of it. The last is Exeggcute, which I soon caught and which will probably need some more breeding (I already have one with Giga Drain, but think about giving it Ancient Power as well, still debating). In addition, Azurine Island allows myself to unlock one of my favourite Grass Types, so here we go: Anyways, with those little updates out of the way, it's time to talk about the sweeps battles ahead. Upon finding a suspisious looking house, we of course enter it to find our best Meteor friends Aster and Eclipse. Today, they are extra confident and self-assured, fore we are missing a partner, and cannot wait to beat our ass as if. VS Aster & Eclipse All in all, a pretty smooth battle. Guess Sticky Web helps a lot. After the two leave and say us that Cain is hidden somewhere in this building (thanks), we move the furniture a bit just to find a hidden passage. Following the passage after healing our team, we meet Taka. While he can be a pretty nice guy, he is, unfortunately, on the wrong side and in our way. We find Cain, too, put in jail, the perfect damsel in distress. I guess Angela Carter might be proud of this scene Anyways, after Taka explains how Team Meteor plans to blow up Pyrous Mountain with the help of a Pulse!Camerupt, we of course stop him. VS Meteor Admin Taka Anyways, This fight turned out to be a pain in the ass. In my first try, I wasn't using Rain (so no idea if Ren would still outspeed Chatot), but her Hydro Pump missed Gligar anyways, allowing it to sweep 4 of my 6 mons; the last two were than taken out by Chatot. In my second try I started to use rain, but reset after a Hydro Pump missed out of frustration (again, against Gligar). What you saw above was my third try and the sweep felt good xD So, after Cain is freed, we immediately head to Apophyll Academy after doing some shopping. In the Academy, Kiki, Victoria, Cain and we made a battle plan and, of course, Cain and we are tasked to save the day. Upon entering Pyrous Mountain, though, Vicky does join us, so I guess that is a good thing? Probably, as having 2 underlevelled Mons in your team to beat Solaris doesn't help very much against trainers filled with Fire Types. Anyways, we finally reach the Mountain Top (Side Note: it's raining, the first time the weather changed in my run so far, wished it happened against Cal :3) and see how Cain already lost. So it is up to Vicky and us to settle things. Victoria takes on Taka, we shall beat Solaris, who is arrogant enough to use only one team member, which he'll soon regret. (SPOILER: no moves like Perish Song etc. used). VS Meteor Leader Solaris I pretty much rememberred a few days ago I once told @Jess how he could have legitimately defeated Garchomp with a Leech Seed!Paras and Sturdy!Pineco and realized how you can transfer the concept to Grass Mons, too. Grass needs some more mons (10 AP in Recycle aren't really enough, even if you could manage to raise it to 16), so I had to be a bit creative. In the end, defeating Solaris without Destiny Bond etc. feels good! As a reference, I also had Julia (Jumpluff) and Spike (Chesnaught) in my team, who maybe could've given me a few extra turns (with Sleep Powder and Spiky Shield respectively). Anyways, Kiki arrives and wants to end the situation. She commands her Medicham to destroy the Pulse machine. However, Cal starts to act and lets his Magmortar catch Kiki's ace... just to throw it into the magma. As if this is not enough, Solaris commands his Garchomp to kill Kiki, as she "wouldn't survive the heat to begin with". I don't have to tell you how shocked I was when I first saw this, right? As if Cal regrets what he has done, he destroys the Camerupt, though, after Solaris enfuriates him. Yay? Of course, Cal is sorry, but Victoria is pretty much pissed. After she sents Cal to away, the three of us go back. Victoria declares that she will be running the Academy in Kiki's place, as was her Sensei's plan to begin with. Even though she cannot give us a badge, we at least gain the HM for Strength and Cain (finally!!!) agrees to open the door to the Wastelands. With this, the first part of this Chapter will end, and the fights up to Aya will follow in a while, for I still need to train one or two new mons. In addition, I'm debating of renaming Broccoli to Dragonslayer (I will at least use her again in an actual battle. Maybe for Acrobatics-spamming against Samson? We'll see). Until next time~
  5. With the next gym battle out of the way, it is time for another update. Chapter VI: Inner Strength Previously, we defeated Shade and watched how our group of friends got abducted. Cain managed to flee and on our way to search him, we found Victoria who informs us that Cain wishes to solve the problem himself. She tells us that he went to Coral Ward, so off we go. Meeting him results in nothing, other than starting a fairly long chasing quest. Cain states his plan to visit Apophyll Academy and surfes there on his Muk well, didn't know that's possible. While we head back, we meet Amaria again who apparently found the source of the Lake's pollution and asks us for our help. As we have nothing else to do right now, we gladly agree and off we go, again. In front of the Blacksteem Factory (if I'm not mixing names), Amaria greates an entry, letting her Lapras use a combination of Waterfall and Ice Beam, creating a staircase. Upon entering the factory, it's time to raid Meteor! The two grunts who greet us get absolutely demolished by Amaria's lvl 80 Lapras, so I take the free EXP to train a weaker mon. With an adjusted team, we start to explore the Meteor base and after Amaria shows some more of her badassness, we aren't as badass and get jailed. After breaking free and saving a Ditto, we fight our way through the rest of the factory until we finally meet ZEL and Mr. ? from below the Staircase. He again informs us of our plans to hurt Reborn City and while our protagonist is distracted by the Pulse Machine, he tries to let his Garchomp kill us. Luckily, Amaria arrives just in time to sniper it with her Kingdra. Afterwards, she battles Solaris while ZEL take us on. VS Meteor Admin ZEL With ZEL out of the way, Solaris has enough and ends the situation after he sees how Amaria owns a Saphire Bracelet (remember what he said below the Staircase?). He lets his Tyranitor use Super Power... on Amaria. She takes it, Meteor retreats, and Amaria says she'll be taking a break. I would probably go visit a doctor, but this may be only me, though. Before we depart Amaria gives us the key to her boat, so we are free to visit Apophyll Beach, so off we go again! I do like Amaria, but sadly it'll take us some time until we meet her again. Anyways, while doing some training in the Grandhal, battling the trainers on Apophyll Beach and in the Academy, I slowly get sick of battling trainers with Pokemon around level 35 while my team is around 40. After a while, I'm getting sick of it and in order to save myself some free time, I bought some Rare Candies which results in the following two evolutions! Jessie is back in the team! While I decided to try her as a special wall with a slight investment in Sp. Atk, we'll see how useful this role will be (I wanted something that's able to take a few special attacks and I thought Vileplume would be a possible solution, giving her synergy with Black Sludge). Her current moveset is Giga Drain/Moonblast/Toxic/Grassy Terrain, but I might get rid off one of the last two moves. Ren finally learned Hydropump, so I can evolve her without regret until Surf is available xD Some Common Candies later, I can progress with the plot. We soon meet Kiki, the academy's Sensei and current Fighting Gym leader, who understands our situation after Victoria explains it to her (I really wonder how she got here). However, she cannot simply give us the HM we need, of course, so the chase continous. We shall now fight a new student on top of Pyrous Mountain, so off we go again. Thanks to a nice Pick Up-storage of Repels, climbing the mountain was no pain. However, upon meeting Cal, Reborn's Ex-Fire leader, I was relunctant to start the battle, as he was orginally the leader I feared the most. VS Ex-Leader Cal Gosh, this battle was easier than I ever thought it would be (again, victory on the first try). Maybe I should battle more often with type disadvantage. In this run, I felt like these battles were the most easiest ones. However, it could have helped that I EV trained my team, something I hardly ever do when playing Pokemon... With Cal out of the way, there are only a few battles left which I fear (and, surprisingly, Serra is none of those). So, upon heading back to the Academy, we see how Kiki is getting weaker and weaker. However, as she does approves of our victory, she agrees to battle us in an official Gym battle before handing us over the HM for Strength. Victoria is worried, as usual, and does not want us to battle her Sensei. Seems we have to get rid off her first. VS Apprentice Victoria Anyways, with Victoria out of the way, we can now challenge Kiki. Of course, Victoria has to remind us of taking care and so on. I'm already having remorse battling an ill woman, thanks for reminding me, but somebody has to save the children, you know? So on we go. VS Sensei Kiki Outside of too many Rock Slide flinches, I had no problems with this battle- victory in my first try. Before giving us anything for out hard-earned victory, Kiki passes out and is brought into her chamber. There, she declares that she is dying and wants to be left alone. Victoria slowly starts to understand the situation her Sensei is in and guards her door, while we are sent to look for Cain- who never reached the Island. We all no what this means, right? Howver, this has to wait a bit. I said I would catch up with mons, so here we go. If I decide to use Shiftry in my run, I'm not so sure whether to run a physical, special or mixed set. This guy has Foul Play as Egg Move, so I might to something mixed unless I'm breeding myself a new one (similarly, I'm still debating if I should breed myself a Budew with Extrasensory, even though I know Roserade can be pretty amazing without it, as I know from my main file). Dragon Dance as Egg Move. If I feel like running DD, I'll probably have to do some breeding to beging with, so we'll see if I'll be using a Tropius or not. Now, until next time~
  6. Here we go, Part number 5 ahead. Chapter V: It's Time to Raid So, while we defeated Shelly in the previous part, we are now tasked to talk with Ame about the whole Corey incident and learn who the new Poison Leader is. However, before doing this I trained and levelled a seventh member and added her to the roster: Shelly. She'll make the battles of this part a bit easier, believe me. Upon visiting Ame, we meet everyones darling Fern who again pisses everybody off. All of you can probably guess what it means to meet this guy. Yes, time to beat him up! VS Swag Jockey Fern Urgh, I made this battle harder than it should be. Than again, I felt that an Acrobatics sweep would be too easy and some other mons needed EXP. Anyways, after lossing Fern is kind enough to enlighten us a bit. As we need a key to acces the wasteland-who's-name-I'm-not-going-to-write, Fern tells us who we need to meet: a certain man we all know, Cain. Of course Fern has to bitch a bit us knowing such a person, but please, Fern, just shut the fuck up, would you? So, on towards Beryl Cemetry to meet Cain. As he says, he wants to look after Heather after hearing about all the Corey ruckus and thinks it is a bad idea for us to visit Aya, both his sister and new Poison Leader. He agrees to give us the key upon defeating him liar so we start to battle him. Even though it might be a bit impious on a Cemetry. VS Pretty Boy Cain So, after defeating Cain, he of course does not give us the key and suddenly Heather appears. The two have a little Chat before both head to Shelly. We hurry to follow them, the two continue to debate in Shelly's room and after Heather has the feeling that everybody teamed up on her, she flees just to get captured by Dr. Geezer. Great. Everybody soon agrees to save Heather, so we do the most natural thing: raid an orphanage. As you might guess from this Chapter's title, I actually like this part. I mostly enjoy being partnered with a NPC, especially when I can easily use this method to level my team, which I used this passage for. I guess everybody who reads this has played through this passage, so let's just say we freed some kids and battled some Orderlies. We now officially turned into outlaws, but can still travers the City without any difficulties. maybe I should worry about the protagonist? First joining a local gang, than robbing a sinister old lady, and now freeing some kids. Looks like we can do everything we want as long as we beat Team Meteor. After everyone escaped, we soon realize how the group cannot continue their escape plans through the Underground Railnet, so we are tasked to solve this problem and gather another Badge. Of course, we do as we are told and heed to a Power Plant. After seeing how 4 people are killed (this scene was pretty creepy when I saw it the first time), we can battle Shade. VS Entity Shade With this out of the way, we obtain our fourth Badge, raise our Level Cap to 45 and we get the TM for Shadow Claw, which I'm still debating who to use on. After our victory, Shade shows us how Team Meteor abducts the group of Gym Leader friends in the name of Dr. Geezer. Great to see how a group of Gym Leaders is captured by some Grunts. Cain manages to flee, which ends this part. Before posting the next Chapter, I'm going to get myself a Nuzleaf, Tropius and I'm (probably) trying to get myself a Cacnea. Oh, and train myself a Vileplum. Finally, I'm so not looking forward to battle Cal xD I leave an update of my team members here, too, in case somebody is interested. Until next time~
  7. Thanks. I don't have any results yet, but so far yes. Just tons of presentations and other assignments in May/June and an Exam period in July
  8. *Dusts the topic* Before I continue this Mono run, at first a sorry I suddenly stopped writing! I have, unfortunately, the bad habit of getting inactive from time to time without necessarily saying something and this was the case for me in May. Back then, I started to get busy with university and continously had less time and motivation for Reborn and my run. However, this changed now and I hopefully have enough time to finish this run! Meanwhile, RedAlert started his own Grass Mono Run, so I guess you could've watched another run (after what I've read so far, we both seem to have used other strategies). Chapter IV: The next Threat I announced that I will do some training and catching, but let me just tell you EV training is a bit tedious, especially if you realize that you can speed up the game after training 4/6 mons. Farming for the Power Items is a bit tedious early on, too, but a small Pick Up army generates quite a bit of Nuggets, PokeSnax, Blast Powders and other items to sell. Anyways, while training I soon caught another Grass type which should make coverage/resistance a bit easier, even though the typing isn't inherently new for my team. Soon after, it's evolution time: With this out of the way, it is time for the story. We are now able to see how the Grand Stairway is damaged and similarly see the ruckus Corey's suicide created. In this ruckus, we meet Shelly, the Bug type gym leader we're about to face, and Victoria. Victoria's plan were to originally get herself a new badge, but ultimately she decided to take care of Shelly, who is a friend of Heather and shocked after seeing what has happened to Corey. Shade takes care of Corey's body and Victoria (hint: she doesn't solve the problem herself) and us can investigate the Stairway incident, which the officials are unable to solve themselves of course. Compared to the previous parts, this cave is rather enjoyable for a team full of Grass types. Some free exp and item collecting later, we find what's hidden beneath the city. A mysterious man tells us something about Reborn's history and the importance of different gems we will loose and get in the near future. In addition, he hints of his role in Team Meteor and lets us pass to save Victoria. We soon meet Aster and Eclipse who wonder why their boss let us pass and a major battle starts. VS Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse They still need a banner This battle felt more difficult than it should be, put victory on the first try. I cannot wait until Ren can finally properly handle fire types xD With Victoria freed, we go back to Shelly, but before progressing towards the gym battle, I decide to do the most natural thing: join a local gang. I decide to join Aqua, as I'm not a really big fan of Magma and after a few battles against Magma grunts... Ultimately, I got a Ponyta I cannot use for this run and a Water Stone I'll use in the near future. Spike gets some Candy to obey me, but the extra resistance against bugs should be helpful. After the Gang Sidequest is momentarily settled, I visit an orphanage to look for a doctor. In this case, a pretty bad idea and I cannot wait to raid this place. There, me meet some important characters, which all seem to be interesting, especially Anna and Noah because I can never tell if they are controlled by their puppets or not, lol. We face Orderly John who is not too much of a pain, excluding his Magnemite and Magneton as I cannot properly counter Steel types at the moment (hint: they trying to spam Electro Ball on Spike helped). Anyways, before leaving, Anna warns us of the doc and tells us to get help from somebody else and gives a another advice. With the advice, we manage to cheer Shelly up a bit who then decides to battle us after Victoria decides to wait. However, Victoria decides to battle us, as she wants to spare Shelly and give her more times to rest. Okay, guess I'll take the free EXp then~ VS Apprentice Victoria So, with Victoria out of the way we can finally head into the Gym and solve a puzzle, gather some EXP and an Evolution Stone. As a result, two mons reach their last Evolution stage. Finally Acrobatics! Extra Power, too. Even though the moveset needs some more parts to be really useful. So, time to face Shelly without any futher ado. Vs. Bookworm Shelly I had to wonder how... easy this battle was (victory on the first try). Acrobatics was amazing in this battle and Ren could deal some mice damage thanks to the rain, even though Hydropump was missing. I guess James/Spike could've been able to handle the rest in case Julia would have been defeated by the Mirror Shot earlier on. Looks like I finally have a mean to counter Bugs outside of Rollout Defeating Shelly gives us finally a third Badge, raises the level Cap to 40 and gives us a TM I can barely use, I guess. However, it unlocks something else, too. So, I guess it's time to leave it with this for today. I hope the extra power for Kim helps me to deal with Shade. Until next time~
  9. Just a random reader who documanted his mono Grass too, but involuntarily paused it because of University. I'll make sure to read yours and probably continue mine in a few days (:
  10. While I hardly had any time these past few days for my run and accordingly hardly progressed, I can say that a Lotad is in training^^
  11. Meowth carry them for sure and I guess some other as well, but don't quote me on that.
  12. Actually, wild Meowth may carry Quick Claws and can be found from the start. You definetly only have to wait to access them if you really want (;
  13. Breed yourselve a Paras with Leech Seed and seed Garchomp via focus sash or quick claw. Switch to low level Pineco with sturdy and out stall Garchomp (ls should heal enouh to activate sturdy each turn). Boring, but a method which should work too^^
  14. Time to continue the journey. Two Wards still need help~ Chapter III: A Forest out of Control Usually I'd post my team members first, but I'll put these at the end of the post. I'll only show the two additions/changes here I used for some fights. So, anyways, with these additions it's time to head to the Jasper Ward. Plants destroyed most of the Ward and entering the Police Department shows us that the officials are, again, not able to solve the situation and a random kid is tasked to do so. And saving some missing Policemen, of course. While walking around the ward and Malchous Forest, we find the first officers and some Meteor Grunts to bash. The Forest Field helps me to deal with those, so I don't have to worry too much about coverage. After a while we find another Meteor Admin, Taka, who seems to be relatively friendly, but who is still in our way. VS Meteor Admin Taka All in all, not a really challenging battle. Chatot is a pain in the ass and made me reset several times, as it easily outspeeds my team and thus managed to defeat my members with Chatter with relative ease. After defeat, Taka invites us to the next Ward and before we leave find a young girl on a freaking Salamance blaming us for solving the problem. Excuse me if you are so slow. Anyways, we can now head to Beryl Ward. Shortly after entering the Rhodrine Jungle, we fall in a trap of some Nuzleaf. After a while, Fern shows up and offers to free us in case we submit to him and label him as the superior trainer. I decide to do the obvious: rot in their and keep my dignity. Luckily, a certain Chatot soon arrives and frees us. With this problem solved, it's time to further explore the Jungle and save the other policemen. With this out of the way, I can get myself the mystery egg and hatch it to be pleasantly surprised. So, defeating the last few Meteor Grunts, we soon reach the last PULSE machine, now guarded by three officals: Taka, ZEL, and an unknown man. Heather, the Salamence girl, arrives in time and takes on the unknown man and his Crobat, while Taka and ZEL team up to fight us. They don't really have a banner, so you'll find somewhat of a substitute instead. VS Meteor Admins Taka and ZEL Victory in the first attempt and the RNG was overall not as annoying as in the battle against Taka alone. At this point I'm just happy to have picked Chespin over Snivy as a starter. After the battle, the last PULSE is defeated and we can head on. Both Taka and ZEL manage to flee, while Crobat-guy walks into a police trap. The police, showing some use, unmasks the Meteor offical. It's Corey, the leader of Beryl Ward and the one in charge of this Pulse operation. In addition, he is Heather's father who quickly runs away in rage. Corey still manages to flee and hides in his gym. Now, I could head immediately there, but I do some more training instead until I lose the patience for it. A bit of levelling later, it's time to head to Corey's gym. As it seems he managed to mind control the different officiers in the building, so that I can get some extra EXP and start to hate Growlithe. A puzzle later, we find Corey and he finally agrees to challenge us. Time for this part's final time. VS Agent Corey Victory in my first try. I pretty much followed the same strategy in my first attempt, but got rid off the flaws in the second attempt. Training a bit more would've made it a bit easier too. Probably the one and only Gym leader with a type advantage I'm going to label as managable before fighting, because I knew Roselia can sweep most of his team. The 5 leaders + Cal/Blake/Bennet should be harder Before giving us the hard earned badge, he wants to meet us at Beryl Bridge. After leaving the gym, we are greated by an Absol and everybody should know that this is probably no good sign. Upon meeting Corey, he frees his team members, explains his intentions for cooperating with team Meteor, tasks us with protecting Heather against Meteor, and commits suicide. I was pretty surprised during my first run when I saw this. To top things, Fern arrives, laughs about Corey and mocks us for not receiving a badge. To use his words, I'd love to test some survival of the fittest and let my Spike throw him down. Before Fern leaves, though, bombs explode and it might be a good idea to check those, including to check Corey's corpse in Lapis Ward, one of our next destinations. This finishes the story part of this post, I leave the freshly caught monsters down below. These are all new additions for now. I'll probably catch what's missing before Shelly. I will have to do some training before facing Shelly, so the next update might have to wait a while (for will not contain everything up to Shelly). Until next time~
  15. I once thought of doing a Bug run myself, so I'm happy to see somebody else does it. I sometimes feel it's far more interesting to see types not everyone uses. As a sidenote, I voted for steel. I could not say no to one of my favourite types.
  16. About Wormadam: I think you can get every form before Julia actually. If my memory serves me right, I had all cloaks while training my Budew in my Mono Grass run. I think the underground railnet is the trash cloak and the different alleys sand (or vice versa).
  17. What you wrote is basically my idea right now (more or less). Good to know it works^^ Edit: Oh, and I'll definetly use Nature Power. It is an amazing move in Reborn
  18. About fire: with most "hated" I probably chose the wrong wording (as I don't really hate any). During my childhood, many of my friends talked about how good the fire type is and at some point I started to dislike the type for the sake of giving contra. There are some fire mons I like (I look at you Cyndaquil line), but the giving contra still is slightly present in my thinking xD
  19. In the last Chapter Julia was defeated and now it's time to progress further. Chapter II: A Park out of Control Recently, we were asked to help with plants attacking the Onyx Wards. During our way there we meet Florinia anew and get acces to the ward. We part ways with her temporarily and get going to again help Reborn. Not that we have any possibility to do something selse. We seem to get dragged into problems regularly and seem to be okay with that for some reason. Anyways, a short stop in a Beauty Salon later because our heroine needs to look good we have a Soothe Bell in our possession which makes the gaining-friendship-process easier and ultimately results in another evolution. With this bit of extra power it is time to continue our journey. It soon is obvious that we will have to take a longer way, as cracks in the ground prevent us from taking the direct path. Yay! Not to mention the differents vines piercing through the ground. Good they aren't attacking humans. We soon get informed that we have to go through the slums and on our way there we meet a friend, Victoria. Somehow she wants to help the ward and wants to make sure that we are save. After she learns that we want to go through the slums she does not let us pass immediately. She wants to test if we are really strong enough to take care of ourselves and attacks us. She could just tag along if she feared about our safety, but this would have been too easy I guess. VS Apprentice Victoria So, with Victoria out of the way we can finally enter the slum. While walking through the area we encounter the usual: people trying to rob us and end up giving us their money and not vice versa and walking boxes. Nothing to worry about, I guess. Not with a team of 4 that are easily better trained than the opponents. When we finally reach the exit of the slums, we learn that the walking boxes aren't really a mystery. In fact, it's a gang of Scraggy deciding to attack us. Nothing too difficult, especially with Coco/HP-Fighting and Spike/Pin Missile, but Rose and Cherry can deal some damage too, even though they don't have the defences to live long (especially when the gang's boss attack). Let's skip this fight and talk about something slightly more challenging but still an easy sweep. We cannot head directly to the Onyx Park and have to make a Stop in Coral first. There, we meet a blue haired woman trying to save an Oshawott. After talking to her, we quickly learn that she is Amaria, a high ranking gym leader specializing in the water type. Soon after Cain arrives and saves the Oshawott with his Grimer. Afterwards, the Pokemon wants to join Cain who agrees after Amaria convinces him, quickly ending his poison mono rather quickly. Of course, he wants to test his new friend against me. VS Pretty Boy Cain So, after we defeated Cain he is off again and we can now head to the Park, finally. There, we meet both Florinia and Amaria who want to raid the vines together with us. So that we are able to enter the park we are given the HM for Cut, which might be useful in the next chapter. Anyways, upon enteirng the park we somewhat learn anew why officials tend to be rather useless in Pokémon games (okay, not necessarily gym leaders in Reborn), but the two leaders don't show their finest hour by getting caught in the vines. Soon after, we meet the new 3 in 1 Meteor Admin ZEL. Through some failed experiment three different person fused together and resulted in ZEL. Oh, and they are somehow involved in the creation of PULSE, our next opponent. VS Meteor Admin ZEL For this fight I don't use any spoilers, as this is everything you'll see anyways. Thanks to the AI Tangrowth relied on Acid Spray, which is negated by Spikes's Bulletproof. Thus, a few Pin Missiles later I win. Honestly, without Bulletproof this battle would've been a pain in the ass. With the problem of Onyx Ward solved, we are informed that Florinia is willing to fight us in her gym. Amaria thanks us too and soon both are off, allowing us to catch new team members. So, time to enter Florinia's gym. Easier said than done, as Fern prooves why he is an ass and blocks the school of and makes us fight many pupils. Yay, extra EXP! After a while we battled everyone and answered the questions thanks to the internet. Even though I could remember one or two myself surprisingly. So, time to face Fern. He wants to be a nice guy and wants to spare us a disgrace, how kind of him. Maybe he should've done it in another manner. Now I want to kick a certain somebody's ass. VS Swag Jockey Fern After Fern loses he rages... or cries? about how bad I am and don't deserve any badges. And if I as a second rate trainer get badges he should be able to sweep through the league. The usual arrogance of our most loved Rival. He finally let's me enter to get my badge. Some training later: Now, onwards to Florinia who thanks us anew for helping with Meteor related affairs and starts the battle. VS Leader Florinia With this battle done, we deserve our second badge and the TM for Nature Power. Victory in the first try. With this, the second chapter is over and it's time to head to the next Ward. Apparently, plants are on a rampage there too. Until next time~
  20. Raging about Megas? While I do like to use them from time to time, I never really understood the sense why Pokémon need to do this other than copying Digimon. Anyway, best of luck for your run. Before I chose grass I considered fire, but this would've probably fallen in the category of "most hated type" (it's at least one of those for me).
  21. Good luck with your run. I hope you'll enjoy it~
  22. Good luck with your run. Before deciding for Grass in my mono-run, I actually considered to choose Water myself (which would be my favourite type, probably).
  23. Thanks so far. I actually have more concerns about Shelly, though. Corey should be manageable (in the past, I defeated 4-5 of his mons just with Roselia, which should give me enough members to deal with his crobat).
  24. After, finally, finishing E16 I decided to start a new save and to give me some form of challenge. As the Title suggests, I decided to start a Grass Mono-run. Why grass? Well, it is one of my favourite types and with the many weaknesses it has should give me a nice challenge throughout the game. The rules for this run are easy: only grass types, and those that eventually become one, are allowed for trainer and major battles. Pictures and batles will be generally put in spoilers. Chapter I: A Journey Begins First things first, the protagonist. I decided to pick one of the two females and took the one I thought would like grass types more. Now, the starter. At first, I considered choosing Snivy cause Contrary-Leasf Storm fun, but choose another one for a bit more coverage. After we got our starter, the obligatory test-your-Pokemon battles begin. In a first battle against Cain we defeat his Nidoran after multiple Tackles, just to do the same with Victoria and her Tepig. Nothing interesting, so I took no Screenshots. Moving on, the registration is done and we are given some goodies for our adventure. While exploring the Opal and Peridot Ward, Spike easily takes care of the trainers and quickly gathers experience. After picking up the Rose Incense, it's time to recruit the first two new team members. The third one has to wait, because I did not receive Zigzagoon, but more about this topic later on. A few fights and training sessions later, we finally reach the first tough battle. Time to face the nice and well-loved Fern not. VS Swag Jockey Fern All in all, this fight was not very challenging, it just took a while. Spike would be faster, but my Cherubi needed more EP. Before he goes he just prooves to be an ass and talks about meeting others at another factory. After the battle I thought about Julia and decided I felt uncomfortable with just a team of 3. So, as I was not willing to train a Bidoof until it learns Headbutt, I used my Laptop and PC and transferred a Zigzagoon over from my main file to headbutt some trees. Quicker than to wait for somebody else to trade, I guess. The new member: So, while training Coco, the first evolution happened, yay! Some extra power for the coming battles. Now, after a bit of progressing, we are invited to join Julia and some of her friends to raid a factory. More specifically, a Team Meteor base. Everybody who knows the game knows that we have to team up with our facourite character Fern. While I usually enjoy such passages, Fern prooved to be fairly useless. Or rather, my shield. For some reason, the AI loved to attack Fern. Even when having a type advantage against me, they still attacked him. Looks like I'm not the only one who likes to bully him. After a few encounters and an almost-boom later, we reach the one's in charge. A man with hidden identity who battles the two gym leaders, and Eclipse and Aster who attack Fern and myself. Battle VS Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse I'd love to show you more, but I needed to do a second try which I forgot to screenshot. Whoops. Anyway, I used Spike and Fern was kind enough to shield him. The only succesful move Fern managed to use was a Growth on his Budew, while Magby made sure to damage him with Fire Spin/Ember and Elekid with Swift/Shock Wave. I relied on Rollout to take out Magby first. The first hit did deal roughly half HP damage and made them waste their Potion. A crit finished Magby off in my second round. Finally, I hoped the third round of Rollout would take out Elekid... but it missed. Elekid took out Fern's Lotad and Spike & Snivy teamed up. I defeated the Elekid with Bite and a Vine Whip, while Elekid defeated Snivy. So much about Fern's arrogance. Anyway, after the battle is one, the mysterious man is not willing to fight four opponents and leaves. Afterwards, we go and Julia kabooms destroys the factory. Before Julia, I did some more training... Now, time for the first gym challange. Battle VS Cheer Captain Julia As I said, i probably trained too much to have a real challenge. Victory in my first try. With the first Badge the level cap rises to 25 and get the TM for Charge Beam. While do like this move as such, it is pretty useless for my run. After leaving the Gym, we meet Victoria who talks about problems in the Onyx Ward. I guess you all now what this means? Anyway, that's it for today. I'll post more when I have some more time to write my progress down.
  25. I @Jess Ice attacks easily destroy it. On the glitch field it can handle those attacks relatively easy from physical attackers, but otherwise the fourtime weakness utterly devastates this dragon.
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