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  1. Hey, I've been trying to get the Gulpin in Peridot to jump out but I'm not having any luck. Is there anything I have to do beforehand? Any weather conditions/time of day? Please help!
  2. The battle against Prison Guard Emile is being a pain because the script is hanging. Please help.
  3. Thank you, I just updated and its still not working. Game.rxdata
  4. Whenever I interact with the wall I get the message "The Stone is cracked and discolored" and then nothing happens, I can't use the mining kit.
  5. No, I don't think so, How would i do that?
  6. Yea, I'm stuck in the cell. I lost to the one guard who battles you, and now I can't figure how to get out of the cell again. Help!
  7. Game.rxdata I can't seem to get out of the cell in Blacksteeple after losing a battle. Thanks!
  8. The script kept stopping, so I lost against the security guard that loved the satellite in the Blacksteeple Prison. Now I'm in the cell and the door is closed. What do I do?
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