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9 Fledgling

About AnnDy

  • Birthday 11/28/1999

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    Anime. Rock music. Manga.

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  1. Sorry for the late response, but i managed to get the event going, i messed a bit with my pc and the time.
  2. Ummm, i mean i updated my game from 13 to 13.5, i completed the main story of version 13 before updating....and i do not remember converting it while playing the 13.5 version...
  3. I forgot to mention that i tried on night time as well. Went trough the entire map and did not find her, i went in every room, house and place accesible.
  4. Hello everyone, i have a bit of a problem here. I started the lost souls quest a while back, i don.t remember in what version, and contiuned it on the current version of 13.5. Problem is i can not find Mosley, i advanced to the point where she runs to the Hope district for some medicine and i can not trigger the event or something. Any help ? I completed the main story btw.
  5. Hello everyone ! It's been a while since i visited the forum. I did not play Rejuvenation for quite some time and i kinda forgot a part of the story and i was hopping that you would be kind enough to help me. Other than that things are in the fog and i could use a reminder, even those quests outside of the main story would be a huge help since i loved exploring the "world" after the main story, those quests were super fun. I think i will replay the game at some point, but until then i thought of getting a refresher.
  6. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ˜„πŸ°

    1. AnnDy


      Thank you very much , i wish you a great day to you too !Β πŸ˜ƒ

    2. LykosHand


      Thanks a lot πŸ˜„Β and you're welcome πŸ˜‰

  7. For now its in To be continued stage , maybe in v11 we will continue but since the MC is in GDC i dont think so .
  8. Sashila Village , from the screenshot from Jan it has to do with the desert right ? So that person may be the Gym leader like you said guys. It couldnt be Ren because he has dark eyes and hair and wears a scarf .
  9. Well since nobody said it (and i think i know why) , how about the father of the MC ? It will be nice to kill this pokemon cliche , The father who left the home(or died). Now for real , do we now a character with green eyes and brown hair who isnt Aevium ?
  10. The Yacht is always there , you can go back with it .
  11. Nice , i have one to , i dont use it tho =).
  12. You need surf for them someting you get after Valerie , sorry.
  13. No qustions asked . First thing that i will do after updating the game is to come here.
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