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  1. I did soft-reset again and again to find 4 IVs Ditto in the factory then let it held a Destiny Knot. After that, I chose good IVs Beldum to replace the one breeding with Ditto before and pray that IVs with 31 will pass down. I breeded a lot to find one with both 5IVs and shiny but not many of them have 5IVs, ugh.
  2. I have some Beldum (31/31/31/x/31/31) and Charmander (31/x/31/31/31/31) after breeding to find their shiny form. If you need, please comment below. I don't have any specific in return, any pokemons that you have. I just want to collect ID to play lottery btw.
  3. I would like a Togepi and a Feebas but maybe I have nothing you want in return. Bagon, Gible, Larvesta or Gastly... Or ask anything and I will check my box storage.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a Alolan Vulpix with or without Freeze-Dry/Moonblast. I have a female Ralts with Modest/5 max IVs or a shiny Eevee. If not, offer your interested pokemon, and I will check mine.
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