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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by MrShadowWolf

  1. ...The reason is because Charlotte doesn't enable Waterfall, she enables Dive. You shouldn't be able to use Waterfall at this point in time, you only get to use Waterfall outside of battle after you beat Terra lol.
  2. Gonna hop in to ask, but uh. Doesn't seem like Galarian Linoone's able to evolve to Obstagoon? Pretty sure I fulfilled the requirements for evolution, which is 35 or above and night but it's not working period unless there are some additional requirements. Aside from that, is there any headsup on the pokemon locations? Peeking at the encounters PBS file lets me single out any wild encounters for Gen 8 mons, so that's not too bad but I don't have any inkling on any event mons, so it's harder for those, particularly the Gen 8 starters and such. Edit, In hindsight, I missed the fact that the alternate form want the plates to evolve, but as far as I've tested, it doesn't seem to work? Petilil holding the Fist Plate doesn't evolve into H-Lilligant when Sun Stone is used, same goes for Stantler into Wyrdeer, etc.
  3. Hey Bluetowel. Ran into a little something when it comes to the Lilligant in Secluded Jungle. Not sure what caused it, but she seems to have moved back to her original spot where you normally would offer her the flower and is now blocking my way to get Grookey (Which I assumed required Rock Climb when I first tried it, totally possible that it was possible as soon as you beat Lilligant but I'm very tone deaf). Just a heads up I guess. I'm not too bothered at missing the Grookey for now, just something to note.
  4. Welp, that makes me very big sad. Time to suffer through fixing it's IVs, bit by bit via EVs with the mod that lets me do so at least. It'll take forever, but I'll make it usable. And good to know so that I don't fuss too much over the other variant. Thanks for all the hard work, BlueTowel.
  5. Ah, another question since I've zoomed through the game some more. I've gotten my hands on the Rhybombee but I'm curious if I can breed it? Or get another copy of it? As well as whether or not it's possible to get the other one that you didn't pick. Just to clear things up since I do wanna use it but the IVs are pretty dumpster right now and breeding it only gives Cutieflies.
  6. Ah. Alright, thank you for the heads up. How many of these special condition plate evolutions are there out of curiosity, I know the Vees are weather/terrain based for Vap/Jolt/Flare but anyone else? Also glad for the clarification on the pixie Ponya, just a small thing I wanted to ask.
  7. Hey, BlueTowel. Trying to get Reaper Duskull to prep for the future Reaper Dusknoir, but leveling it up with an Iron Plate held doesn't change it's form on evolution and neither does breeding a Duskull holding an Iron Plate. The other parent is a ditto, but it worked for the other pokemons that I tried it on. Not quite sure what's going on there. Another thing to note was that I noticed the Pixie Ponyta you can find in Vanhanen is pure Fire but is listed as Fire/Fairy in the wiki, not sure if it's an intended thing or something else.
  8. Yep, I figured it was mainly plates from mining right now. I haven't been zooming through them all cuz I only just got access to purchasable Blast Powder myself again and I've been trying to focus a little on the fossils. Was kind of hoping for a slightly easier method of getting plates but it's a very small thing. Thank you very kindly for the very neat mod, makes Reborn a little more fresh and opens up quite a lot of new options. And nice to know the stat order and it's quite surprising some of these changes to Eeveelutions, super interesting. I'm super excited for my soon to be Physical Sweeper Glaceon. On a side note, I'm not sure if this is intended or not but I've noticed that the Floral Vulpixes in Secluded Jungle occasionally show up with Drought/Flash Fire and I believe they're not supposed to(?) I'm not entirely sure. In addition, Aside from all that though, keep up the good work. I'm super eager to see the next major update to this mod.
  9. Been enjoying the mod a ton so far, lots of neat things and while I haven't used a whole ton of the altforms so far because I'm paranoid about limited plates, the ones I have used are real neato. That said however, I'm breeding out Vees right now and I wanted to ask, how are the stats ordered in the Makeshift Altdex? I don't actually have any clue which numbers correspond to which stat, and in addition for other pokemon, does a lack of listed stats mean they're the same as the originals? Just wanna make sure I have proper natures for the vees and stuff.
  10. Apologies if this has already been answered in another thread, but I couldn't really find one with a concrete answer. Is it possible for me to get back to Citae Arc-D'Astrae after I've saved Adrienn and progressed the story far past that point? I'm already basically at the end of E16, left with having to fight Adrienn in Coral Ward. Asking since I wanted to grab the Sigilyph that I didn't realize was apparently in Citae Arc-D'Astrae. I'm running about in the caves underneath Grand Stairway, it doesn't seem like it's possible to re-enter, unless it's through a slightly less obvious route?
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