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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by FairFamily

  1. Complete destruction in 3,2,1...



    Remember yugioh is fair and balanced 😜


    1. Wolfox


      Virus Rokkets. interesting

  2. Victoria is character where I have a guess what they are/were going with but doesn't really fit in the/a story. Now to me Victoria feels like the normal/weak one with a kind heart which is forced to accept life as it goes: her crush betrayed her, her sensei is dead, didn't got a single badge, she never had any major acts of victory (unlike cain or fern for instance), she lost several times against the MC. Weakness is to me what defines Victoria. She even accepts it after Lin's trap which supposed to make her surpass Kiki (which kinda is). She is weak. But here is the problem: Vicoria does nothing. Her constant failures combined with her acceptances of the situations as they go, makes her do nothing. Her only 'action' in the story is being a roadblock. In a story it seems weird because action makes the plot move forward. Mind you doing nothing can be an action since you can deny something from happening, like being a council that clings to the old ways. She is like a leave in the winds: scenery.
  3. I thought it was obvious that we obviously won't win this tournament because "plot" or at least won't get the reward. There are many ways this can turn out especially when the tournament organizer (I think cassandra organizes it), bladestar, team xen , 3 gods, Nim (which can turn people to stone) , Crescent (whose gothitelle can bend space and time) , Madame X who also can bend time, Krystal/Damien who re connected to Nim and a mary sue which steals all the spotlight and glory are all involved in this tournament either directly or indirectly.
  4. Balance is key but I do deviate from it if the teams needs it. For instance my gastrodon in reborn didn't have a single stab move. Infestation, clear smog, stockpile and recover made for an incredible wall.
  5. Happy labour day. The day where we don't work.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      yknow I kinda like how this works.

  6. Across yugioh series, anime or manga, main characters, support cast or even rivals have used the critter known as Kuriboh. Each unique in their own right but which is one your favorite? Only the manga or anime apperances count and forms won't be separated. If you need a refresfer or an intruduction I have a nice picture of each below. 1. Kuriboh 2. Clear Kuriboh 3. The Kuriboh brothers 4. Winged Kuriboh 5. Kuribon 6. Junkuriboh 7. Kuriphoton 8. Kurivolt 9. Rainbow Kuriboh 10. Performapal Kuriborder 11. Sphere Kuriboh 12. Linkurboh
  7. When even the most broken card can't save your opponent from his own stupidity.




    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      "At the end of the Battle Phase, if your opponent controls more cards than you do: You can make your opponent banish cards from their fieldface-down so they control the same number of cards as you do. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand."


      the fuck?


      this kind of powercreep scares me.

    2. FairFamily


      The card is stupid. This cements the need of hand traps (cards that can be activated from the hand during the opponents turn) even more. People justify this degeneracy with : "Going second isn't auto-lose" and 'Just don't overextend".


      I fear that yugioh will evolve to a game where placing cards on the field will be a thing you don't want to do but have to do. So they will pass until they can finish/lock their opponent in a single turn. I have seen signs of this but we aren't quite there yet.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      what the actual fuck. thats disgusting.

  8. Yo dawg I heard you liked eyes restrict monster.



    (yes, eyes restrict is the archetype name)

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      thats fucking SICK.

    2. FairFamily


      It is one of the things I like with playing (against) non-meta you never know what to expect.

  9. I don't think I ever got as old school as this:




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FairFamily


      Yeah, the card has aged pretty well, considering how old it is.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      im glad ive been able to use him as well as I could when he was meta in duel links. never managed to actually get a copy of the card irl back when I was a wee lad, which sucked because it was one of pegasus' ace cards and I loved pegasus.


      I wouldnt know how well it performs in regular ygo right now, but I suppose that its mechanics are still rather unique, which can give it a niche in the slightest sense of the word.

    4. FairFamily


      In yugioh millenium-eyes/relinquished is 100% non-meta or rogue (not meta but might sneak a victory somewhere) and thus falls under casual. In that category it does pretty well, links empowered it rather then weakened it especially since it gots its own link monster.



      " Relinquished Anima

      1 Level 1 monster, except a Token
      You can target 1 face-up monster this card points to; equip that target to this card (max. 1). Gains ATK equal to that equipped monster's ATK. You can only use this effect of "Relinquished Anima" once per turn."

      (technically doesn't work with the support but who cares)

      You're mostly focussing on the new millenium eyes fusion monster but the OG comes up from time to time. There is some good ritual support out there.


      For the mechanic snatching there has been meklord (an anime anti-synchro archtype that made me lose a lot of respect in yusei) and Silent honor (D)ARK (another anime archtype) but nothing does it with the freedom as reluinquished which makes it extremely fun. 

  10. I would be a nerd/backpacker ( of maybe even both) depends on how financially stable being backpacker is. I would love to make travels throughout the pokemon world but I'm not sure if I would do it all the time. My team: Delphox: My favorite starter and a fire pkmn that I feel wouldn't accidently burn my house/forest/meadow down or at least can put it out with its psychic powers. Vaporeon: Isn't he cute? He can walk on land so I don't need to keep him in a pokebal when I am somewhere without water. Apparantly it can predict rain which is always practical. Whimsicott: Not the most practical pokemon always pulling pranks and leaving cotton everywhere. At least life won't be boring. Mismagius: Whimsicott's partner in crime. Never grew up from being a mismagius. A bit less harmless than Whimsicott but at least it isn't stealing the victim's soul. Archeops: Archeops is in my opinion the coolest flying type. Having a flying pkmn will be always handy since I might get lost in the vast world. Porygon2: A completely coded pokemon is certainly cool. It is designed for exploration so it will certainly enjoy travelling.
  11. Well dustox does its job well. Early game wall with natural access to moonlight, toxic, venoshock and a psychic move. Gastrodon was also amazing. Recover, stockpile + clear smog made it incredibly easy to wall some of reborns leaders (looking at you Amaria and Ciel). Be prepared for some ethers or elixers though. Finally amoonguss was a great pivot with spore and regenerator. It can easily facilitate some sweeps.
  12. Well they are quite close but the barian onslaught is slightly better. Nash is my favorite villain and the fact that there were some real casualties made it the better arc. What the dark signer however had, was motivation and personal conflict : characters like carly, misty, bommer, sayer, kiryu all had personal reasons to fight as had the signers. The barians' reasons were like, we are barians or we are mind controlled let's fight. Luckely Nash and vector had some motivation otherwhise the roles would have been switched. The yugioh anime is not about dueling but about conflict, duels are just a way to visualise it.
  13. It was an interesting read but I feel a 30% mark for the hook can be a bit late. A 30% hook will certainly work for 1~12 hour games but it is already pushing it for ~20 hour games. Then for 25~60 games a hook at 30% is way too late.
  14. Maybe we are looking at the word marriage wrong. Marriage doesn't necessarily mean romantic relation. At this time and age, this is more common but it is not required. Mariage is at its core an union between two people. So for a pokemon and human marriage may just mean that the pokemon is considered a true member of the family through the bond it and the human. Or that human and pokemon are inseparable and want to commit in that way. So yeah pokemon waifus aren't confirmed yet. Besides we don't even know how pokemon reproduce (the eggs just magically appear).
  15. Well technically Terra is not at minus 6, the glitch field uses the highest special stat for special attack damage calculation (both offense and defense). So even if Terra's Garchomp has -6 spcial attack,it doesn't matter since the special defense is used. For the team I would let that meowstic learn reflect and light screen for abusing that prankster. Also it might be interesting to look for something that can learn haze or clear smog to negate all her boost shenigans (amnesia counts as 2 calm minds due to the field).
  16. My ears and head are sweating from my headphones, but the music is just too good. It even got to the point that they are slipping.

    Here have a sample




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