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Everything posted by FairFamily

  1. I just finished final fantasy explorers. It was pretty decent for a monster hunter/final fantasy hybrid. The game was seriously held back by its monster design which is a shame because the combat was very good.


    Still after facing Ifrit for the umpteenth time it gets boring.

  2. Aunt: Is that your girlfriend?

    Me: that is my cousin.

    1. Wolfox


      Me: *facepalm*

  3. You can technically leave through time manipulation as well (unless that got patched)
  4. I finally finished building a "working" "rokket" deck. Funnily enough I took ideas from a collegue of revolver: Vaira. Virusses and rokkets: seems like a fantastic idea. Now I have chemical missile deck.

  5. I played roller coaster tycoon again in a very long time: 16 people died. -_-

    1. Zargerth


      Don't you mean just 16?

    2. FairFamily


      I wasn't trying.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      could have been worse.


      or better depending on your point of view.

  6. Cain: I've come here to kiss ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum.
  7. So what happense with minior if it is at exactly 50% HP? Does it go to meteor form , core form or does it simply stay in the form it is?
  8. Well my favorite stupid strategy was at one point: abuse ditto. Basically Jan basically creates aburd fights with fields,weather, legendaries, custom moves, ... to the point of ridicolousness. So ditto served as a way to make all these unfair advantages my own. The strategy had mixed results but in general it was a at the very least a one for one and some fights it absolutely dominated (looking at you amber). I eventually boxed the ditto because it was just too much gimmick and I never knew what the custom which was downright infuriating. Another one was scolipede (for another intense run) for the annoying single boss mon by using toxic, protect and dig. Protect and speed boost allowed me to guarantuee a toxic on the next turn against these boss mons and I sacked all my pokemon for an easy kill. Dig was used to stall a bit more. E9 gym spoiler
  9. @Kurotsune Personally I think that your definition of what a toturial entails is a bit too expansive. For instance to me, mission statements are not part of the toturial in my opinion as is laying out hints in how mechanics might work. Secondly controlling what skill level a player should have, by setting a certain bar is also not part of what in my opinion entails a toturial not is introducing new skills/mechanics. To me a toturial is a section of the game where the game explicity states to the player how the mechanics function. It's a moment where the game tries to reduce exploration and discovery of the mechanics and wants to make sure what information is relayed to the player.
  10. Yeah I figured as much for the first one, still thought you should know. Minor bug Also minior seems to be super bugged - pink form seems to be the shield up form for minior - It's base special attack and special defense are switched in shield upform (don't know about shield down form) . - At exactly 50% it seems to be switching back and forth between forms. - Power gem has 70 base power instead of the 80
  11. Spoiler



  12. geodude with 11 hp + sturdy + oran berry spam.
  13. Personally I think type-(in)balance is very important because it is a part of the pokemon design space. Stats, looks ,typing , moves, abilities and lore are what makes up a pokemon and are the tools developper has to create pokemon.The combination of these elements is the design space and a pokemon takes up a spot of the design space. Each player has requirements from said design space. Some people want to play the game with cute pokemon, some want to play with strong pkmn,... . The requirements are vast and varied and competivity is part of it. Game freak wants to satisfy as much of these requirements as possible. A good typing (in)balance allows for a bit more flexibility on the other design elements and broadens the design space which is good. However it can also hinder design space. I think Ice is actually very restrictive typing in that regard. I think there is potential for a lot of cool or cute ice pokemon but simply won't have the mileage to keep me interested. That being said you don't have to change the typing to broaden your design space. Good usage of moves and abilties are also a way to broaden design space. I think moves like freeze-dry, aurora veil and abilities like slush rush have been an efforts to expand the design space for ice types. So no I don't think they are biased towards types. For gen 1 bias, I think that it is natural since they want to reach a broader audience and most people have a connection for gen 1.
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