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Everything posted by FairFamily

  1. There is a megastonelocations.txt file in your game folder. You can see which stones there are available and where you can get them.
  2. https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Friendship @Ice Cream Sand Witch it is indeed different.
  3. I must admit that I've never finished a monster hunter game (except stories but not what I mean). Somewhere I lose intrest because the game is just so long and doesn't retain my interest I still come either with a new game or I reset. So never finished one.


    So I'm trying final fantasy explorer. A monster hunter-esque game with final fantasy classes? Sounds like the best of both worlds. It even got monster ally npc's, they really know to hook me in. Blue mage Fair and her monster friends are ready to conquer the world.


  4. When the yugioh vrains mirror force joke isn't even enough. The madmen at konami actually released mirror force launcher. 


    A card that searches or recycles mirror force every turn and even punish the opponent for destroying it while set. I might play traptrix tonight.

    1. Wolfox


      Damn. I know I said that I loved Mirror Force in the past and that it scares certain Link Decks shitless, but this might be a bit much

  5. I'm not sure If 'm fan of that greninja. Greninja is basically made of paper so I feel that weirdly split ev set is notworth it. Also I think hydro pump outclasses surf on greninja. For elektros consider an assault vest. Shell bell is really not worth it.
  6. I didn't have many moves to check, I think stakataka could learn smack down but I'm not sure. What is weirder is that they can now learn the moves properly. For the icon sprites: bulbapedia has the icon sprites, I downloaded them and modified them a bit to fit the icon format of rpg maker.
  7. I also found a bug with the learnsets of the ultra beasts: a lot of tm moves are not available to the new ultra beast including the custom hidden powers.
  8. Considering we got flame charge in E16 and don't even have protect yet, I doubt we will. Ame considers moves the final custumisation/growth a team can have so she wants to postpone them until the end so that most players teams can progress throughout the full game. Thunderbolt , ice beam are all generic coverage moves so I think they are reserved until the very end.
  9. Welcome to reborn hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. Well I finished project x zone 2 and I must say that it was a good game. The mechanics were solid and I feel that for a massive crossover game the story was pretty good. Most importantly I had fun.


    If you are a fan of wacky crossovers and strategy games I certainly recommend this one.

    1. seki108


      Didn't really follow the second one (since Zengar and crew left), but how do the stories compare?  Also, do they still have cross gates in that one?

    2. FairFamily


      I didn't play the first one so I can't tell.

  11. The pokemon from the factory: vanillite, makuhita, cyndaquil,... are an option. Nuzleaf is also plot related. If you were to push it gothithelle is another one.
  12. I found a bug (a bit late). Getting pokmeon of the undiscovered egg group doesn't guarantuee 3 perfect IVs. I also got this little thing:
  13. First I don't think Lin is human. I think she is actually a robot or puppet though but necesserably made from metal or wood. Lin seems to be closely connected to the Lin of the orphanage but at the same time both Sigmund and Saphira can't recognise her in their encounters. The fact that after all this time Sigmund still has to verify it, seems weird. The fact that Lin has narcolepsy, is weird as well. Lin at the orphanage certainly didn't have it or Sigmund would have recognised her immediately. Lin as an adult having narcolepsy makes any individual action she does extremely dangerous to herself. Imagine fighting the champion and sudden falling asleep. Not going to work. So I doubt Lin has narcolepsy but something else which Taka thought was narcolepsy. What Lin really is, hard to say but I think that from the underground Lin gained a new body made with Arceus' power. The reason why Lin is narcoleptic is because using this new body is very exhausting.
  14. Oh my that was a long time ago. I actually forgot knowing me back then it was probably charizard. To be fair getting to lvl 100 was quite trivial in gen 1 (or 2 for that matter). I think my first trained lvl 100 (instead of rare candied) was venusaur , I think.
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