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Everything posted by Svemir

  1. I did, I went to Night market first. Going to check dream complex to see if i'm missing something. Edit: OMG, found it. I was certain that home was on 100th floor of central building
  2. HI there. I went on search for clues with Huey and Lavender. We went to night club Nightlife where i fought Alakazam. After defeating Alakazam party said to go home. I tried going to central building floor 100, but i cant get in penthouse. What am I missing. Where do I need to go next?
  3. svemir Thanks for all pokemon!!!! And sorry for all the Rockruffs (in the middle of the breeding for shiny )
  4. No problem. It's not like it the matter of life and death I am free every day after 4pm Central European Time
  5. Hi there!!! If it is possible, can I get these pokemon: Formantis Comfey Shiny Type: Null?????? Bruxish Jangmo - o
  6. Svemir

    Safety Goggles

    Which part of desert?
  7. Thanks!!!!! Getting off Tauros did the trick!
  8. yeah, tried that as well, but sometihng non interactable is blocking my way... Don't know if it is bug, or if it is because of joltik event...
  9. I have 16 badges... So I have surf. But I can't get around those trees and webs. Any solution for that
  10. Svemir

    Safety Goggles

    Ok then, tnx.... I thought you need those too access areas that sandstorm rages... south of desert and train city... but i guess those are yet to be unlocked
  11. Svemir

    Safety Goggles

    I beat Corin, and when i go to chief he says: I suspect Corin-ouge won't stray too far. He knows this area like the back of his hand, meaning he'll probably come back after laying low for a while. Considering the direction he took... There might still be chance to find him. Of course, the most suited to the job is you. Just make sure to drag him back here so we can lock the lout up! Did I miss something? Is he somwhere else now after beating him in train town?
  12. Svemir

    Safety Goggles

    Hi guys, Can someone help me find that police officer that gives you safety goggles? I beat Corin Rouge, and now can't remember where is that police officer that gives you goggles...
  13. Can I get one as well, since I continued game from previous save file?
  14. I just want to salute to Excadrill for being a MVP on many of my teams. That thing packs a punch doesn't have any mercy!
  15. The thing is, I have the latest patch, released 5 days ago.... I don't know what seems to be the problem. I don't know if reverting to previous version would solve the problem?? This is my second play through because my first save file got corrupted and i didn't have this problem first time going through
  16. Hi there! Need help. After beating Amber and all that dialog with her and Venam, Venam and I went to Augustus to ask him where Melia is. When found out, Venam asked if i will go directly with her or not, I chose to go by myself. Now when I come to the Valor's Mountain big Blue/Pink door noone is there. Any advice? Am I missing something? Or just a bug?
  17. When evolving Decidueye learns Steam Eruption instead of Spirit Shackle XD P.S. I have the latest patch
  18. Reporting BUGs: When using Dragon Tail while opponent has no more pokemon but the one that is in battle, the pokemon disappears and then returns back. When in double battle and I have one pokemon in the battle, if I use Revive to revive another pokemon opponent is able to hit revived pokemon and kill it even though it is not yet in battle. Don't know if those are known bugs, I searched topic but didn't find anything about it.
  19. Requested Pokemon : Swirlix Gender : Item: Ability : Nature : jolly IV Spread : 5iv (xAtk) With or without Pokerus : Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : yes With or without Egg Moves: Belly Drum Other Egg Moves(please specify) : Special(Art or Sprite) : Offered Pokemon : Alakazam Gender : male Item : Ability : Magic Guard Nature : Timid IV Spread : 6Iv +EV trained Pokerus : yes Shininess : Egg Moves : Online ID : svemir Edit: I copied form from someone elses previous request and forgot to change IVs.... No need for perfect IVs. Sorry for realiseing it so late :/
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