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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Svemir

  1. Well RIP my Rejuvenation gameplay.... Last save 30 hours ago...
  2. Is there simple solution for these errors (in spoiler below) or do I need to post my save file for fixing?
  3. 4)Where the ghost type form of orricorio is (its at route 7, a bit hidden in the forest) Can you help me with this one? I just can't find where this place is... Silly me....Forgot to read all comments... -.- Found her
  4. I had the same problem, and patch didn't work for me... So I had to revert to V8 for game to work....
  5. Also try reading some of the ingame dialog to know what to do next instead of asking here on forum. And yeah, totally wrong part of forum
  6. Search here on forum, all versions are still posted here. There is a search box at the top of the page!
  7. Did you go back to Tesla's mansion? If you go there you'll se cut scene where Melia flies away on her Togekiss. After that, when you go to Valor mountain nothing happens. This is known bug here on forum and solution to pass that point is to revert to Pkmn Rejuvenation V8 to pass that point. Make sure you are in place that didn't change in V9 and that you have only pokemon to Gen6 in your party. Once you get to Valor mountain there will be some guy who will give you powder to change feelings of the mountain. After that save and reload everything in V9 and you should have everything else working.
  8. Requested Pokemon : Anorith Gender : Whatever Item: Choice Band Ability : Nature : Adamant IV Spread : 5iv x in sp attack With or without Pokerus : Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : shiny With or without Egg Moves: yes Other Egg Moves(please specify) : cross poison,curse and aqua jet Special(Art or Sprite) : Offered Pokemon : Zangoose Gender : Male Item : Life Orb Ability : Immunity Nature : Lonely IV Spread : 5IV xSpAtk Pokerus : no Shininess : yes Egg Moves : Night Slash Online ID : svemir
  9. Just admiring fullness of my Pokedex? This is the first time ever since I play pokemon games to have full pokedex.
  10. So, after everything it looks like I missed one pokemon. I had Anorith in PC somewhere but it looks like it went into WT by accident this saturday So this is last pokemon I am looking for: Anorith. This time I would like it to be shiny, and you can ask anything in return for it So yeah, full pokedex is 667 pokemon, MewTwo and Arceus are seen but unable to capture. And here are those *chough* unavailable pokemon included also.
  11. With this contract I conclude this trading season. Thank you all for particepating and I hope you enjoy your pokemon you've got.
  12. Give me a few mins. Just woke up
  13. Only two more contracts left. And just wow! I never expected this will go down as fast as it did. Thanks every one for cooperation
  14. I'm back again and ready to trade. Just send me PM when you're ready!
  15. Thank you Saintsy Also quick notice! Going offline for a while, but 3 contracts are still remaining. They will be resolved by simple rule: First Come, First Served. Thank you all for such speedy response!
  16. ok, waiting for request! Than you for trade. Enjoy your pokemons!
  17. Just give me a sign when you're ready!
  18. TY very much! Enjoy your pokemon!
  19. Ok, waiting for you when you're ready! Post here so I can go online!
  20. TY for the trade and enjoy your mons! Thanks for looking out for me
  21. Ready when you are. user: svemir Waiting for request.
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