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Everything posted by Svemir

  1. I mean, you really are insane! Insanely awesome. Everytime you're first when someone is looking for pokes and taking in return trash mons. And now, you give me 2 shinies with awesome IVs. You're real MVP!
  2. Ready when you are! user: svemir Waitin for request
  3. Hi there everybody! First of all, this post is inspired by @Saintsy's post with contract/reward system. I found it very interesting and good way to fill your pokedex. And this way I just want to say thanks for GREAT IDEA!! Pokemon listed in contracts are chosen completely by accident so I guess some of you will have more luck then the others. So some of the rules: Every contract is 4 pokemon based, exept for the last one. For every contract you get two pokemon and one hard to get item. The IVs are written by every pokemon offered. Contract no. 8 is special contract: For 6 pokemon you get 2 pseudo legendary (one shiny) and 2 hard to get items. Shiny pokemon will be colored with yellow. You must have all pokemon listed in contract to complete it. Contract no. 1 Contract no. 2 Contract no. 3 Contract no. 4 Contract no. 5 Contract no. 6 Contract no. 7 Contract no. 8
  4. Every time I saw I got you in WT I cheered up a little bit Every poke shiny and with item! Thank you!!!
  5. Thanks for explanation That's all I wanted to know. I found it interesting that's why I asked.
  6. @braulio hey there, nothing for offer and don't looking for anything instead one question Why are pokeballs important to you? Meaning, looking for some pokemon in specific pokeball? #CuriousGeorge
  7. Then you should update that first post to avoid later confusion
  8. Hi there! I am interested in that shiny steelix you're offering. In return i can offer you shiny scyther but it is male one. If needed i can breed you female one
  9. This is a monorun availability guide and very usefull to find out which pokemon are available in what episode
  10. yes it has! Just finished steel monorun and was veeery surprised to find that
  11. How about shiny Gligar with 5IV (x in SpAtk) for my Honedge
  12. Hi there! I really like shiny poke and collecting them all around. I'd like Aron Joltik Charmander Hippopotas all of them from shiny list. In return I can offer almost every poke and item so feel free to ask. Got some shiny Scyther, shiny Zangoose from breeding that I can point out.
  13. I'd like 5IV shiny croagunk and heracross please
  14. After the first day, steel type has got some early lead, and fairy started well but fell behind. Looks like I'm gonna do a steel monorun if this trend continues Day two, and nothing changes! ==> Steel got another vote up. After one day playing, already got my first badge, and all available steel type pokemon trained to lvl 20 and above. THANKS FOR VOTING EVERYONE!
  15. A-Muk, Mimikyu, Decidueye ( because it looks so damn awesome!!! )
  16. sure, i don't mind pics of my favourite pokemon I know, looking what's going on every half hour I bet it is. All those poke types are here because I think they are a cool choice to have. I don't know, I was never really that fond of using Normal type pokemon (although I use snorlax ) After mudkip, piplup is my favourite starter, so yes, that's why there is steel type in poll And I chose Bug as one of the options because I saw your post abour bug monotype run I find it really fun
  17. So here's the deal. I was veeeeery bored and I scrolled through this forum and saw all those beautiful monotype runs. The problem is I just can't decide which team should I choose! So I started this pole to help me choose which monotype. At the end of fifth day since starting this pole, whichever type has the most votes will be the one I will use. TY for participating.
  18. It should be familliar Got it from that wonder trade party
  19. I know it's not 6IV as S.Paul offers but still pretty good IVs. If you're interested let me know.
  20. I left Flame Burst just because of field changing effect in Reborn.
  21. Yeah I know, but I just love that Curse on Chandelure. It's almost as destiny bond, but instead takes oponent in 3-4 turns and I have a chance of surviving I'm sorry, but it's kind of personal to me, with all this online play now and everything, I think there should be only one save like this. If you are in need for pokemon, there are a lot of pokemon trading guilds here that will give you pokemon if you ask nicely
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