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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Svemir

  1. Let's hope Episode 17 brings it to us
  2. About gardevoir and magnezone, I totally agree... That's just because they are easily obtainable and provide good coverage
  3. So guys, what do you think of my team? Because i finished ep16 really fast, I had time to collect all those rare pokemon and EV train them, so I have a lot pokemon to rotate. I picked these 6 thinking they provide best coverage. What do you guys think?
  4. I've got a 4IV female Marill for you if you're interested? In return, I would like shiny eevee
  5. Thank you guys for today! I kept 79 pokes from todays WT @Lightseeker I got lot of shiny pokemon from you in this second release. And thank to all other members on participating!!!!
  6. Yeah, that's fine really. There is a lot of new trainers that would really benefit from those ralts I was just trying to be funny
  7. Really gratefull. It comes in handy for compeating pokedex. Also, called friends to get in for some action so they can get some cool pokes. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
  8. The number of Ralts in wonder trade is too damn high It's almost as being Zubats of Wonder trade
  9. Hey GUYS, me again.... Because it's mine post asking here.... Does anyone have any spare eviolite??? I am able to give almost any poke in return, just ask...
  10. Yanma : *5IV (x Atk), *gender - female, *any egg moves - shadowball?, * nature - Modest
  11. Sorry, don't have much fossil pokemon nor shieldon, but I would be grateful if you could breed one honedge for me. Do you want anything else?
  12. Hi there, I am looking for Fletchling, Honedge, Magikarp and Dratini. If you want something in return you can ask and I will see if I am have wanted pokemon. IVs are not important for pokemon I am looking for.
  13. Svemir

    Random question

    Hi guys, I just wanted to ask you what does this symbol under gender means? I got this axew by trade and wandering what does this mean...
  14. These are all pokemon I got from Wonder Trade, and I want to say thanks to all you out there who are giving away those rarer pokemon for us not so competitive players
  15. Hi there, I'm looking for Froakie and willing to give up Mudkip for it, or maybe some other pokemon if you're interested
  16. WOW, just WOW, I mean so much WOW. Site itself is awesome looking. Just had a quick glance at the game and it looks amazing.
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