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  1. i dont know what happened to mine but i had one and hes gone! mustve accidently released him ;; thank you in advance!
  2. the carvanha and scraggy sound fantastic, ill take those please!
  3. those would all be fantastic, thank you so much! (also howdy MI neighbor) I'll be on for another hour or two, and you can pm me about the agate mons when you get them ^^
  4. Hey guys, im trying a dark monolocke and ive been trying to wondertrade some of the gift pokemon but no one is really on and i keep getting the same mons, please help? anything under level 15 is fine, any dark types will do, i just dont need murkrow, sableye, sandile, stunky or poochyena! edit: my name is arcticGalaxies there too ^^
  5. I just found out Luna is 18 and im v conflicted, she looks and acts so young I see her as more of a daughter
  6. Just becasue aya and hardy have a thing doesnt mean you cant be in on that thing ;3c arc's cool I guess, and ame herself said that victoria is one of the straighter gals in the game, so maybe shed be male only tbf i dont think most people would mind dating cain
  7. I dont know about ages, but i wouldnt mind dating aya, shes cute~ and by legal do you mean 18 or 21? different countries have different legal ages
  8. Terra is rekking me ;w; Nisa (Empoleon) @Mystic Water L75 Torrent Brave- Ice Beam- Earthquake- Surf- Dive Ace (Flygon) @none L69 Levitate Impish- Giga Drain- Dragon Claw- Earthquake- Steel Wing Chitaru (Arcanine) @charcoal L74 Intimidate Quiet- Dragon Pulse- Flamethrower- Crunch- Close Combat Lara (Noivern) @none L73 Telepathy Timid- Dragon Pulse- Acrobatics- Boomburst- Dark Pulse Suzuka (Roserade) @Black Sludge L75 Natural Cure Calm- Toxic Spikes- Sludge Bomb- Giga Drain- Dazzling Gleam Electabuzz- heal fodder edit: some pc pokemon Emilie (Meowstic) @Lefties L66 Infiltrator Modest- Psychic- Signal Beam- Thunderbolt- Shadow Ball Marisa (Mismagius) @none L68 Levitate Impish- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Power Gem- Dazzling Gleam Luca (Lucario) @Lucarionite L68 Inner Focus Sassy -Aura Sphere -Earthquake -Dragon Pulse -Flash Cannon
  9. I last played this around when ep15 so its been a hot minute for me to catch up! currently terra is kicking my ass atm but what can you do shrug I have to say that my least favorite character so far is probably fern becasue of obvious asshole reasons, but Terra is very grating on my nerves too! Sadly I can understand every word she says fluently, due to my homestuck training. Also Bennett really skeeved me out, leave my daughter alone! My hate for Fern is probably a little less than my hate for Bennett, sadly I've had to deal with people like him in the past so it pisses me off a super lot
  10. Ugh OTL Do you think Ame would possibly be kind enough to send me the PBS file so I can get it onto him with essentials? If not I can just struggle with struggle bug lol
  11. Another stupid question: I never got Fury Cutter, is it a level up move and i just happened to miss it?
  12. So I'm following Chubb's guide and I'm at the point in between Fern and Florinia to grind a bit. How does this sound so far? Makuhita (Lv.15) Sheer Force Bashful Sand Attack Arm Thrust Fake Out Force Palm Kricketune (Lv.23) Brave Technician Leech Life Bide Struggle Bug Sing Marshtomp (Lv.25) Calm Torrent Tackle Mud Shot Water Gun Mus Slap Pidgeotto (Lv.22) Adamant Big Pecks Quick Attack Twister Gust Whirlwind Litleo (Lv.18) Careful Moxie Ember Work Up Headbutt Noble Roar Spoink (Lv,26) Modest Thick Fat Psybeam Odor Sleuth Zen Headbutt Confuse Ray My plan is to get everyone up to 25 and go for it. I've been looking for an Adamant Makuhita, but I've having trouble running into them...should I give up and finish grinding this one or continue looking? Also one last incredibly silly question: Is it possible to get the Event Igglybuff with both Perish Song and Misty Terrain or am I wasting my time with resets?
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