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5 Fledgling

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  1. hi starry can I get an onix and mawile pls^^
  2. PMDrax

    last pokes

    altight man now im done just have to lvl a feew mons and I can clai poipole ^^ thx for everything
  3. PMDrax

    last pokes

    oww yee I forgot about that lol pls help me that 1 since I cant get sea incense anymore I believe^^
  4. PMDrax

    last pokes

    thx for everything man really appreciate it I can finally get poipole already lol
  5. PMDrax

    last pokes

    lol ^^ I tried hunting for scale myself with blue stripped basculing but no luck not enough spawns of it
  6. PMDrax

    last pokes

    np request trade I and will send clamperal back
  7. PMDrax

    last pokes

    you gave dragon scale, request me trade again I give it back since I need gorbyss or deepsea scale
  8. PMDrax

    last pokes

    ths my man but 1 prob nned deep sea scale for clamperal right?
  9. PMDrax

    last pokes

    pffff k I can take tyrogue and try and breed hitmontop np wht I mean is breed a tyrogue with equal def and w/e the other is so I can get hitmontop myself
  10. PMDrax

    last pokes

    np I can trade you baack gorbyss and hitmontop but give me a few min to breed tyrogue eegg k?
  11. PMDrax

    last pokes

    alright cool man thx these are literally the last ones so I can finish that infernal pokeqeust lol o btw just found skarmory so you can get it off the list …..errrr nvm just killed omg...…………….
  12. PMDrax

    last pokes

    no I need 1 to breed azumarill I know^^
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