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About Pearl

  • Birthday November 29

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  1. I agree with you in many ways, I love the Route 1 theme and it is also one of my favorites. I love all the soundtracks in the game, but some of them I heard too much and they really lost their 'special feeling' for me, like the Trainer Battle and the Wild Battle. Anyway, I'm gonna just throw up a few songs bc I'm too #undecided to put them in a particular order. Atmosphere - Bright / Miror B. XD: Gale of Darkness Remix Atmosphere - Kindling / X and Y Route 15 Remix
  2. OH MY GOD IF YOU HAVE A STURDY MAGNETON, USE IT ITS VERY VERY HELPFUL for me at least also be sure to keep Thunder Wave, with sturdy you can be sure that you won't die before you paralyze something. Okay, Azumarill is good, I think? I never used it tbh so I can't give a 100% approval seal But you can try, tho. so... Blaziken -> keep Noivern -> keep Gothitelle -> Gardevoir Swoobat -> Azumarill or another Water-type Kricketune -> Magnezone Pangoro -> Something else? Maybe a better Dark-type like Malamar, Umbreon, Bisharp... or maybe a Grass-type
  3. ok my internet wire stopped working out of nowhere and i am currently surviving with this http://prnt.sc/c7dfdm #saveporl2k16

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pearl


      oh, the wire is dead, not the wifi

      im currently doing this tho, its POWERFUL 72 mbps rn

    3. Shamitako


      72 is actually not bad, I could ctually play online games if I had 72

      My home wifi is 54

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      save mah gorl porl from the evil forces of shitty wifi

  4. 1. why did you did an ama. ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU NEED TO TALK 2. do you like lettuce? say yes 3. in how many ways can i suplex you 4. tell me 6 reasons of why i should watch tokyo ghoul 5. me ofc
  5. Ey Ody! Happy birthday!!! sorry for killing you tho it was an accident i swear can't promise it won't happen again
  6. based headache

  7. i just watched little witch academia... ... ...its pretty good

    1. Shamitako


      I KNOW RIGHT?!

      Such a cute little gem <3

      Love Akko to death

  8. my uncle just read a facebook post saying that pokémon is satanic now he wants me to stop playing im seriously laughing at his face.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      People just like to hate things

    3. Shamitako


      For the record, Pokemon isn't Satanic, religiously it takes most of its cues from Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism, and... Christianity

      It also refers to a good few ancient religions (Norse and Greco-Roman mythology especially). And probably touches on Hinduism if I had to guess

    4. Shamitako


      It's really not hard to see the false logic leaps people who call it Satanic use, as most fail to take into account cultural differences and localization issues

  9. #fuckoffsain


    1. Maelstrom


      It isn't what it used to be. good luck

  11. why am i still listening to this

  12. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-hackmonscup-65417 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-hackmonscup-65424 how to get away with bibs 2k16
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