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Everything posted by Ramiru

  1. When entering the room, walk up a bit, then try to exit the room the same way you entered, I just tried it and it worked.
  2. In the Bladestar hideout in V8, you can join Bladestar by choosing to go with Flora then confronting her about seeing her use the probe in Darchlight Woods, she then enrolls you without even asking and you don't really have much choice. If you join Bladestar you go to the Bladestar hideout in GDC instead of a meeting with Cassandra.
  3. she is shown briefly in a short cutscene when you first visit the penthouse, that's the only time you see her
  4. Just try to walk out of the room and it should fix itself
  5. I assume this isn't where Risa is supposed to be, and no I didn't X skip any dialogue.
  6. The thawing cutscene was unintentionally removed, it's still supposed to be in the game. I believe it's going to be back with Patch 10
  7. Type:Null isn't a wild pokemon at River's End, you have to do a sidequest that starts there.
  8. Your save file is corrupted, you'll have to revert back to an older save file by renaming any of the other files in the same folder "Game.rxdata" while renaming your current Game.rxdata to something else
  9. Actually, the game doesn't have a "Gender" variable that applies Male/Female/Non-Binary to the character, only 2 different player sprites that are given as a choice when choosing what "gender" you are at the beginning of the game, this is the main reason it doesn't mention you with the correct pronoun, because it doesn't know.
  10. Simply go to the same folder where you found the "Game.rxdata" file, rename Game.rxdata into something else (can be absolutely anything, as long as it doesn't say .rxdata at the end), then rename one of the other files in the map into Game.rxdata, this makes it so that when you launch the game, it opens that save instead of the corrupted one.
  11. It seems like your save file got corrupted, this isn't anything any of us can fix, and you will unfortunately have to revert back to one of your older save files.
  12. Nvm turns out it wasn't a bug but intentional
  13. 1. You have to find Spector again in the Odd House and Wispy Tower before you can battle him in the gym, though he only appears during specific times of day. 2. There will be a teleporter at Grand Dream Station that takes you back to West Gearen, though I do not remember if it i's accessible immediately, or after completing V9 story content.
  14. this hasn't been fixed yet, so you can either revert to a backup before you gave the stone to Cera, or wait until Jan releases a patch for it (also this isn't really the thread for bug reports)
  15. It's there when you go back there for a second time, on the ground, really obvious.
  16. Valarie, not Venam She says this even if you give the magma stone to Cera
  17. I think someone's been tampering with cloning technology :thinking:
  18. After Venam says "You had this place hidden this entire time" she turns downward and just stops and it sounds like the player is trying to repeatedly is trying to walk into a wall EDIT: It seems talking to Venam at all just makes a slashing sound after that one line of dialogue, then makes the player walk upwards indefinitely
  19. Flame Charge becomes part Ghost type in the ghost field
  20. I think they mean this part
  21. The trainer card picture is wrong when I'm in control of Maria while saving Luca. It's supposed to be Aevia's sprite For some reason this door was already open when I got here and I never had to insert the codes :thinking:
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