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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ramiru

  1. If the MC is indeed one of 4 lights from the prophecy, that would make us "not born of man". So it's possible and pretty likely that Nancy isn't even our real mother to begin with, and the MC was given to her at a young age to be looked after. Why the MC would need to be looked after by a "doll" that has some connection with Crescent is in itself a very strange question, which I'll leave for another day. EDIT: Actually now that I think about it it just makes all the more sense for Nancy to be our mother since she's not actually what you'd consider "human"
  2. Yes, abilities and movesets (I think) are updated to Gen 7, and since wild pokemon have a chance of spawning with their Hidden Abilities that means you can very easily get Sandstream Gigalith
  3. Let's make Pelipper the new Smogon bird :]
  4. Well you're not accounting for STAB when it comes to Ninetales either :] So Ninetales at max Sp Atk + Sun is still stronger than Thundurus. Mega Camerupt still comes out slightly on top but that's only because of Sheer Force.
  5. Where is it stated that she has any connection at all to Latios? IIrc there have been no mentions of the 2 being connected, given that we already know so little about April/Krystal (though it might just be my infamous memory at it again) We already know that April/Krystal and Nim are not sisters, or related at all for that matter, but instead part of the same psychic tribe, like she told us in Amethyst Cave after helping her with the Solrock/Lunatone sidequest.
  6. You need to speak with Garret to move him to the library, then you talk with Rosetta and she gives you the key
  7. New Blacksteeple Castle looks amazing I wonder how it's gonna look with the blizzard and everything. I'm also very relieved that you added those stairs on the outside so we can get to Guard Emile without having to run through like 5 different maps hehe
  8. Aww that's too bad, I was hoping to get a good laugh out of this year's troll. Well since it's not happening do you mind telling us what it is you have planned? Or are you saving the troll you had planned for today for next year. What if Jan saying that there won't be a troll is a troll in itself and he's gonna do an update and it's still gonna be trolly.
  9. Depending on when it actually is you first meet her (the Starly smugglers or the Hidden Library quest) she might come out as a bit different. (even though both using magic to destroy a boat or fllying and screaming at a scientist should be considered normal lol)
  10. Only the weather rock merchant is available as of Version 4
  11. Here's a link to what I think is V5. It's actually V5-5 which I don't know if it's a patch or just an updated version of V5. Also it seems only the Mediafire link works and not the Mega one.
  12. I don't remember anything about Crawli being blind. I only remember that he fell down through a sinkhole into his gym arena when he was a child and that was when he befriended bug pokemon. Like I said my memory concerning things I haven't done in a while are pretty bad but I'm pretty confident that Crawli isn't blind.
  13. There's a blind leader in Rejuv? Out of the 10 (11 or 12) we battle so far in the game, none of them are blind, so is the blind leader someone we haven't met yet/a leader that we've met but not battled? My memory might be bad but I really can't remember a blind leader in Rejuv.
  14. Your save files are stored separately from the game, so it's perfectly safe to upgrade to Version 9 by simply just downloading it and running it without losing any progress.
  15. i dislike her battle but love her as the fanatic that she is, plus she's very interesting since she appears to be able to control Dimensional Rifts on her own. SO COUNT ME IN tfw you made a mistake and only realised a few hours later. rip life
  16. Afaik you can't get the 2nd statue in Amethyst Grotto yet, even though it's been since the 2nd gym we ever really had a reason to go there except for a few items. I would be hyped for Angie, but her forcing me to change the game to Casual difficulty gave me some serious traumatic issues just like Shelly from Reborn, but she sure is an interesting character. We haven't heard much about Cassandra yet apart from her being the major or at least part of the government in GDC, and that Flora thinks that she's a very corrupt politician. I don't doubt that she'll play a big role in the upcoming arc but I can't really see her being connected to Crescent or Spacea/Tiempa since Melia would've most likely recognized the name if that were the case.
  17. Aron is found in the Weeping Ruins after either solving the gravestone puzzle or getting the key from the Rangers (can't actually remember which one, I think it's the gravestone puzzle)
  18. I don't think we've been told yet what the four lights are, at least I know I've never heard/read what they are, but the 4 shadows are Pure Evil, Obsession, Betrayal and Greed. You can read more in-depth on the shadow prophecy on Blacksteeple Island and that's also where you learn the roles of the 4 shadows.
  19. I don't think we as the player character have a connection to Madame X or Melia, apart from being part of the light prophecy, which Crescent obviously seems to know about. Nancy and Crescent were acquaintances before we were on the boat to Aevium, so it wouldn't surprise me if Nancy was also aware of this fact, which I believe is why she was tasked to be our "mom" even though she is not actually our biological mother (if we even have real parents, that discussion is for another day). Crescent knows how significant the player character is to everything, which makes me wonder why she would want us and Nancy to live a "quiet and peaceful life in West Gearen". One piece of evidence that we really are this important to the end goal (at least Crescent's end goal) is that she saved us from certain death up on Valor Mountain when were pushed into the lava. Crescent doesn't seem to go out of her way to do certain things unless it was extremely important. This incident on Valor Mountain is also why I think that the player character doesn't really have any "Plot Armor" or anything like that. Because if Crescent hadn't teleported us out of there when she did, we would've died with a 100% certainty. You could argue that Crescent saving us is the supposed "Plot Armor" in action but I don't really think that makes any sense, because if the player character died, it'd be game over, end of story. I consider plot armor more of an outside force with no defined source that keeps saving/protecting the main character for no reason other than "this person is important to the story, they can't die/be hurt yet" which I could agree a little bit is almost the same as Crescent saving us, but she has motives, actual reasons for having our life saved other than just to keep the story going.
  20. Apparently it's the flying gym leader, I can't say I've heard of him/remember him either so I don't know where people know him from.
  21. Yeah Beldum is the only available pseudo-legendary available as of V8 afaik
  22. Okay then I'll just put it in a spoiler.
  23. It's part of the story. After beating Amber (the fire gym leader), the player and Venam follow Melia through Mount Valor and a large set of doors, since I don't know if you've actually played through this part I won't spoil what's there.
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