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Everything posted by FeralGator

  1. Got up some more art for 'The Dwellers'! This time it's Keto and Kito! Come check it out. ;3 http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19727&page=3#entry488656

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I wish I was that lucky <.<

    3. FeralGator


      It honestly is. I love being able to visually show the character to others. You know... when the character actually wants to transfer correctly from my mind to canvas. lol

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea that second part is why I don't draw. XD

  2. Two more characters from my fanfic, "The Dwellers". These two are known as 'The Twins' and are often spoken of in unison. It's not common that one gets mentioned over the other. They are both very strong and are equal alpha in charge of the largest pack in the story. Keto - on the left - is very conceited and extremely proud. It's rare to ever seem him flustered over anything. It's also rare to see him express anything but his normal conceitedness, and rarer to see his condescending grin leave his face. Kito - on the right - is just as conceited as his brother Keto, but unlike Keto, he doesn't usually talk too much. He will offer his own opinion every now and again, but he takes more pleasure in listening to his brother string others around with his words. Kito is easily more skeptical than Keto and isn't as hard to agitate. The twins are ALWAYS together, having massive respect for one another and not once ever thinking of betraying the other. They are true equals to one another and will always make sure that everyone sees them that way. And yes, they do NOT have the black legging coloration as other Mightyena do. This doesn't make them visually special though, so they aren't sought out by humans. They are seen as any other Mightyena is seen.
  3. Not that it'll stop me from writing but, are people actually enjoying and reading my fanfic? l'D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noir


      If you're up for it, advertising it on a fiction-publishing website may entice what you'd like to see. I'll go look at it and drop a review when I have the time. Writing is, in all, best when it's done with the right reasons.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Meh, more feedback would be nice I suppose but I'm not really in dire need of it. I'm not really writing Graterras or Heartless stuff for really anythiing but my enjoyment. SO I'm not too bothered by it. It would be niiiiiice though. Like... it reeeeeally would be.

    4. Despair Syndrome

      Despair Syndrome

      I actually read the first 2 chapters just the other day but I wanted to finish it before I gave any actual feedback.

      Sadly, exams are eating me so I can't binge read it just yet :c

  4. I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but I cannot pass over the bridge that is made by the Conkeldurr in the "building bridges" ranger mission. It just gives me the noise that I get when I'm hitting a wall.
  5. Okay can someone PM me how to get the secret item in Narcissa's gym? I've been trying to get it now for a few hours. I've seen a guide on YT but every time I try it I can't get it to work. Don't know if it was because of a change in the updates or what, but I'm really frustrated by it. So please can someone just PM me how to get it?
  6. So I woke up as a Groudon. Seems legit. I feel powerful, slow, and pretty primal right now. I think I might just go set something on fire. Or go eat a city. I dunno. Whatever comes first.
  7. Caught a stomach virus. Got sent home from work early today. Trying to draw/play Pokemon. Bleh.

    1. GotWala


      Get well soon!

  8. Not sure if this was asked or anything, but I noticed that we will be able to paint our Pokemon. Will that turn them into their actual shiny sprite? Also will we be able to return them back to their normal colors if we change our minds later on?
  9. Alright! I hope I didn't offend you or anything. ^^;
  10. Ah it didn't sound like that to me. It is a cover then. Still, I am pushed away from its inclusion. It's just way too out of place. It's probably one of the weakest aspects to this game. I'll be muting it most likely because again... it's just not meant for a Pokemon game. And this is my simple opinion. Take it how you will, but it's always going to rub me the wrong way and I will continue to hope that it gets changed in the future.
  11. My only complaint, and this is just a petty one, is that I really dislike the use of Undertale's music. It's not edited or anything to make it unique (not that you should since it's undertale). I mean... I love Undertale's music, but it feels so... wrong to hear it in a Pokemon game. I honestly hope that you eventually change it to something more unique. Something not just ripped from another game with absolutely no edits done to it. Again it's petty, but I'm literally rubbed the wrong way by it.
  12. Chapter 5 is up! Sorry for the wait. I had personal things get in the way along with desire to simply play Rejuv and not type up the rest of the chapter. lol God I'm lazy. Going to try to get chapter 6 out by tomorrow! Keep a look out for it!! ;D
  13. Chapter 5: The Proposition Killa turned around, teeth bared and fur on end from her rage as she saw the figures walking over towards her. They were both rather muscular, though one more so than the other. One had a red nose much like her while the other had the signature black nose that most Mightyena possessed. They both looked at her with snarky and conceited expressions, chuckling a bit as they eyeballed the two female alpha. “What in the name of Arceus are you doing here, Keto?” Killa growled as the more muscular of the twins stepped closer. “My brother and I were in the neighborhood scouting out some new females when we came upon this pack in great need. We offered them protection in our ranks, but Wella simply declined us. Shame really, isn’t it Wella?” he asked through a chuckle. “Back off, Keto. I already said no. My allegiance belongs to Killa and only Killa. It will never be yours, nor any of the other alpha!” Killa looked to Wella and snarled towards her. What in the world was she saying?! “Does it now? I heard this alpha decline your offer to align the two packs. I even heard her state that she would never in her life let her legacy be mixed with your pack’s filthy blood. However,” he then turned to Killa and smiled. “My pack is open for all your males. We have plenty of room, plenty of food, and even a source of clean water. How about we form a proposition, Killa? What do you say?” “Not in your lifetime, Keto!” Killa quickly retorted. She watched the second twin step forward, seeing his disgusting mug wrap itself in an even more disgusting grin. “Is that really the best answer to give us, Killa? Isn’t your pack in desperate need of food and water? Forget the females if you can and just focus on that. You have two young pups, do you not? Wouldn’t you rather they be able to live to see tomorrow?” The male was pushing her buttons more so than Keto. He pulled up the topic that easily got Killa to second guess herself. It was true her pride pushed her from wanting to align with another pack, but would her heart let Johanna and Prince die because of it? She was smart. Smarter than other alpha. She knew what the right choice was to make. The only issue however… was making it at all. Wella looked to the twins and threw back her ears. “How is this offer not being handed out to my pack, Keto?! Are you and Kito going to just leave mine to die from the exact same reasons as Killa’s?!” Kito merely turned to gaze at her for a split second. He gave her a look of warning to watch herself before turning back to Killa. Keto however gave her the answer she wanted. Approaching her with a prideful expression, he said to her, “No pack would ever dare mix with yours. Your wolves are riddled with disease and no matter what you say, are destined to die from illness before the years end. No human will capture you, no male will mate with you. From what I heard, some of your females can’t even bare milk anymore let alone get pregnant! You are so swift to try and align with others, yet you don’t even THINK about the state your own pack is currently in! You’re a walking plague, Wella. If it weren’t so beneath me, I’d take it upon myself to rid this city of you and yours before it can suffer further from your rank stench of an existence!” Wella back away from him, her ears flat and tail between her legs. Fighting may have been something she was good at, but intimidation was intimidation. She wouldn’t dare take on the twins in combat knowing how well kept they were compared to her. She also knew him to be right despite how strongly her mind argued it. “Get out of my territory,” she softly demanded. “With pleasure,” Keto returned in an equally soft a voice. The trio then left, Killa looking back to see Wella hunched over seemingly deflated in her ego. It would have been pathetic looking were Killa not feeling the same way. As the three walked, Killa began to ask questions to try and get what was happening on a level she could better try to control. “Strange how you just so happened to show up right as Wella was talking about communing packs together?” She made sure that her curiosity shone through with a glance from one twin to the other. It was Kito that answered her, his voice lighter in its pitch and tone than Keto’s. “Apologies on that. We’d actually been scoping out her pack for some time. We managed to find a bit of luck when she decided to go after yours like that. Oh well. No harm done am I right?” he laughed. “What are you two planning to do with the rest of the packs?” she asked. “A super pack,” began Keto. “One that will never be looked at as catching fodder again. One that can support itself easily and take command of many territories. One who-” “One whom can control the rest of the Pokemon living in the territory that you plan to overthrow,” interrupted Killa. Keto turned to glare at her questioningly. He made no efforts to stop in his walking, but he certainly hadn’t done anything to try and speed up either. “One must do so in the face of adversary. Our pack needs the space after all. Others must be accommodating to that.” Keto began to ramble on and on about protocols that would follow, methods for a tightly woven mind rather than a hillside of scattered Durants. She didn’t much care for this kind of talk. She felt it was more aimed towards the goal with very little concern placed on those that would even get them there. Kito noticed the hesitation in Killa’s reactions to Keto’s words. He also noticed a distant look of what could only be thoughts processing. For that to be left unattended was dangerous. “You’re so very quiet in all of this, alpha Killa. Is something on your mind over it?” he asked her. “...” Killa did not respond, and instead carried on. Her pace almost seemed too quick as well, leaving her being incredibly suspicious to the younger of the twins. Keto hadn’t noticed, but that was to be expected. “Do you have anything you might wish to add to a proposition of allegiance?” Kito chimed in just then. Killa stopped dead in her tracks, ears back flat as they could go. Both the twins turned to stare at her. Keto quandried about his brother’s sudden inclusion into the talk. Normally the wolf remained fairly silent. He wouldn’t deny Kito the honor of being the one to talk however. He’d let the wolf go on and see just what that mind of his was thinking. Killa looked over at Kito, voice silent and eyes locked to him as she quickly judged her situation. She took but only a few moments before answering him. “I do,” she started. Her voice was gruff and thick; filled with unease at the current tension. She had to word herself carefully around these two. “If I ally my pack with yours I will require a few things. First off, we will NOT be fully integrating into your ranks. We are staying as our own unit. Second, we will need our own den. I don't wish to see my pack being washed into yours. We're a family and we will stay strictly as that. We will help you as needed but otherwise, we remain as we currently are. Those are my terms. If you want to ally with me, that is what needs to be met.” “That sounds reasonable to me. Keto?” Kito condescendingly asked as he glanced over to his brother. “It does indeed,” agreed Keto. “Finding a secluded den for you and yours won't be any trouble my dear Killa. There are plenty of alleyways in Jasper that you can take, as well as possible dens in the adjacent forest if that would be more preferred.” Killa looked at the two with a bit of disbelief. The way they held themselves while speaking to her was practically insulting. They spoke with what sounded like top level superiority while looking down on her from heads held high. It was infuriating for her to have to listen to their wretched tones. With her ears back and eyes full of wariness, she nodded to the twins and simply told them, “Good.” She then pushed between them and continued on, walking back towards her territory. She noticed the twins following her and quickly turned to look them in the eyes. “Is there any reason you’re following me? You have my answer. Do you feel that my pack will need an escort to find yours? Are you that mistrusting?” The twins looked at one another, still smiling their conceited as sin smiles. As Keto stepped forward, Killa could see a sternness grow across his features. That condescending attitude was all but gone, replaced with one of threatening strength and prowess. “Your pack will adhere to the rules that we dictate, Killa. You may have your proposal, but don’t let it get to your head. Your wolves and you are no more special than a blade of grass is to a field. My brother and I are providing you and yours with protection, food, and clean water. Just keep in mind your situation and how, if you were to indeed prove our mistrust to be right, could easily be made that much worse than it currently is. You are alpha of yours. We however, are alpha of you.” There was an underlying growl to Keto’s words that made Killa practically fall to her stomach with unease. She’d never heard a wolf, or anyone for that matter, speak in such a way. She knew her deal had been made with a devil. She knew that it was a mistake to trust them so much with her family. The only problem though… what other choice did she have? What was even more uneasing was Keto’s sudden change in demeanor after he finished speaking. His prowess practically vanished, instead taking back to that smiling conceited alpha she’d been seeing this entire time. Kito had no change in his presentation during all of this. He actually seemed to be enjoying his brother’s sudden mood shift, almost laughing throughout it. Keto turned and walked over to Kito, the two just looking at one another for a few seconds before they both began to head off in a different direction. Killa watched as Keto looked back to her, ears still flat against her head as he said to her, “Join us by tomorrow evening. We’ll be waiting by the gates.” Killa remained silent where she stood as the twins walked off. They weren’t headed back home, but rather deeper into Peridot. Killa could only imagine that they were off on a scouting run, checking out every pack that was remaining within the ward to judge the best candidates for new packmates. She slowly turned around and began to walk back to her pack. She was conflicted with her decision to join them, knowing well that her packmates would be completely against it. The only ones she truly believed would give this a chance were the pups, Albert, and Derek. Percy, Euca, and Morrison she knew would be completely against it, and Thorn was such a mystery that his opinion was completely undeterminable. “It had to be done…” she assured herself. Her body was exhausted as was her mind. Even if her time with the twins had been minimal it still seemed to drain everything from her. She wanted sleep more than ever before. Her thoughts didn’t rest though, some of them darting to and fro from the conversation, to wondering if her pack had taken initiative to go hunting with the pups. She then stopped and felt a bit of shock overcome her. “Johanna… Prince… We never taught them to hunt…!” It had only just dawned on her that her pups wouldn’t be able to contribute anything to the twin’s pack. She would have normally brushed this aside given that alpha’s generally don’t expect much of young pups until they were past a year in age, but Keto and Kito weren’t just your average alpha. She quickly looked back as if to try and find them, her heart almost racing by this time. She new they’d be long gone by now deep into another pack’s territory. Unless she wanted to incite war between her pack and another’s, she couldn’t follow. “We will have to train them in private… We’ll need a forest den,” she told herself through a hushed voice. Her nerves had officially been rattled at this thought. The twin’s pack was huge with over twenty wolves throughout. There was very little information on how the pack treated themselves, but what was known was that they were harsh on newcomers. It would be difficult to avoid getting lashed at even as one of the best hunters of your pack. There was no telling what they’d do to two useless pups…! “Arceus help my pups… Protect them from harm. I know I have not been much to them but an alpha, but hear me as something more, my lord. Keep them safe in the light of your sun, Cresselia your moon. Let lord Darkrai not haunt their dreams. Let no mon’ stand in their way. Hear me my lord… hear my prayer to you. If I cannot help them, please lend your guidance until I am capable.” It was rare that Killa ever let out prayer like this. She was more practical than anything else, focusing strictly on how she could fix a situation rather than looking to a higher power. In this moment however, she felt like a pup herself. She felt lost in her choices and surrounded by her own resentment towards them. This was the only thing she knew to do at the moment to try and ease her building struggle. All that was left…. was to tell the pack.
  14. Someone's trying to harass me on DA. It's hilarious how low they are willing to go to do so

  15. I freaking did it! I beat the water leader in Rejuv!! Take that water bitch! YOU CAN'T HOLD ME BACK NO MORE!!!

  16. Oh my god I am so tired. Didn't sleep a wink last night, worked a long 8 hour shift today on no sleep, came home, passed out for 3 1/2 hours and I still feel like I've not slept at all

  17. Nope just little ol me!! Going to bed though. Hehe Mde
  18. Yup! I have both a Deviantart account and a FurAffinity one! Here you go: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/feralgator/ feralgator.deviantart.com I also have my personal website that I use when applying for jobs: ssartistical.wix.com/sarah-schuler And lawl I will get right on finishing up that ghost dragon! Though I might make more sketches first to better get used to his design. ;3
  19. My name is a very clever combination of words. 1. My Scalesona, an alligator, has been named Feral now for some years. 2. In recent years, Feraligatr literally rocketed to my number one favorite spot 3. I wanted a new username away from my old one, and wanted one that emphasized my scalesona 4. Bam FeralGator was born My name has double meaning. 1. My scale sona, an alligator, is named Feral 2. Feral + Gator = Feraligatr, my favorite Pokemon AIN'T I CLEVER?
  20. Have a picture I drew while under the influence of Lunesta! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19727&page=2#entry485105 Going to bed now. Nin.

  21. And now for a drawing that I did while under the influence of my Lunesta. Sleepy time pill, I fight you for drawings. I go sleep now. Nin everyone. Oh my gosh who is that is that a Prince walking next to Johanna? No way it totally is Prince! Why did I strike all this out? I don't know. Nin.
  22. I drew two of my Rejuv Pokemon. They are among my strongest and my best! Houndoom - Holly Swoobat - Bitty I've never raised a Swoobat outside of this game. Gotta say... I was such a fool. Swoobat is amazing. Bitty is amazing. I love both my girls. <3
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