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About Mistyride

  • Birthday 10/05/2002

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  • Location
    Starborn Valley
  • Interests
    Art, video games

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  1. But yeah, this game looks interesting. I like games such as Fantasy Life and, to a lesser extent, Animal Crossing.
  2. Bulbasaur. AH OH GOD WHAT'S ON MY BACK THAT'S SO HEAVY OH GOD WHAT *later* Wow, photosynthesis is great. Haha, woo, Razor Leaf!
  3. -Honchkrow cause it's cooler. -Arbok because idk honestly -Clauncher looks the best -Staraptor is one of the only early game Normal/Flying types (so Talonflame doesn't count) that's actually useful.
  4. Gigalith used Rock Slide! It's super effective!
  5. I'm ready. Lay that sweet, sweet finale on me.
  6. Mistyride


    (yes, that's what i copied last)
  7. Cave Story or Shovel Knight. Yes I am a pansy who plays easy games.
  8. something that can just kill me now because I don't want to live through this bull.
  9. I'm on Shade and having trouble. Moxie (Scraggy) Level 35 Ability:Moxie (obvs) Item: Black Belt -Brick Break -Payback -High Jump Kick -Drain Punch Dash(Manectric) Level 37 Ability: LightningRod Item: None -Bite -Spark -Discharge -Ice Fang Whacka (Dugtrio) Level 35 Ability: Sand Force Item:None -Rock Smash -Bulldoze -Sucker Punch -Earth Power Tails (Floatzel) -Level 33 Ability: Swift Swim Item: None -Pursuit -Swift -Aqua Jet -Double Hit Blaze (Typhlosion) -Level 41 Ability: Blaze Item: None -Swift -Cut -Flame Wheel -Flame Charge Swoops (Swoobat) -Level 35 Ability: Simple Item: Soul Candle (idk what it does) -Air Cutter -Air Slash -Assurance -Heart Stamp
  10. Where do I go in the Slums to find Scraggy? I have the Dull Key.
  11. I want to get a Scraggy, and I have the Dull Key and my Dugtrio has Rock Smash. Where exactly in the Obsidia Slums do I go?
  12. Actually, it won't be windy for a while and i dont want to switch the time??????
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