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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by IntSys

  1. Action: Halley uses Variable Sword on the Dracolich, dealing 3d6+SYN+DEX = 3d6+9+10 damage. 5*INT% = 30% chance of executing a Wide Sword instead, dealing SYN+DEX/2 = 9+10/2 damage to Gilgamesh. (+40% damage if Dracolich/Gilgamesh has more than 50% of their HP remaining, lower damage output and increase damage taken by [Level]=5 for two turns otherwise) Perks: Action List: Equips:
  2. "Erm... I want a magic weapon that can make explosions, then!" Shamhat added. "By the way, since you're collecting these things throughout places... do you feel attached to any of them?" "Most weapons in my possession took me quite a lot of effort to get, so I wouldn't part ways with any of them. How about your collection, then?"
  3. "Then... Magical weapons? Something like a rod, like this one," Shamhat showed Morp her Gravity Rod. "My name's Shamhat, by the way."
  4. "Trade?" Shamhat thought about the offer, and then asked "what do you have in store for me?" Her interest was piqued, so she decided to wait at the intersection for a bit as she watched Morp try to to squeeze through the rubble before them.
  5. "I see. Welcome, then. Though, there might just be demons in here, depending on what kind of trespasser we're up against," Shamhat suggested. And then she found herself next to what appeared to be infighting. "My, Chelchis' hellbent on getting Yoko's head already. At this rate, we might be inflicting more casualties on ourselves than the trespasser running the facility," she said, pretending to care. "Darn shame." She paced around the battlefield, and into the room which held the mutant. "Treasures await!" She declared loudly, as she investigated the room.
  6. Something about seeing Hirata getting her hands on the mutant just didn't feel right to Shamhat. It echoed with memories that she had buried underneath unending adventures. She almost let a hint of despair out of her mouth, but she managed to hold it down thanks to the incoming distractions. She got on her two feet, and turned to princess who looked like she had walked out of a fairy tale just now. "Hey, you! You don't look like a cyborg... or a mutant like the one we beat up. Who are you?" She shouted at the new face across a distance.
  7. Shamhat knelt down, supporting herself with her weapons. "I'll... need a moment," she said begrudgingly, as she kept a low position to deal with her numb body. Action: Do Nothing. (Stunned)
  8. "And the action is already coming to an end..." Shamhat remarked in both amazement and disappointment. She swiftly cast Cura on Deadlift, before taking aim at the large mutant's chest with her Gravity Rod. "I suppose it is overkill to push yourself to 100% for... this." After finishing the sentence, she cast Gravity on the mutant. Action: Use Cura on Deadlift, restoring 1d6+INT (8) HP, and then use Gravity on M3-Large Mutant, dealing 2d4+INT+(2d6+INT)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's maximum HP) damage.
  9. Loadout Shamhat assessed the situation. The mutants seemed to have pushed Deadlift and co. into their limits, what with the macho man himself trying to out-mutate the mutants already. "You look like you could use some help... Who are you again, woman?" Shamhat stumbled on her words, realizing that the girl hadn't introduced herself so far... somehow. "That can wait, though. Catch this!" She twirled her Sage's Staff, and cast Cura twice at Yoko. Action: Use Cura twice (Multicast: +1 Action per round) on Yoko, healing her for a total of 1d6+INT+1d6+INT=2d6+2*INT (2*8) HP.
  10. "Hoo... It's getting really hot. And I thought Poochy was just getting exhausted from playing in the sand," Emmanuel remarked. He had recalled Poochy back to her ball earlier after she got visibly exhausted just by walking around. He wished he had a ball to drill into as well. Nicaea, on the other hand, continued to frolic under the blazing daylight. He looked at Nicaea, and sighed. "I guess I'm staying under the sun for awhile with Nicaea. I'm going to check on the Cadets here while I'm at it. Apparently they're looking into the disappearances in the town here, and I'm kind of interested. I'll get to the restaurant a bit later, so don't worry about me, alright?" He waved at Uno, before walking through the shades between the buildings into another street, looking for the Cadets here.
  11. Shamhat noticed the commotion coming from the hallway Deadlift and Yoko had gone to, and decided that she might be needed there more than she would be in the relatively-calm entrance. She followed Hirata's footsteps and approached the end of the hallway as well.
  12. "Huh. They... can't fly. What was I expecting, hahaha... " Marina laughed to herself as she looked at the subfort from a safe distance. The ringing was getting on her nerves again, though. And with the old secretary's approach, and her previous experience with the ringing, she could only come up with one guess. "Hey, that's the big guy!" She swiped her fingers down at the secretary of defense, redirecting the Shooting Star strafing around the fortress downwards and intercepting his approach through the walkway. She would add more fireballs to the attack as necessary.
  13. Shamhat withdrew her spell upon noticing Yweniwa's spell. "You have a point. I thought I had gotten the safe distance right. I'm wondering if it's even luck at this point. Maybe it's sentient on a low level, like a lesser treant," Shamhat pondered, "anyway, thanks for the help."
  14. Shamhat let out a frustrated grunt, and threw the robe on the ground. Underneath was another layer of robe, but much simpler in color - just blue. The robe was also visibly older than the now-poisonous robe. "This is it, then," she cast Gravity on the robe, in one last attempt of wringing the poison out of the fabric.
  15. "Never mind, never mind." Shamhat grumbled as she cast Cura on herself, attempting to cleanse whatever got into the robe. She then got back up on her two feet. "Hey, Hirata. Could you keep a sample of the poison for me? A can should be enough."
  16. Shamhat was notably silent. She strode past the group after they opened the door, ignoring the traumatized man. What caught her attention were the trees, which definitely didn't look like they belong here. Perhaps out of a sick sense of curiosity, Shamhat decided to take a crack at one of them. She cast Gravity on the bark of one of the taller trees, aiming to snap it in half.
  17. "Riiight, a body pillow. Anyway, maybe no-name witch can tell us more about how the Trespasser took over, then. What do you think, witch-" Shamhat was just about to turn to her new employer, but then she was interrupted by Deadlift's muscle display. She gave him a long stare, before covering her mouth with her right hand, holding down her laughter. She couldn't believe he was for real. It was as if he had rehearsed these lines for a million times before this.
  18. "Whatever's going on in the Trespasser's mind, really. It might not be building an army now, and it might not be able to build the army quickly enough upon noticing us," Shamhat assessed. "And, we should at least be able to beat our future mooks without breaking a sweat, no?" She gave Hirata a closer look. "Hm? Was that a pet robot?"
  19. "Interdimensional Horror? Heh. I've been called that too. Anyway, we just have to fortify the research complex after taking it back from the Trespasser, Hirata. It shouldn't be hard with whatever machinery the factory can build. No-Name Witch over there seems to want us to use it as a base for our interdimensional army, after all," Shamhat said, turning her head toward Hirata as she finally approached the table.
  20. Question: Does posting past quotes of a muted/banned user count as Evasion Assistance as well?
  21. Shamhat glared at the woman. She didn't seem to want to introduce herself. That, or she was one of those "you're not worth my time" people. "Yeah, sure," Shamhat answered. All the better if this meant that she would be traveling with company. She leaned against the back of her chair, and gazed at the ceiling, as the others did the questioning and arguing for her.
  22. A pile of what seemed to be someone's dirty laundry suddenly moved. It stood up, and looked around with a pair of glowing, yellow eyes. Mumbles came from a mouth that no one could see. A woman's voice. She adjusted her hat as she got closer to the table. The environment certainly wasn't what she had expected, but it wasn't something too out of the ordinary either. At least the strange woman over there decided to save her the hassle of finding allies. She took a seat. "Greetings!" She spoke up, mainly toward the woman. "I am Shamhat, a traveling mage. You need not take my words for it, as I'm sure you'll get to see my abilities very soon!" After a brief pause, she continued. "And, you are?"
  23. You may have heard of the legend of a dimension-traveling samurai on a quest to collect the legendary blade weapons of every plane of existence. But, have you heard of another legend of a dimension-traveling mage, on a quest to collect the legendary magical weapons of every plane of existence?
  24. It's time for wisdom tooth removal, round 2. What a way to end summer vacation.

    1. MrLGFD
    2. CrossImpact


      this stuff just huuuuuuurts even through tranquilizer
      and the worst part is the days after :c
      not one of my fonder memories.

      round 2 means they drew 2x2 for you as well?
      I hope the removal goes smoothly and that you recover quickly, all the common tips for that really help!

    3. IntSys


      My first round was with the wisdom tooth on the lower left of my jaw. This time it's on the lower right.


      It'll be painful yeah, but thanks for the support!

  25. "Oh, come on!" Marina grew frustrated. Just when she was about to resolve the issue at hand with more bursts, she heard her uncle's request. She unleashed scattered bursts at the supposed squad leader in an attempt to knock him away, or at least, dazzle him so that he misses his mark. She then flew away from the subfort in a zigzag. After distancing herself from the subfort, she swiped a finger across the skies. "Everyone, wish upon the shooting star!" She yelled into the communicator. Shortly after, a bright shooting star appeared out of nowhere and followed the line she drew, curving slightly downwards and circling over the fortress at high speed. Using Shooting Star. World Line: 6 6 5 [5] 3 1 4 6 6 4
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