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Everything posted by IntSys

  1. Today, I read through the entire discussion on the stickied thread about player independence in the Roleplaying subforum, after only reading the opening post three years ago. And now, I really wish that I had read everything back then.


    People back then talked about every issue I would come to face in these three years, and I still haven't managed to learn all the lessons they've learned in the discussion on my own. Perhaps the most important lesson I've learned is that I should be giving more feedback in general, as a player and as a host. I really had no reason to be this quiet, passive, and timid OOC. It made me feel distant, and perhaps, uninterested and unpassionate.



    For anyone who happens upon this post and still has a bit of interest in roleplaying, I seriously recommend you to read that thread in its entirety as well.

  2. Vepr-12 couldn't hide her distraught as she examined her surroundings. She couldn't really do much back then anyway; the city walls were already breached and she was the last man, or rather, robot, standing in her squad. "Mmph. That didn't work out well," she readjusted her blue beret, as she focused her attention on the first Jack of the day. She'd ask how much she was in debt, but chances were her new employer wasn't at all interested in listening in. Then she glossed over her soon-to-be teammates: Human, human, human, floating human, human, human, and... clad in white, with an assault rifle in hand... holy shit was that a goddamn Strelet? Those things didn't appear out of packs, did they? No. This one's identification signal wasn't like the one they had used. It was probably not a Strelet. This one talked, too. She got up close to the mysterious droid to examine it more closely. Finally, she concluded that its armor was on par with Strelets, which was to say, not very tough. "None of us know a Handsome Jack, it seems," Vepr-12 kindly replied to the droid's question, "you should keep that question for when he's actually interested in answering." "Anyway, back to introductions," she turned around to a wall for a brief moment, readying herself, before turning back. "Tactical Doll Vepr-12, at your service!" Loud, confident, and clear, backed by a solid combat record as evident by her badges.
  3. Tai The bitter winds blew on Tai again, but it didn't feel dreadful anymore; he had a path before him once more. With the lingering warmth of the building, he hit the roads again. The wasteland seemed to have shrunk in his eyes... Or could it be just that he became a bigger person? Whatever the case, he felt like he finally had what it took to leave here. He lumbered through the thick snow, letting intuition, or perhaps it was Tejfidh, guide him back. To pass the time, he decided to get the more trivial questions out of the way first. "Tejfidh, do you mind explaining the building back there? Did you own the place?"
  4. Marina's spoon dug right into the plate of apple curry, and before you knew it, it had already ended up in her mouth. With a satisfactory "Mmm!" she gulped down the aromatic delicacy. She then reached for a glass of water, and began to talk. "Alright mister, let's get to the questions we all want to know. Who are you, and what's your relationship with mister 'CHALLENGER ONE' over here?" Marina looked intently at Owen, with her free hand gesturing toward her uncle.
  5. Tai "Then it's my turn to answer," Tai took another step forward, accepting Tejfidh's apparent sincerity. "She's not coming back anymore. She's dead. And that's all you'll ever need to know about her." Yes. All you'll ever need to. "And so, go ahead. Help me... piece my life back together." He looked into Tejfidh's eyes. After all that, he still couldn't stand on his own legs. The idea that he could take care of himself without the help of others seemed to be less and less realistic. His world back then was small enough for him to fight against, but it has only expanded since then. One could say it was a lesson learned too late. If he had just accepted Cardinal's help back in the fight against Temperance and Hellfire Knight, he wouldn't be at the mercy of Chronos. He would be enjoying his victory meals. Was it really so wrong to accept help in a world that was far, far beyond his grasp, even for a brief moment? And only then, did he truly forgive Cardinal for what she's done. He made a wish to himself. That although he would have to hold another person's hands to brace through the ongoing storm, he would one day become strong enough to be above it all.
  6. Tai Oh. Tai must have skipped the terms and conditions somewhere amidst all the mess that happened ever since he met Cardinal, because, this information was all new to him. The discreet use of pronouns allowed him to realize that he had been "hosting" Cardinal ever since that day. Though, like any other person who had suffered for their ignorance, he knew to use the experience he had with Cardinal to review the sudden deal. And, although he had finally settled things with her, the relationship still left a particularly sour spot on his heart. When he really thought about it, he had never seen Cardinal in her physical form. She'd either show up in his mind, or project herself here. And with details strangely escaping from his eyes now, he began to consider the possibility that none of what he was seeing was actually "real," especially seeing that Tejfidh had noted how he was still dying. Should he let another person - a person with power far greater than his - take up his mind again, would he be risking another round of abuse like how Cardinal had treated him? What were Tejfidh's motives? And even more importantly, how much did she knew about him? "I deserve some questions before I make another life-or-death decision, don't you think? Since I'm still dying, I'll make this short - two questions," he took a small, but firm step forward, toward the hazy figure before him. "What do you gain from inhabiting me?" "And, how do you know it is a her?"
  7. Tai A sudden "Wh-" escaped from Tai's lips, with his eyes widened in both surprise and confusion. Another "But-" was about to leap out of his mouth as well, but he held his breath, letting his crazily-throbbing heart quiet down for a moment instead. There is an explanation for everything here, from the suspicious scream of a banshee to the relocation of his mech. And he would be patient, and wait for the explanation that would dispel his paranoia. "Sorry. I missed the memo, so I got lost for a bit." He uttered with a forced calmness, one that showed restraint rather than cool. There was certainly a difference between "important" and "dangerous," even if lately they've been overlapping more and more often than ever before in his life. If it was of any consolence, though, at least he had company again.
  8. Marina paused for a moment, turning to look at Owen. "... Or I could get to know him better over a dining table instead! Silly you, I know how these things work," she said, sticking a tongue out playfully back at Immanuel. "So, shall we get going?"
  9. Not wasting anymore time, Emmanuel gave chase to the fallen Ghost Girl, bracing himself through the raging sandstorm kicked up by Radovan's Larvitar. "Sena, get away from there! I'll buy you a bit more time!" He shouted, as he swiped Poochy back into his arms - and then, continued his assault, by launching her right into the Ghost Girl. Poochy would then pin the Ghost Girl down on the ground with her fangs, ruffing as she tightened her bite. Technician Lv. 1 (+Priority), Poochy uses Bite (6963 Atk Value) on Ghost Girl.
  10. Oops I should've done this long ago, an exact port of the one in the signup thread. Marina von Siemens Level Up #1: 4/4/4/5 -> 6/6/6/6 (+Excel Hyper cost refund, iirc) Level Up #2: 6/6/6/6 -> 7/7/8/8, +Pure Hope [6] Installs Marina's eccentric set of acquaintances (fluff) TODO: Prepare subsheets for Marina's acquaintances as I bring them up for what practically amounts to fanservice and filler.
  11. "Well! That's a wrap!" Marina clapped her hands and declared victory, having just recovered from the wounds Paulina had given her. She took notice of the night sky blurred by Sendo's city lights, and then, her growling stomach. She leaned her back against an appliance store's glass display, and said, "Aren't you all starving right about now? I say we celebrate together tonight! I know a good restaurant around here!"
  12. NPCs: Teras Records: Accepted PCs: Nemesis (King Murdoc) Henrietta (rustytengo) Julianne Fairchild (Empiricist) Eleanor Julia Flores (Twinwolf)
  13. E X T R A = S T E L L A R -- Stories from a Planet of Machines -- Premise Intro Worldbuilding Combat Mechanics Character Sheet What you are signing up for EXTRA=STELLAR is a wuxia RP (think, Fist of the North Star but with less of the post-apocalyptic dread) with a robot race using steampunk technology. The planet on which the RP takes place is a loose adaptation of an existing planet, Ross 128 b. You'll be fighting robots, robots with parts of magical beasts, and magical beasts, on a quest to save the day. You should not be expecting serious PvP for a long while. I will be updating once per week at minimum, primarily on weekends. Similarily, I'll be reminding everyone who hasn't posted every weekend. I will be looking for 3~6 players. Guidelines 1. As this RP is mostly freeform, it is important to be aware of your character's capabilities in a given situation. When it's clear that you have the definite advantage over your enemies, you may be allowed to write how they react as they get defeated, but you won't be allowed to do so in other scenarios. 2. I'm very much a novice, in both GMing and writing in general. So, it is crucial that you actively complain. From specific details such as failing to be descriptive enough when writing a particular scene and mishandling the outcome of an action, to general ideas such as finding the way I run the RP to be lacking or boring somehow, you should keep telling me how you feel whenever possible, so that I can actively improve my abilities as the RP progresses and keep things interesting enough so that it wouldn't feel like a weekly chore to keep participating. 3. While I don't actively encourage doing so, this RP's plot progression allows for opportunities to start over with entirely new characters. If you've found yourself writing your character into a hole and/or just can't seem to enjoy writing for them anymore, and you still have an interest in the RP in general, just inform me and we'll be able to land your new character in no time. 4. This should go without saying, but, standard RP courtesy applies. Communication OOC discussion will primarily take place on the EXTRA=STELLAR discord server. You should pop in if you're considering signing up. IC Thread
  14. Emmanuel recomposed himself, getting a hold of the situation with the information his A-Comm was feeding him. The strange specter who bore a striking similarity with Uno... She was most notably weaker on the Defense side, but her Aqua Tail would be able to KO everyone's Pokemon in one hit, including Nicaea who would resist it! And of course, that meant that he had to mount an offense with Poochy before things spiral completely out of control. He sideeyed the chief for a split second, before beginning to carry out his plans. "Your vendetta has nothing to do with those two. Let them go, now!" Emmanuel shouted, affirming his position. "Poochy, use Bite and drag her down!" With a valiant ruff, Poochy dashed forward, approaching the ghost girl from the side and leaping to sink her jaws into the ghost girl's waist. Bite (6963 Atk Value) on Ghost Girl.
  15. Emmanuel silently noted the bizarre occurence. Sure, Rock Tomb could very easily have actually missed its mark, but Feint Attack was supposed to be a move with perfect accuracy! A drip of cold sweat rolled down his cheeks. He took a deep breath, and got a hold of himself. He did conclude that he just needed to suppress the Rotom, after all. If it was invulnerable to all damage, then he could just blind it to a point where it ceased to be a threat. ... Or, if Cathode's theory were to be correct... "Hey!" Emmanuel called the girl out, "you speak of fairness, but you're the one who jammed our A-Comms in the first place! If you want to be half-decent too, maybe you should drop yours right away!" "Poochy, give that Rotom your best Sand Attack!" He then pointed at the electric specter, continuing his plans. Sand Attack on Rotom, lowering Accuracy by 1 stage.
  16. As the words of God wrestled with her momentarily-fleeting consciousness, Marina began to see clear again. She did not need to see herself coughing out blood after getting the once-in-a-lifetime sternum penetration that she never asked for, yet she did. She was now flying away from Paulina, who was closing up with her for a finishing blow. That clearly needed to be taken care of, and fast. Marina propelled herself back towards Paulina, and, as the two got dangerously close, she fired off a series of Repelling Bursts and sent her flying into the building she was moving along with. Then finally, Marina launched her sledgehammer at Paulina to wrap things up. And only then, did she realize that getting a molten metal pole through her nonexistent chest hurt like hell. "M-Make it stop-" She muttered with a coarse voice. She landed on the streets and took a bit of time to wish for her wounds to recover. In meantime, she hatched a new plan. A plan to get out. In theatrical terms, Marina needed to break the "fourth wall". And perhaps, she was already halfway there. She kept a close eye on Paulina, as she started to go down on her small list of possible solutions, starting with "literally wishing for the ability to open up a convenient wormhole that will take her through two paracosms and into the real world." Using the rightmost 3 for a Repelling Burst.
  17. "So, the computer prefers to speak with violence. I suppose action does speak louder than words." Shamhat shrugged, and continued. "Not that I'm worried at all. We do both better anyway." She followed Yvette, already itching to crush the incoming security.
  18. Happy Chinese New Year!

  19. Tai A strange sight, yet far more familiar than everything else Tai had seen so far in this shelter. He looked around, only to find that there was nothing else there, not a single soul to be seen. He took a deep breath, and tried to grasp the situation. It was certainly suspicious that his mech's core was there, but he wasn't about to question his ticket out yet. He recalled again that he had seen plenty of danger curtains on his way here. If -that- was the definition of danger for this place, he reckoned that he might find something similar there. Perhaps other parts of his mech, or more mech cores. In any case, none of the other exits in this room looked like they would lead him into the observation room, so he decided to start checking out the other danger rooms. But before that, he gave the reactor room one more look, considered what to do with whatever spirit haunting this room, and more importantly, questioned if it would actually stay here and not suddenly creep up on his back later on. Or maybe, he just needed to pick up his pace. Now. He made a run for it, with a clear destination in mind - the second danger curtain he encountered.
  20. Tai Nothing goes well together like bone-sawing air and a screamer straight out of a horror film. It was only then that Tai realized what the danger symbols truly meant: The whole place was dangerous. Normally, one would panic in terror, and hastily rush back to the entrance, but the cold winds had hardened Tai. The endless, soul-crushing blizzard of Gluttony may be something truly out of his reach... but a mere specter was perfectly within his league. After all, he himself may as well as be one, after everything. He followed the screech into where it came from, ready to lunge at anything that resembled a human figure in the slightest.
  21. "I was hoping that this could be the exception, considering that they're working for the jerk who's actually trying to wage a deadly war against the entire world, but fiiiine, I'll pull my punches," Halley sighed, "and what? Now, now, Lexiel might have snapped at me for shooting the asshole councillor before that, but she at least understood why I did it after I explained everything to her, and we kinda made up after that! That has nothing to do with her suddenly going crazy. I think she said it had something to do with this Phyrexian oil inside her?" "And that last bit. I'm not kidding about that. Though if you want to put all doubts to rest, maybe we should conduct a survey on what kind of horrific destruction everyone's capable of causing right here and now, so we can keep an eye on each other?" She raised her voice a bit, "or probably later. We are due for a Q&A after all."
  22. "Sure, sure," Halley shrugged, "it was a unique situation anyway. It's not like I'll be sent on an errand to deal with scummy informants again. And besides, Lexiel having a breakdown definitely caused more chaos than I did! She dropped a comet storm on the arcology, with our team still in it!" She reasoned, trying to overshadow the significance of her blatant disrespect of the law with Lexiel's display of insanity. "Now if we compare storming the Aztech arcology with infiltrating IPO's facility, it's clear that we got nothing to worry about. After all, I don't think anyone in this room can even come close to that, am I right? And there will be no 'innocent' bystanders this time around, according to that redhead, so really, everything that went wrong last time definitely cannot happen again!"
  23. "Well we may have inflicted a lot of collateral damage, but it was Aztechnology's arcology! Let's see..." Halley faked clearing her throat, before playing back what Solomon told her, word by word, that "Aztechnology is one of the worst companies in existence morality wise, unless you are one of their employees and think that human sacrifice is a perfectly harmless and moral way to power up your magic of course." "I say we saved a lot more people by blowing up their second-most secure facility, oh and the evil book that they recently acquired," Halley added, "though it is a shame that by the time we got to the doctor's place, he had already gotten into his little escape pod." She frowned. "I reckon that things will be smoother this time around, though!"
  24. "Hey, over here, hothead!" Marina called out Paulina, who had apparently defended herself with card game rules. "Screw your annoying mechanics!" In protest, she wished for the ability to bypass the card game mechanics., and then, she wished for a lovely pink sledgehammer, and went to intercept Paulina's assault. With a graceful ascent, she evaded the explosion and raced with the chasing beams as she approached Paulina, and finally dunked her with the unfortunate reality that she was fighting a girl that played board games by her own rules. Though she genuinely thought that her house rules were way better.
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