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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by IntSys

  1. "Wait, do we know you- Oh," Halley paused, giving a quick, judging glance at the elf's face. It was almost as if fancy holograms had subconsciously heightened her standards for how people around these parts should look. "Okaaay. I suppose we won't be using honorifics for the time being. Anyway, do you have enough space for our little crew here? We've been making a lot of compromises on our way here."
  2. Wanted: A mysterious short novel with just seven lines, apparently written by Mark Twain.


    I encountered a supposedly translated version (Chinese) of the work, and I tried to look for the original. But the strange thing is that none of the relevant keywords lead me to anywhere, and I've only been able to see more of the same translation by looking up the translated title. I've even dug into Mark Twain's bibliography and still, I couldn't find anything that comes close.

    I'm beginning to doubt if it's even real or if it's just some Chinese writer using Mark Twain's name to get their admittedly decent short novel out there.



    Here's one of the "sources" of the translated text:



    It pointed to a collection of short novels (written in / translated into Chinese) published decades ago in China. Apparently this short novel even found its way into the textbooks of some Chinese schools.


    The translated title, untranslated, roughly means "The Last Page of a Husband's Account Book" and its general summary is that a husband's cheating on his wife while buying expensive clothes to blind his wife and mother-in-law, and the plot is given through the list of expenses.

    Another key info is probably that this "novel" was apparently published and Mark Twain got paid for it as if he had written a full-length novel, according to the same sources I've found.

    I'd really appreciate it if someone knowledged in the writer's works could help me confirm if this short novel actually exists.

    1. Commander


      Oh that definitely sounds like a Mark Twain work as he always wrote odd things. I actually think I learned about it in high school but that was 5 years ago. I'll get back to you soon if I can find more.

  3. I can't vote either. There's no East Asia.
  4. friendship ended with CHROME


    now FIREFOX is my best friend


    that's what you get for eating so much of my comp's ram that it lags even when scrolling through pages

  5. "Sena... We won't be letting you get in the way of our reunion, either!" Emmanuel sent out Poochy, who was previously hiding from the blazing sun. Under the much cooler night sky, Poochy seemed to feel right in her element. She ruffed at the static specter, hardly afraid of its presence. From the girl's words, Emmanuel inferred that the Rotom likely didn't have strong Electric-type moves, or any Electric-type moves, considering how the girl had little confidence in her Rotom against the chief's Gyarados, in spite of the apparent type advantage. On top of that, with the Pokemon Radovan and Cathode had, they clearly had both the numerical advantage and the strategic advantage. Though, with the jamming in mind, the girl must be hiding a key trick up in her sleeves to make her own strategy work. Regardless... They just needed to suppress the Rotom enough so that the others could go on ahead. That shouldn't be too much to ask for, right?
  6. Halley respectfully stayed clear of Alexandria's way, as she followed her up the stairs. "Come now, Solomon, does it really matter who she is and what she's called? She already stands out enough to look like one of us anyway." She said nonchalantly. "As for why she's coming with us, clearly she finds us to be more reliable than the Lexiel gang out there! And that we'll probably last longer than a band of ragtag misfits likely involved in a gang war anyway, especially with Alexandria on our side."
  7. "Gosh, can't we even get a halftime break?" Annoyed, Marina readied herself to deal with the two walking light shows before her. She wished for a new pair of wings, and propelled herself up into the air, evading Paulina's barrage, and pounding it back with her own kind of energy blast volley, which is to say, more starry fireballs. No Hyper used: Remove the next 1.
  8. Emmanuel froze for a moment, and then he slowly turned to Cathode. "Oh. Uno's right leg was glowing blue," he calmly said, but then he realized how unbelievable that sounded. He quickly eyed Uno, as if requesting her to back up his claim. Finally, he continued again, shifting to more pressing concerns. "Where are we going?"
  9. "Oh. He's... actually fine, huh. Never mind then!" Marina saw her uncle apparently getting right back into the action already and sighed, realizing that she was worried for nothing. She turned back to the falling behemoth beneath her. Anything she'd do at that moment would merely be for gratification, and that was what made it so great for her. And you know what would be better than one sword skewering a giant skeleton? Six more, of course! And so she wished for six more giant, possibly holy swords, each bearing cheesy anime one-liners on their blades. They were launched from wormholes above, raining all over the remaining subforts as well as its face. Alteration to 5.
  10. "YEAH!" Marina shouted, overjoyed with her clean cut. "And now, the finishing blow- " Her hands were right up in the air as she saw an expanding web of belts emerging from Fort Jackass' torsos and ensnaring it within its embrace, almost making it look like a gigantic Chise. Speaking of whom, that would no doubt be her doing. She hesitated only for a moment though, as she followed through with her original plan, with some slight alterations. "Gravity, go!" She dunked the sword downwards, letting the hilt slip down her fingers, and the blade crashing into Fort Jackass' chest, along with the last of the Meteor Shower. Either the sword would distract it enough for the belts to fully take over, or the belts would set it up for a timely finisher, but unfortunately she had more concerns on her hands and not quite enough time to enjoy the scene. Or maybe... "Ms. Sasha, you're still down there, right? Could you grab my uncle with you and get away from that monster's shadow right now?"
  11. Emmanuel thought for a moment, and began to feel like he was onto something. "That came from your leg... And you said an accident took the strength from your legs. Could that be... an old wound from that accident?" He said, as he looked closer at Uno's right leg.
  12. "They're selling... sleep," Halley checked out one of the storefronts which offered sleep services and definitely nothing else. She turned an eye to another nearby storefront offering VR experiences. "How do they even compete with virtual reality?" She moved away from the storefronts, baffled, and kept walking.
  13. Halley was hardly convinced, but it wasn't like it was particularly important of a detail, so she shrugged and got into the portal. "Either I've been here before or every alleyway in this city is actually an open junkyard... Or both. Likely both." She paced through all the litters on the ground and toward the exit of the alleyway. "I wonder if I'm still wanted..." She said, as she stopped right before the exit and indulged momentarily in the city lights of nighttime Seattle.
  14. "... Okay. That sounds quite trivial," Halley remarked with visible confusion. "I can see that it's -ahem- personal, but hey, it's personal for me too. Now if she could act like it's personal." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, everything else sounds like standard fare for me."
  15. "Deusche... Oh, Deus! That guy. He did spout some nonsense about being a God and soon-to-be God of the Matrix when I first met him. And then... he duped me. That was unfun." Halley grumbled bitterly. "Okay so I'm totally on board with your goal here if it means getting back on him, though I am curious... What does any of this have to do with your daughter?"
  16. "Uh-Um!" Emmanuel was caught off guard by Uno suddenly going unconscious again. Before the panic, though, he had managed to connect the dots. He would have to get more of the healing water from #07 to relieve Uno's condition. Though, he was absolutely in no position to ask for that from the HQ, with him supposedly being on vacation. Wait... Was she glowing? "This might sound strange to you, but... I think I saw something glowing blue under your sheets." A statement, but in fact more of a request. He waited for a response.
  17. Emmanuel took a seat before Uno, sitting comfortably on the tatami. "... Yes," he answered, even though he knew that his goal was actually rather selfish, just distracting himself from the present issue by focusing on her. He set his eyes on the moonlit floors and away from Uno for a moment, digesting what she just said. "Treatment? Have you been taking medicine?"
  18. "I'd call it a person to if Ichi hadn't dealt with it like that," Shamhat muttered. She observed Yvette's summoning ritual, again, and was pleasantly surprised that she didn't call forth imps for them to swat. Orcs were certainly an improvement. She gave the corpse one last look, before following the ugly band of demons to next room.
  19. "It's me, Emmanuel. May I come in?" Emmanuel said. Things felt familiar... She was like this before, right? What had changed... And what had changed again? His mind was a mess then, unable to figure out the possible connection.
  20. Tai Choices. Even more of them. The building felt increasingly like a maze to Tai. Of all the choices, though, only two stood out. One being the ever-familiar danger-marked path. The other, and the more interesting one, would be the path across from the "dangerous" one, with the curtain already pushed aside. Could someone had just gone that way recently? He hurried to the door that lied at the end of the path, thinking that he was onto something at last.
  21. Tai Tai realized the disappearance of the presence... And concluded that whatever he was seeing stayed in the last room. He made a mental note of it, and continued. Now, instead of two choices, he had three. It was certainly strange that the building had so many rooms marked as being dangerous. Or perhaps all the marked doorways actually lead to a single room? He was slightly intrigued, but he was already set on saving the dangerous areas for last. He made his way to the end of the hallway and entered the doorway behind the normal curtain.
  22. "It must be low on resources," Shamhat stared down at the smudged remains of the scientist in Ichi's hands. "I wonder what his position is... Anyway, that sounds like a plan. Could you tell Ichi to put that thing down for a second, though? Maybe his ID will be useful, if he has one."
  23. Tai The layout of the building became slightly more bizarre as it unfolded before Tai's eyes. A dangerous doorway, and a safe one, like the first room. However, he was already set on his "strategy," if it could even be called one. Something seemed to have gotten into his eyes, but it wouldn't disappear after he had blinked repeatedly. It was a bit worrisome, but more of a nuisance than anything else. It reminded him of the building's mysterious appearance somewhat, so he decided to wait and see if it'd magically come into existence, or at least move itself into the center of his eyes on its own so he could actually see what it was. In meantime, he entered the doorway without the dangerous-looking symbol.
  24. Tai Fate seemed to be kind to Tai... Or could it be considered unkind, in a sense, having only revealed a shelter of this degree to him after Cardinal's apparent death? He, however, was just glad. Glad that he was safe again, even for just a moment. The unnatural warmth was so welcoming to him that he could imagine himself taking a nap on the floor of the empty room right here and now. The walls seemed to be glowing somehow, further adding to the building's mystery. And the only way to get a grasp of the mystery would be to see more of it, so he pressed forward. Of the two curtained doorways, the one leading toward the center of the building felt unsafe to him. The symbol on the curtain felt like a warning sign, even though he couldn't recall to have ever seen the symbol before. Though, for what amounted to a "DANGER" sign, there seemed to be little effort made to prevent wanderers from entering. Regardless, he figured that he should check out that doorway last. He wasn't exactly eager to play with fire after having just walked back from death's doorstep. Hopefully, the other doorway would lead him to somewhere that would tell him what was in there. He brushed aside the symbol-less curtain and entered the doorway behind it.
  25. "Like hell. If this 'computer' really wants to talk, it can just do it right now. It's probably going to round us up so it can deal with us in one fell swoop," Shamhat said, not trusting whatever was behind the announcement. "We'll pretend that we don't know where to get there for now, how's that? As for me, I want to check out the control room up ahead."
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