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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by IntSys

  1. "... I'm afraid not, ma'am," Emmanuel frowned. And then, Zeta reminded him about Sena still not having called after a whole day. "Darn... Sena's also missing! And it's nighttime too, so there's a very real chance that he's under attack by the ghost girl right now!" "But, would we even be able to find him in that case?" His face grew increasingly grim. "Unless, we try to leave ourselves vulnerable to the ghost. It's totally a gamble, yet it seems to be our best bet right now," he sighed. "This is just awful... I don't know what to do," he grumbled, and then he spoke up once again. "I... I'll need a moment, if you'll excuse me." He paced toward Uno's bedroom, and knocked.
  2. Marina turned to the crash of thunder in surprise, and at the end of bang was none other than her uncle, speared by "Cu"'s Gae Bolg. Almost equally as concerning was the fortress seemingly intent on nuking the whole place with excessive kegare. "Sorry, uncle, but this will have to do! I'll get back to you later!" She wished for a large, pink, and liquid sphere of healing energy and... morphine, almost as large as Immanuel was, and sent it speeding down toward his position. She then went back to focusing on the fortress. More specifically, its raised arm. She rose to the same height as the fortress' arm. She could probably stop whatever the fortress was doing if she could sever its arm, she thought, but she'd need something sharp... gigantic... and sacred. So she wished for exactly that, as well as all the strength she'd need to actually wield the thing, and brought whatever sacred sword she ended up getting down upon the thinnest section of the fortress' raised arm. Alteration to 6.
  3. Tai The moss reminded Tai of mints. It was, bizarrely, actually decent. The chillness, and then, the clarity, almost refreshed his consciousness, and before he could realize it, he was just a few steps away from the battered structure. It'd do, he thought. He gave the snowfield behind him one last glance. He wouldn't be able to wait out the blizzard in Gluttony; it would still be there even when it's the end of the world, patiently waiting for him to return from the run-down shelter and into its cold jaws of death. Perhaps, he thought, he'd choose to rot away from the cold winds, to spite Chronos' condemnation. He then turned back to the stone building, moving his hands along its walls as he found his way into its entrance and made his way inside.
  4. "... Yes," Emmanuel answered, glaring at the two cadets as he took one step backwards. He could almost already hear their response.
  5. "This is not the time for your stupid grudge against me! Someone going to die! Get your priorities straight!" Emmanuel scolded the two cadets. "If you're still not going to help, then let me through so I can find someone who would help!"
  6. "Thanks," Emmanuel gladly cleansed his mouth with plenty of water, getting rid of the awful spiciness. But aside from the gastronomical disaster he just experienced, there was a bigger problem at hand all the sudden. "Wait! Those cadets shouldn't have gone very far. I'll ask them for help!" Without waiting for a response, he sprinted down the streets, tracing the path back to the spot where he'd found the group of three cadets, looking for where they went. He yelled, "over here! Somebody, help! A woman had just collapsed out in the open all the sudden!"
  7. Tai "No..." Against the little of dignity he had, Tai put the moss into his mouth with his own hands and swallowed it with his eyes closed, as if he was a toddler being fed with eggplants forcibly. His brain screamed for him to spit it out, but he couldn't... he wouldn't. With one more gulp, he gave up on fighting with himself, and stood up slowly. His legs felt numb already, but he wanted them to work for just a bit longer. Maybe his eyes were playing one last trick on him, but he saw a stone building nearby. It was somewhat disappointing of a mirage, so perhaps it could be real? Regardless, there seemed to be a little bit more to this wasteland than he had thought. He dragged his legs through the snow, and towards the mysterious structure.
  8. Halley got a proper look at the monster that had been born out of the Sumerian king after the Dracolich's assault had slowed down. She shifted her eyes between the Dracolich and Tiamat. "One of you is stealing another's thunder, y'know?" Seeing the lady machine in black had gotten the Dracolich's attention, she decided to take some pot shots at Tiamat. Action: Halley uses Variable Sword on Tiamat, dealing 3d6+SYN+DEX = 3d6+9+10 damage. 5*INT% = 30% chance to use a Wide Sword instead, dealing an additional SYN+DEX/2 = 9+10/2 damage to the Dracolich as well. Perks: Action List: Equips:
  9. Emmanuel's eyes twitched, but he managed. "Jenny... It... Has a lot of room for improvement," he said slowly, resisting the pain lingering on his throat. "Do you happen to have... some fresh water? ... Yes... I'm thirsty from the heat." All the while, he maintained the most painful smile.
  10. "... True. And I thought life support for a spaceship was already a nightmare," Shamhat mused, stepping away from the generators. "Also, I'm a what, again? I don't think we're speaking the same language anymore," she raised her hat a little and glared at Hirata.
  11. Shamhat followed the other two into the room. "... Go what? Anyway, that does sound way more resourceful than just blowing up one wall," Shamhat looked at Ichi with doubt. "You are putting this poor thing at risk of random backfiring, though. And us, too, to some extent." "Then again, it's not like we can't find a new mutant for you to work with if this one does blow up. So, go ahead." Meanwhile, she checked out the backup generators curiously, looking for labeled switches.
  12. "Ooh. I've... never heard of him. I wonder if he's around... " Emmanuel thought, as the "ice cream" was placed on the stand before him. He began to wonder if what was in the cups before him and Cathode could even be considered "ice cream." He looked at it up close, and could feel the cold air around it while doing so. It was icy alright, but was it cream? Then, he stretched his tongue out, and licked the surface of the "ice cream."
  13. TIL 2ch actually has English boards among hundreds of other Japanese boards... And they've managed to be even wilder than 4chan's /s4s/. All twenty-two of them, in fact, and barely anyone talks about topics relevant to the boards.

  14. "Yeah, some other reason... " Emmanuel mumbled. "Hm? Some bigshot? I suppose the most famous people are the ones with the weirdest quirks, after all. I can't imagine it to be too bad, though. I'm happy to take the offer," he said with a hint of doubt behind a mild smile. "Who's this bigshot, though? Uno, have you heard of anyone around here who fits the bill?"
  15. "That was somewhat refreshing..." Shamhat rubbed her mended wounds, and then her head. She took a look at the wolf head. "Not my style. It doesn't look like it would make a fine hat either, so I'll pass." She turned to the open door Yvette pointed at. "What I need now is more things to clear my mind with. I'm ready when you are."
  16. Loadout Action: Cura on Shamhat, restoring 1d6+10 HP, and then another Cura on Shamhat and Jezzabella, restoring 0.75*(1d6+10) HP to both.
  17. "Haven't seen any so far either. I'd wager that it's because there's barely anyone left here to prey upon, aside from adventurous idiots... Then again, I've recruited some idiots like that," Chimi said. "Were I you, I'd look for those kind of idiots instead. At least they seem to be easier to find." He turned to a nearby back alley. "Or maybe, these critters have gotten smart enough not to expose themselves on the streets. Neither you nor the Executioners are going to bother with dark corners after all, with how many of them there are throughout the area."
  18. "They are as real as they can be!" Chimi laughed. "Though, I'll share that hatred of nutcases with you, miss! These skulls belonged to the evil men who dared to attack my domain and threaten my men!" He fiddled with the skulls as he took a closer look at the woman's obnoxiously loud motorcycle. He then measured the woman's height visually, before finally saying "honestly, I do have better things to do on a Hollow Night than to sleep under a woman's buttocks." "But I won't say no to a duel if that's what you want." He added casually.
  19. Loadout Action: Cura on Yvette and Jezzabella, and then another Cura on Jezzabella and Hirata, healing two targets for (1d6+10)*0.75 HP per cast.
  20. "But, if it's a ghost, what difference does it make? A ghost wouldn't be any easier to catch at day. Not to mention how the town's practically a ghost town at day with how hot it is. If anything, it'd be easier to catch at night, since it wouldn't be as hot, and there would be more people around," Emmanuel said. He then heard a familiar voice. "Oh, hi Jenny!" He waved at the ice cream stand, before turning back to Uno. "Her? She's an ice cream vendor who we met at the HQ just after we got back from the last mission. I wonder what brought her here... " He said, as he walked to Jenny's stand.
  21. "Ah... The Hollow Night. The only time where I can walk into Kanzakai without much trouble. After all, they already have a lot on their hands tonight," Chimi said to himself. He scaled up to one of the empty buildings around him, getting a better look at the surroundings. With the Licht Kreis Building being directly east from here, he knew where he was not going. The area to the north seemed even more quieter than the rundown area he was in, so he decided to head south, approaching the Residential District.
  22. Loadout Shamhat dumped the junk she found on the floor after awhile, only to find out that Yvette seemed to have summoned even more monsters for them to deal with. She quietly moved into position, before trying to concentrate and fire some spells at what appeared to be the head of the monster crew. Action: Gravity x2 (Multicast) on Imp Vanguard, dealing 2d6+(2d6+10)*(Target's current HP)/(Target's max HP) crushing damage twice. [Concussion: Shamhat gains disadvantage on any Int based roll up to five times per plot(timing is at GM discretion)]
  23. Emmanuel considered for a second. "Hm. I guess it does make sense that he's only just wandered off while I wasn't looking. I'll look for him on my own, then. Sorry for the trouble." He said, as he waddled away and met up with Uno and Cathode. "So... They told me that the disappearances happened at night. I suggest that we wait until evening. We'll be in a better position then to look into the case."
  24. "Incredible... I have a magical girl transformation now!" Marina yelled in excitement. She then took a look at the fortress' new attack - A loaded, yet plain and boring punch. Not even worth an epic clash over. "Let's try this, then..." She wished to warp right behind the fortress. Something she'd normally be unable to attempt, she decided to take her chances with her newfound powers. As she warped into position, she pumped herself up with even more firepower, before firing a lustrous beam of destruction through the skeleton's chest. Using 1 Alteration to use the only 5 on the World Line.
  25. I got another tooth pulled out of me. With this being the third tooth removed over the course of three months, I might just be able to get used to the absolute misery that comes with it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IntSys


      Craniofacial surgery. The two wisdom teeth and this third tooth were all removed because they got in the way.

    3. Seal


      Dental problems suck, there's not al ot that you can do about it either which makes it suck more just knowing that.

      Get well soon.

    4. CrossImpact


      so something more complicated as the cause, mhm.
      for me, it was just "welllll I can't reach them with the toothbrush really so they went bad" xd

      continuous good luck (or better luck, for what it matters) for either procedure >< !

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