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    Straya mate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  1. sorry, my game just crashed, let me try again
  2. now you want to login, click trade, then wait for my request
  3. so, you open your menu and click on pokegear, then you click online play and create an account. Once your account is created, let me know your username and i'll invite you to trade
  4. if you give me a couple minutes i could breed you a ghastly, i'd love a gible too!
  5. Would you please add this to the main post? because it actually took me a bit to find this after i encountered the bug.
  6. yeah anything is okay, my ID is Kalzone6
  7. thanks, what do you mean by something special?
  8. If anyone either has an eviolite they don't need or an extra i'd be really happy if you'd trade it to me. I've got some ever elusive Magikarp up for grabs. Thanks in advance
  9. Hey does anyone have a spare oval stone they can trade me? i just got Happiny but i don't wanna beat two gyms before it becomes somewhat useful. If anyone can help me out I'd be more than happy enough to trade you one of my shinies (Cubone and Roselia up for grabs). Thanks in advance
  10. EDIT: On my last one i only hurt A-Sandslash one point instead of two, so im just gonna hurt 3 here if thats okay A-Raticate: 2 A-Raichu: 18 A-Sandslash: 26 A-Ninetales: 28 A-Dugtrio: 12 A-Persa: 6 A-Golem: 14 A-Muk: 26 A-Exeggutor: 17 A-Marowak: 21
  11. I really dislike A-Sandslash, plus its trash in battle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A-Raticate: 8 A-Raichu: 18 A-Sandslash: 24 A-Ninetales: 26 A-Dugtrio: 16 A-Persian: 14 A-Golem: 16 A-Muk: 23 A-Exeggutor: 19 A-Marowak: 21
  12. oh is that a thing? i might just do that instead. Ive looked at the select weather mod before but i never noticed that, thanks for your help!
  13. Hey, i was wondering if someone could help me out with a tradeback? i'd like to transfer one of my pokemon to a new save file but i cant really do that by myself. I can trade you some shinies I have in return for your troubles. Thanks in advance
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