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  1. Hi! I am back to reborn after a loooong time and I am trying to start a monorun (I know, not very original...) specifically, a flying-type monorun: Well just after starting I got my Pachirisu and I thought, why not putting it into the wondertrade system? A couple trades downline I receive a lv. 1 Hawlucha, aptly named Rey Misterio, with perfect speed IVs. Thank you so much Millfy for trading it! (Actually I am not sure that I will use it at the moment, since with acrobatics and brick break it is quite overpowered, but the temptation is strong, especially since I unfortunately did not find the event Wingull, so my options are a bit limited at the moment).
  2. Thank you Chubb for this very detailed guide. I would have had much more difficulties at game start if it weren't for it. Keep up the good work!
  3. So, it's me again! The guy who is doing a water/ice challenge... I have gotten the first two badges and done the policemen quest. After trading the growlithe egg however, I received a grey egg that hatched into a Rhyhorn I would be grateful, if someone could give me instead a Tentacool egg. (I was tempted by Azurill, but it might be OP and I am already covered against dragons by my ice types). Thank you in advance! Game.rxdata
  4. Sorry for the double posting but I wanted to share my progresses! I am now just before the battle with Corey, grinfing a bit my team. For now Bibarel has saved me in most boss fights with his moody + Hyper Fang or Rollout he can be a deadly physical sweeper if the RNG is with me. Frogadier has been vital against the PULSE Tangrowths with his smokescreens and Lick-induced paralysis, but he is pretty fragile and will lack strong moves for a long time. Lotad is useless now, but I will train it until it learns Giga Drain before letting it evolve. Goldeen is necessary because lightingrod, but I would like to swap it with some ground/water type as soon as they are available: which one would you suggest? Quagsire, Seismitoad or Gastrodon? Finally, I got the mystery egg, but it hasn't hatched yet and I suspet it is a Rhyhorn: maybe I will ask for a water pokemon in the relevant thread. EDIT: It was in fact a Rhyhorn
  5. Hi! I have just started a water/ice run, that I am thinking of documenting in this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19888 I am now in Obsidia ward, and I was thinking that it would be very nice, if the Egg you receive in Onyx ward was a Seel, since ice pokemon are so scarce at the beginning. Also, I would be very happy if the mystery egg you receive from the police contained a Water Pokemon, it doesn't matter which one. Is it possible to look into the savefile and ensure that these two eggs hatch into useful pokemon for my run, maybe with favourable Nature? If so, would someone be so gentle as to edit my savefile? I would be very grateful! Game.rxdata
  6. Hmm... It seems a reasonable rule, but I am a bit afraid of wiping out to early if I use it. You see, I am not that good and this is not a Nuzlocke, the death clause is just there to give more tension to random encounters with overlevelled Pokemons and with the bad guys. I won't abuse disposable pokemon in any case, but I reserve myself the opportunity of using some successor pokemon, but only if they came from an egg produced by the deceased mon. That would also add a "revenge" feel to their battles with the Meteors :c I consider Lileep and Anorith "Sea Creatures", yes, but I don't think I will use them: in any case there is only one spot in the team for these exceptions. Well, I was thinking more of a situation where I can't access any water or ice pokemon that can learn a certain move that's necessary not to become stuck somplace, but yeah, I probably won't need to use it. I beat Julia at my second try, I had a strategy based around lightingrod Goldeen and a rollout sweep by Bibarel, but no plan survives first contact with the enemy :c : Goldeen beat Helioptile rather easily, then Bibarel used Rollout to great effect against Emolga and one Voltorb, but fainted due to aftermath. Frogadier avoided the sonicbooms and beat the second Voltorb thanks to Lick and temporary ghost typing. Goldeen beat Blitzle and almost defeated Electrode, but was too slow to use flail when reduced at 1hp and fainted. In the end it was Tynamo who saved the day, finishing Electrode with two overcharged Sparks and managing to tank a sonicboom and the aftermath while being only on Lv12. Yeah, it will be mostly a water run, at least in the early-mid game, at the moment I only have Vanillite. Luckily I saw that the egg in the slums is blue, but thank you for pointing me at that thread (I had no idea that was possible :c), I think I will ask if someone can be so gentle as to provide me with Seel and a Water mystery egg.
  7. I thought of doing a water/ice duotype run with some twists: What do you think of it? I am still in Peridot ward, but I already have a small core of useful Pokemon, with some luck and grinding I think I can beat Fern and Julia, although Team Meteor's Elekid scares me a bit Here I will post my current team, updating it as I progress: Once i go a bit further, I will make (maybe, if I have time) some narrative update, including screenshots if I manage to upload them somewhere. I hope to find the Seel Egg and then the Ducklett one, as well as a Water Type Mystery Egg later...
  8. Thank you all for commenting and for your suggestions! I boxed the Gulpin, and, although initially missing the acid spray + sludge combo, I don't regret it. As for water types I find my Pelipper good for now, but I hope to have something more interesting has soon as I get to the Police Mystery Egg event. I also listened to ypur advice and boxed Klink, although maybe I could take it out and train it for Corey's gym, since I don't have any other Steel type. I am now at Beryl Ward, just before the fight with Corey (I need to level up though, and maybe optimize the team for the challenge ahead). Surprisingly, Fiorina hasn't been that difficult, Vesù destroyed most of her team and Cradily was crippled by Pachirisu (I had already put Klink back in the box at that stage) with Charm and finished by Leah. A much tougher battle was the one against ZEL and Taka. I had to try it a couple of time, before coming up with the Pelipper with Protect - Numel with Lava Plume combination to overcome Lileep and Glaceon. After those two and the PULSE Tangrowth went down it was easier, apart from that thrice-damned chattering Chatot! In any case, I won, and after a couple other minor fights/grinding, that's the current state of my team, with some comments for each member: Starter: Ciop (Quilladin male) Lv. 27 - Brave - Bulletproof Leech Seed - Pin Missile - Needle Arm - Rollout My starter. Nothing exceptional I must say, apart from the occasional mad sweeps with Rollout. He is not bad, mind you, but has been suffering the number of flying/poison/bug Pokémon that abound around Jasper and Beryl ward. His bulletproof made the fight against the first Tangrowth way easier than it would have otherwise been. Curious to see how he will perform once he evolves. Leah (Meowstic female) Lv. 26 - Docile - Competitive Charge Beam - Light Screen - Psyshock - Psybeam Special sweeper. Alas, she hasn't got great IVs and has been collecting the wrong EVs, but she is still deadly against everything not immune/resisting psychic. And if the enemy is so foolish as to use a Growl or something lke that... She could use some additional coverage, but I thought that having both Psyshock and Psybeam gave me flexibility to attack both physically and specially defensive pokés, so I made her forget Disarming Voice. Emolga (Male, I couldn't think of a nickname - suggestions?) Lv.26 - Jolly - Motor drive Nuzzle - Pursuit - Electro Ball - Roost Very funny to use, Nuzzle can cripple most enemies, and when combined with Electro Ball... It has Roost as an egg move, and soon he will learn Acrobatics, great STAB move as you all know. Only downside is his fragility when used carelessly. This little squirrel is the team mascotte, and his peculiar moveset more than counterbalance his lackluster stats. Kong (Nidorino) Lv.27 - Docile - Hustle Focus Energy - Poison Sting - Double Kick - Horn Attack Acquired after playing Voltorb Flip for some time (not too much, thank you for the guide Chubb!), he has quickly become a stabile team member, displacing Pancham. He is held back only by the lack of a good STAB move. Is Poison Jab at Lv.43 the only option? Still, his attacking potential is great, and Double Kick has so far served me well for Fighting coverage, I hope it will be enough until Quilladin evolves. I choose him and not Makuhita, because I have played many times with that one and wanted something different. Trubbish would have been great because of toxic spikes, but I cannot relate to a trash can enough to have it in my main team... Vesù (Numel male) Lv.28 - Hardy - Simple Amnesia - Earth Power - Lava Plume - Stockpile He is devastating, but fragile, unless he can put up a couple of stockpiles, then it becomes extremely resilient too (thanks to Simple). Lava Plume is Tangrowth's bane, but he saved me from a monstrous Lv.36 Scolipede and, before that, from the Klinklang in Obsidia Ward (by collapsing the cave, sacrificing himself in the process). MVP of the team in many important battles. Winona (Pelipper female) Lv.26 - Hardy - Rain Dish Mist - Water Pulse - Air Cutter - Protect Winona is a surprisingly good team member, very useful in different situations decently bulky and with good offensive coverage. Very powerful on rainy and windy days. Clearly she won't cut it when the stakes will rise in future, but for now she is good enough for me.
  9. So, I recently started a new normal run, using Chespin as the starter. I wanted to use a 6th gen starter, and last time I played I had a Protean Froakie, but it seemed a bit fragile to me, as did Fennekin. The first steps in the game were relatively easy, I rescued a Volt Absorb Pachirisu from some thugs on the bridge and then a female Espurr joined me. My team for Julia was rounded up by a Gulpin, a Bidoof and an hyperactive Wingull (which obviously didn't participate to the battle). My monsters were at level 16-17 during the battle and it went rather smoothly, with Quilladin being the MVP with his rollout and tanking a self-destruct, while Electrode was crippled by Gulpin's poison gas and finally went down, although not befor KOing some of my pokemons. Only disappointment came from Pachirisu, as her Volt Absorb could do nothing against the sonicbooms that Julia loved to use... After I had the first medal I got myself a Numel (boxing Bidoof) and went to Obsidia. There, while training in the underground, I caught a shiny Klink, that prompted me to box Pachirisu. So, that's my team after coming out of the slums. I probably need to do some grinding before entering the park where the PULSE Tangrowth is. Trainer name: Gretchen (Alicia) Starter: Ciop (Quilladin male) Lv. 21 - Brave - Bulletproof Leech Seed - Pin Missile - Vine Whip - Rollout Leah (Espurr female) Lv. 19 - Docile - Own Tempo Charge Beam - Light Screen . Covet - Psybeam Klink [shiny!] Lv.19 - Serious - Clear Body Vice Grip - Charge - Thunder Schock - Gear Grind Putzy (Gulpin female) Lv.18 - Quirky - Sticky Hold Acid Spray - Yawn - Poison Gas - Sludge Vesù (Numel male) Lv.18 - Hardy - Simple Focus Energy - Magnitude - Flame Burst - Stockpile Winona (Wingull female) Lv.18 - Hardy - Rain Dish Mist - Water Pulse - Supersonic - Wing attack I know that most of these will have to be changed in the long term because of suboptimal EVs/IVs and natures, but how are they now? I lack a fighting type until quilladin evolves, maybe I should get one from the slums to counter Flo's Cradily? Later I will insert in the group the pokemon from the policeman's mistery egg, unless it's a grass type or one I really don't like. For now I have been positively impressed by Numel and Gulpin, two pokemon I never used, but which are provin themselves pretty though, at this stage at least. Some considerations and questions: 1-Espurr is strong now, but will probably be subbed off as soon as I can train a Ralts. 2-I would like to use Emolga instead of Wingull, but then I would be left without a water type and that's not good... 3-I would like to use Dragalgae in the team, but that's far off in the future, can Gulpin be enough until then or should I be looking for a better poison type? 4-Klink: I would like to hold to it, but is it worth training and having as a main team member? 5- How would you improve my team at this stage? Is it grossly unbalanced?
  10. Thank you all for the kind welcome! If I may, I have a question: why is the trainer card in my sig douled? I am pretty sure I inserted only one image in the "edit signature" box... Yeah, nice to see that there are other italians here. Going to post in team showcase my experience thus far and the current team. Thank you for the cake, very tasty! Uh, I know, I went a bit further than that on previous runs and I know that the dificulty is going to increase, but that's where the fun lies, isn't it? Well, I meant a paradigm shift for me, in the way I play this kind of games. As you say, it would be nice if Nintendo adopted some ideas from fan games, but they probably won't, as their mane target is probably different than that of fan games.
  11. Hi everyone! I am Yanez, and wanted to send my biggest thank you to Amethyst and all her collaborators for making this amazing game! Really, Reborn is a shift of paradigm from traditional pokemon games, with an engrossing story and a more challenging than ever gameplay. I hope to have a good and fun time in this community! But now let's write something about me: I am a guy and come from Italy, and I have been a pokemon fan since primary school (It was the time of pokémon red and blue). I have not played the most recent generation games (apart from B&W on a rom for my phone...), but I still love pokemon and have also sometime done a bit of battling on Showdown (With dreadful results, I am really far from being as good as more committed gamers out there). Pokémon is a pastime for me, nothing too serious, but regular games became a bit boring and had a lack of challenge (everything can be bested with grinding and the right movesets), so I tried some fan made games, but I found them not so good, or artificially difficult because of overleveled enemies. Until... I found Pokémon Reborn, with is intriguing startegical challenge, its field effects and reliance on uncommonly used pokés to achieve victory. My first pokemon ever was a Squirtle on Pokémon Red (Nicknamed BB, a true champ), and I have a fondness for water type (I also love the sea and swimming in RL), but I also like other types obviously . Some of my favourite monsters are, in no peculiar order: Gardevoir, Blastoise, Dragonair, Feraligatr, Lapras, Suicune, Swellow and Aerodactyl. My favourite Pokémon game is probably Silver because of how much time I spent on it as a kid, and now Reborn obviously! I have just started a regular run, with the (far, becuase I don't have that much time to play) goal of completing it, for now I am just past the Slums (BTW, would Team Showcase be the right place to post my team, ask for advice and record my progress? That would motivate me not to drop off and restart to soon as I sometime do...). Some other interests I have are history (also alternate history or uchronia); music, especially classical and lyrical, but I have eclectic tastes; languages and international relations/politics. Oh, boy, how many parentheses I used! Greetings to all and again thanks for making this very nice game!
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