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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Astalos

  1. Thank you so much for making this mod! I would like to know if it's possible to revert nuclear form pokemon back to their original type.
  2. Hello, SmK. Thanks for making these mods. I get the following error when launching the game: This happens when I run the game with all the mods installed. Running the game with ONLY the challenge run Mod causes no errors. I think it's the Follower Mod that's causing problems. Appreciate the support.
  3. Hello. This is my first time posting a thread... I hope I am not breaking any rules X.X. The reason I created this thread is because I am not entirely sure where to post my question: So, I am looking to play pokemon Reborn Hardcore but I am somewhat confused about something. I launched the game from the game folder and found my Pokemon Reborn save file (Original one) loaded up. Does Hardcore not have a different save folder? What do I need to do to start a new game in Hardcore? Thanks in advance!! Also, sorry if I broke any rules. ^^
  4. Ah, thank you! ^^ EDIT: hahaha I thought it was the Pokemon Storage PC. Facepalm...
  5. The stories of Pokemon Reborn And Rejuvenation are enthralling. I really can't wait to see what happens in the end.
  6. I am not sure if this is the right thread for this but I just wanted 'discuss' my extreme annoyance. I finished the '????' quest in Kristline Village and went to the Help Center to get my reward. I got a shiny inkay with contrary. Only downside was that it had bad IV's and a sassy nature. So I was like "Hey, I should SR this." I assume you know what happened next hahah xd. I know I can breed for one but still... FeelsBadMan.
  7. Thanks! Also, I have an unrelated question. Is the Kakori VIllage Help Center currently bugged? I completed the 'FInd it...' quest (the one where you have to find the roggenrola and escort it back to the village) and found that you can claim the reward a number of times (4 iirc). Well, I did that and now I can't claim the rewards of the other quests. I got the magnemite, too. Any help would be appreciated!! You get one by completing the litwick/team xen grunt event in Amethyst Cave. PM me if you need more info ^^ EDIT: I don't know if you can mine for them.
  8. Hello. I can't find the Kristline Help Center. I finished the town's storyline, I think (Beat Angie). Is there something else I need to do? Thanks in advance!!
  9. Hello! I just beat Zetta at the entrance of the Valor Mountain and I'm now in Gernear City. I talked to Melia in Venam's house and she told me to do something but I couldn't read what it was because there was a space between the lines and it went by too fast. Sorry for the bad English, btw. I am not sure how to describe it exactly. But it happened a couple of times in certain dialogues. The spacing just goes off, if that makes any sense X.X Help please!! EDIT: SOLVED!
  10. I finished the 'Find it...' quest in Kakori Village and went to claim my reward. I found that I can claim the reward more than once. I kept spamming the reward lady until Team Anti-Assist showed up. Problem is, I can't get the rewards for the other quests after completing them. The reward lady thinks I fnished them all.
  11. Hello! Thanks for making this amazing game ^^ My frogadier has this set of IV's: 3/4/10/30/11/8 Now, the above set of IV's is supposed to give me a Steel-type Hidden Power but I am pretty sure that my Frogadier's HP type is FIre. Tested it numerous times. Truth be told, I don't want this to get fixed (HP Fire>HP Steel on Greninja imo) . Sorry for the bad English. Hope this helps... EDIT: Also, in my battle against Nim on route 2, I used Water Pulse on his Espurr and it was not very effective. O.O Was that due to the psychic field or is it a bug? Thanks in advance! ^^ EDIT 2: Just read some of the posts here and the field manual. Sorry haha!
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