Hello every1, I came here to put my english skill on good use or spill up some words (notice me if I make something wrong or if I made bleed your eyes); my brother is who play this game and it draw my attention (yet). He has not set an account here, so ppl can't blame me by using the same ip. But I must complain that I was unable to play, since I'm not the favorite in this family, I run an old computer(laptop), some keys are not working anymore, and some of them I've to press them hard, more than every puzzle u've seen till now. I tried also third-party programs to remap the keys (cuz the game does not allow me to remap the arrows or directional keys, these ones who are failing) and the OS finish them off and it does not apply the changes (I tried with around 4-5 programs); anyway I'm more than open to new ideas. I also play pkmn hack games and made some videos fighting with final bosses and pretty custom team, I'll paste some of them here so it will seem a happy threat:
One link cuz u may dislike my battles, also I don't like to make spam, sometimes I feel watched, specially when I walk out singing 'I feel pretty'; I have another stuff to say, just I forgot them cuz I feel that I forget stuff, anyway happy day or night and thx by reading my garbage letter.