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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TojoLens

  1. TojoLens


    I'll check it out for sure! Thanks!
  2. TojoLens


    Aye aye captain! Thank you!
  3. TojoLens


    My bad, thank you for correcting me! I'll be sure to leave the cake be <3
  4. TojoLens


    Thank you! The community seems pretty calm, I'm super pumped to get into it all.
  5. My first shiny was a Skitty I got through Masuda breeding. However, it only took me 48 eggs and while this first successful shiny hunt led me to become a full on shiny hunter it drove me away from breeding because I felt impatient when i began to hit around 300 eggs. Now, I use my shiny Delcatty for horde and fish hunting.
  6. give me the goods

    1. ScuzBrains


      I'll give you something bro ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. In general I've always had a rather easy time with gyms? Nothing has ever stood out to me as difficult until Skyla's gym came around. I have no idea why, it has a simple set up and yet I found myself so lost.
  8. TojoLens


    I'm excited to see you try n take down my fairy squad ;j
  9. As said by a few members before, I also doubt that there will be new evolutions for older pokemon because of mega evolving, so we are more likely to see new megas. However, personally I would love an evolution for Pachirisu or a third evolution in the buizel chain.
  10. TojoLens


    It can wreck so long as it attacks first. We gotta battle again sometime!
  11. TojoLens


    Hey I'm Marcus! I took a try at this fangame a while ago, but at the time had no time to really get into it. So now I've decided to give it another go since my evenings have freed up. In the main games, I typically main with a glass cannon hasty Mawile, typically followed up by whichever of my competitive battlers suit the battle style. I'm excited to get started with this game!
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