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  1. No, just open up the launcher twice. In one select one of your save files, and in the second the other. Then proceed with two different online account. It's quite easier to do than to explain :). Maybe turn off the volume 'cause the double music could be weird.
  2. Thank you all for everything, it has been a wonderful ride. I started this game when I was a student, and now I am a grown up teacher and I'm writing this post with some tears in my eyes after the end of the postgame. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of quality and love this game traspires. Thank you very much, I love you all!
  3. I guess I didn't explore deeply enough, thanks!
  4. Hey there! Is there anhy way to get access to the Railnet Cave (the one with TMX Flash) after going back to the renovated Reborn? Apparently I can't activate the switches (and it makes sense 'cause the train is not there anymore)... It means I can't get Flash? Thank you! And sorry if it's already been asked/it's not the place for posting this, I couldn't find an answer.
  5. @Gentleman Jaggi I'll try that strategy, I hope Bronzong will take those hits. I didn't think about the Rhyperion, to be honest, thank you! It worked! I just had to wait for the focus band to take effet and then puff, piece of cake. Thank you again!
  6. Hello everyone! My mons are getting destroyed by Charlotte. In my last run (it was ep 16 iirc) I remember I had hard time but at the end I won, I just can't remember how. Right now my decent leveled pokemons are: Sharpedo (lv63, Speed Boost, Jolly), Arcanine (lv67, Flash Fire, Lonely), Blaziken (lv70, Speed Boost, Timid), Ampharos (lv67, Static, Adamant), Meowstic (lv63, Competitive, Hardy), Donphan (lv 56 - in training -, Sturdy, Rash), Scrafty (lvl 60, Intimidate, Calm), Emolga (lv59, Motor Drive, Docile), Spiritomb (lv 58, Pressure, Lax). As you all very well know, I can't go back to Reborn City to change my mons nature, and I really don't have the time and the energy to grab some ground or rock pokemon, grind them and then leave them for good in the box: I would love some solution without having to spend hours levelling up. Thank you all! (As usual, sorry for my English)
  7. Hello everyone, I'm new in the forum and my English is rather horrible, so please forgive me. I lost my Exp Share, see below to know where because it is a part of the game that I don't want to spoiler So I was wandering if there is the possibility of obtaining another one... May somebody help me? Thank you all!
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