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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chrixai

  1. I am in dire need of a new Year.

  2. You never told me what you got for Christmas. What did you get??? 🤩🥳

    1. Abyssreaper99


      I got some aftershave, chocolates, these comfy pajama bottoms. Some vouchers and a few other things. Wbu?

    2. Chrixai


      Ah nice. I got new shoes, kraken headphones, and two new shirts.

  3. Hi Kanon :] Hi Erin, Jan, and Zumi my favor people :]]]]] Merry Christmas!
  4. Merry Christmas!!!! 🎁 🎄 

  5. Who’s getting what for Christmas? 🤩🎁 🎄 

    1. Abyssreaper99


      I don't know yet, I'll have to answer this tomorrow

  6. All these new games coming in 2020. Anyone else excited??

  7. UGHHHHHHHHHHH I have to wake up early for work tomorrow 😭Thanksgiving was too short 😫

  8. Pokémon Sword 🗡: Done! ✅ 

  9. Is it bad that I want to live in the Pokémon world? Because that’s what I want OwO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      Honestly, I'd love to live in Galar. Great region schematic, the league seems to be taken more serious than any other region. 

    3. Crystalrage


      Kalos or galar will be my choice to live in, if you ask.

    4. Cerulean


      Galar or Unova those two are the best one. I would live in Galar

  10. Pokémon Sword starts now!

  11. It’s out! (But I don’t have it yet) Until further notice I will not reply to rebornevo until I myself have gotten ⚔️ at the risk of spoilers. Best of luck to all of you!

  12. Idk bout the rest of you, but (⚔️+🛡) tomorrow. Yay! 😁

    1. CodeCass


      Can't wait! It's gonna be awesome! 

    2. Chrixai
  13. I don’t think I need to explain my profile picture, do I? 🙃

  14. My freedom days are gone 😥😭 on the + side I completed the 3 dailies! Now I wait 4 days. 😠

  15. Happy belated person idk! 🎂

    1. Candy


      hehe thanks~

  16. 3 days of freedom here I come!

  17. I need 3 days for 3 important things. My bed 🛏, my games 🎮 and my sleep 💤 . If I am I to fulfill these for 3 days, I will be complete. So 🛏+🎮+💤=🌈💫⭐☀️

  18. 🎂 Anyone want this cake before I ravage it?

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