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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chrixai

  1. Idk who Dave is, but the Dev Team are all good, I assure you. And they are def working hard on Rejuv. It's just gonna take a bit longer, as both Jan and Zumi have mentioned that v13 has a lot of content. But I assure you they are all alive and well.
  2. I'm sitting in LITERAL darkness. The power is out and it's DARK. 😭😭😱😱

  3. Yeeee my favorite girl got first! Second favorite got 3rd yeeeee! 2rd Melia. Yeet. Kidding! Love it Zumi ! Love the art celebration of rankings!
  4. Chrixai


    I almost thought your cat was being Obi-Wan for minute then I realized it's just in a paperbag X)
  5.       Hey, yeah hi. So first I wanna say I finished 2 games on one day. Astral Chain and Pokemon Desolation. First Astral Chain. @Maqqy You were right. Astral Chain, definitely worth playing. Freaking loved it and I might replay.

          Second, Pokemon desolation. HOLY CRAP. @Posty @Ruby Red @Caz You guys did an AWESOME job with this and I cannot wait for Episode 6. Episode 5 answered a lot of my questions and theories and I gotta say JESUS CHRIST what an experience. So yeah wanted to show my appreciation to those I've mentioned. And a goodnight to all of you wonderful, beautiful people in this community! 😁😴

  6. I just want to float on cloud 9 and rest in peace

  7. I am thou, thou art I. I am just trying to attract attention. If I don't get it I'll send you all to another dimension. (Good mornings lol)

  8. Happy birthday fam! Hope you have a good day!

    1. SilverAngelus


      Thank you! 

      uwu I got message from Ren

  9. All I have to say is....HYPEEEEEEEEEE. ALSO when you receive a quest how will it appear? Like appear on the screen after you receive, like in pokemon mystery dungeon?
  10. Ok I'm sorry, but can we please move onto another topic? It's really not a big deal as Jan said all mons will be available soon. And I'm sure Gyarados/Magikarp will be available soon. So can we discuss something else? Likeeeeeee the hype and longer content v13 has to offer.
  11. Sorry one more question. What are the personalities of the main characters in your opinion?
  12. Imo I think you did pull off expectations because you came back! Glad you're here again
  13. What was easy and what was hard when you proceeded to make episode 5? What did you have the most fun with?
  14. Uhm can you maybe relax a little? I don't think there is any need to be cautious about obtaining pokemon seeing as a Jan previous stated, all pokemon will be obtainable in future versions and you probably don't HAVE to catch all pokemon if you don't want to. Probably just for Zumi's request. Not to sound rude or anything, but not everything needs to be rewarded for EVERY quest that's given. If anything just enjoy the story because to me imo is much better than obtaining any kind of reward. The story is the reward lol.
  15. The reward is the joy of having a non-legendary on your team.
  16. I has bought the Galaxy s20+ and it's mine!

  17. Dope af, all of them. Ima bow down to the princess Mel
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