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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by General_Hashbrown

  1. I learned yesterday, that if you bump into a stranger's car at Gamestop they'll be super chill about it and even offer you a bad game.
  2. mega zangoose normal/steel Tough claws attack 150 defense 80 speed 110 special def 80 special attack 100 the first time I've ever used a zangoose was xd gale of darkness and while I thought zangoose was pretty good I always thought he was lacking something like an evolution. so with the introduction of gen 6 I thought zangoose would be among the few mons lucky enough to acquire mega evolution (nope) now we're at oras and still no dice. So I figure maybe you could be the one to make it happen.
  3. I really don't like mortal combat because the only things that keep it on the public's radar is the whole fatality gimmick and the blood ( I personally don't like gore, I'm not squeamish I'm just grossed out by it ). Plus the characters are like batman villian rejects, at least in street fighter we have awesome characters like El Fuerte.
  4. Chrono Trigger but thats because the characters reminded me of DBZ characters
  5. All i want from this game is an evil organization that isn't missing a few chromosomes ( i'm looking at you gens 3 and 6 ) followed by fully voice acted characters with the professor being voiced by Morgan Freeman and the rival being voiced by the guy who voice acts killua from hunter x hunter and thats about it
  6. so i was wondering if someone could hack a shuppett into being my starter since i would like to do a ghost monotype run (or any other viable ghost i'm not picky) please. Thanks in advance also Dan is awesome because Dan is awesome Game.rxdata
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