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Reborn Development Blog
Rejuvenation Development Blog
Desolation Dev Blog
Everything posted by YinYang9705
I'm sure this random scientist is more moral then dr connal at least! maybe possibly fucking rich assholes buying entire buildings for themselves just build yourself an island retreat like a regular rich guy you dont need to take up real estate anyone who uses terms like the whole cast is defiantly not to be trusted only sociopaths treat characters in a story like characters in a story
upside is rejuvenation sean never had to deal with arceus! sure yveatal was basically the same trama but you know small mercies rip in the og ds's terrible mic quality at least it was a better gimmick then cleaning badges >>>>>4 chapters sometimes I wonder if jan just isnt better off making a pokemon themed vn you need to chip aelita at this point she wanders off far too often
clearly purple will win in a fight against pink aelita oh sure pink will have the upper hand until round one but then pink will clearly unlock a new power or whatever and win at the last second anticlimatically just like the second rate shonens rejuvenation clearly wants to be luigia isnt even in the top twenty most cursed things I saw about that damned pokemon on the internet which is the horrible thing why why is lugia such a cursed mon why is the opening of yuyu hakusho the start of a rejuvenation sidequest fuck isekais for taking that from it btw oh cool another character I hope his best friend jon isnt aged up and given an ugly twink boyfriend god that would be awful oh hey jan predicted covid shipping and they say psychic powers dont exist
care bears dont deserve that slander damn karens they ruin everything ah the goodol nulear play, the best deterrence to any kind of threat rip zira though that cant be comfortable ah teen drama the backbone to any pokemon fangame I'll still take it over fake lesbian romance ending in attempted suicide wasnt the original dimensional rift actually hell in that regard you've already been to hell! oh boy a tournament arc! those always end with the main character leaving with the prize and certainly not losing in some contrived way :D
I think game freak confused their idioms when naming mold breaker that or it was cooler then their first few goes either or pigfucking is something best left to be an uncomfortable secret we all know about but never talk about like child abuse or simpsons porn oh goddamn it >the world doesnt revolve around your little group YES IT LITERALLY DOES NOTHING HAPPENS UNLESS YOU TRIGGER THE CUTSCENE EVENT FOR IT god this speech is unearned
oh hey its the pokemon tower healing circles or squares in this case glad to see the channelers branching out with their runes lets be real noone called puppet master is ever friendly at most they help you because they benefit from it somehow I have it on good authority that jan never played moemon, I think he just likes gijinkas theres a condition where people convulse and die in their sleep so I assume thats what would have happened if lobo bit it
I'd give you shit for not knowing PaTD but I didnt know who post malone was and his music gets literal billions of views so I'm just gonna assume they got popular just a bit too late for you >not capitalizing God damn it jan if you're gonna refer to a singular God at least do it right silly sean everyone knows girlfirends are more important then fathers at least thats what life is strange taught me and thats never wrong! no the batman puppet villain is called the ventriloquist and theres 3 of them for some goddamn reason hey this time the dream world is an actual pokemon thing! sure it was just the gen5 online incentive and not whatever the fuck jan is doing with it but this time theres precedent for it!
Funny how life works you think your enemies sent you a bomb but it turns out to be your crazy wife mailing herself from a different dimeinsion will wonders never cease everyone know enabling awful people to keep talking will never lead to anything bad happeneing god huey its like you dont even tumblr that edit reminds me where's our cart racing spinoff TPC you dipped into gatcha and mobas theres no depth you wont sink this IP to at this point
who uses their first name for their professor title have they learned nothing from professor oak wow all that effort for nothing rip past sean at least theres always the spore option? poor madelis she keeps getting molested by her bosses not even she deserves that
forget screenshot, what nuzlocke gets to 116 parts in general I can only think of two examples and one of them is kynims diamond nuzlocke that basically small comic blocks the other is also a diamond nuzlocke but that hasnt updated in 5 years so eh everyone needs holy water in their house what if you're suddenly attacked by vampires skyscrapers are earthquake resistant now, its fine poor tusk he didnt deserve dying so melia can look pretty also poor mammoth pig
well good news about those sinnoh remakes! gamefreak isnt making them! talking pokemon is just a standard power of nuzlockers seriously name the last time you saw a nuzlocke were the pokemon didnt talk I didnt expect rejuvenation to turn into a lezdom hentai but I really should have tbh
why would venam care about type match ups in casual relationships that shits never mattered theres theres an important reason she followed that letter sean! jan needed the plot to move forward and ouldnt think of a better reason for her to be there newspaper articles in different langues cira 1913? god I wish rejuvenation was a long set up for a rom of chrono trigger then maybe I'd play it longer then goldenleaf!
I'm sure caeser is fine or at least copes better then most ......what the fuck does jan think podcasts are I assume jan wanted to reveal why she bames herself but then he forgot he wrote that scene or something man I wish dc marketed the titans better, they beat satan on their first major storyline they're basically equal with the league
they did make something like that its called hetalia and its about as shitty as you think it is the 5 second rule doesnt apply to anything germs arent just gonna wait around to jump on something oh god damn it why does rejuv have the stamp system it works in reborn since you get access to the department store early on and reborn city is the major location that the game is built around but you get access to grand dream after 8 fucking badges and over 60 levels what the hell is the point of locking you off like this unless it was changed in the massive overhaul of v13 IDFK
to be fair it does take alot of effort to dance especially since shes a quadruped how often do you see those dance at least its a better degree then literature risa has entirely too much detail for a gameboy advance styled pokemon sprite my god >tournement ah finally rejuvenation embraces being the low budget shonen anime it always wanted to be
I'm sure that was a fun story to tell to the news who the fuck color codes vaccines this cant be kingdom hearts there isnt enough Yoko Shimomura themes and zippers for that to be the case fucking surprise doubles battles goddamn it bluster didnt deserve to die like that rip him congrats on 1000 posts here and 130k views on the nuzlocke forums!
did did granny altair pick up a fucking gremlin turned into a doll to be fair clefairy's line is rare as fuck so a stuffed animal version of them makes sense if you cant get your hands on a real one the strength puzzle was in both dungeons yes >>>>>dragon's potential I didnt thing you'd be eating the super saiyan comment so soon
The tail grows back immediately because sceptile is a gecko and they can do that hidden power was still in gens6&7 it just couldnt be fairy figures you'd be the one trainer unlucky enough to get hilter in their mass of evil spirits oh the yandere oshawott it returns to haunt our nightmares how swell
man I love wonder everywhere AI scrpits I hope they never go away oh she did enough of that on her own florin yeah well into 2020 so well into 2020 we're in 2021 damn it chiller you team killing fuckass what a waste of a perfectly good sidekick rip prophet they turned sceptiles tail into a missile weapons with its mega as seen with its special attack animations so its like mawile in that respect speaking of game shit fairy hidden power doesnt exist because all the iv combinations where already used up in gen3 and gamefreak didnt want to overhaul the entire attack like that
I expected it to take longer then a few minutes for you to turn into the mole man honestly ah erin, all I know of her is that the artist was incredibly horny when making her vs sprite was not expecting her to be that much of an asshole to be honest with you, but I guess asshole girls are all jan knows how to write yeah no I dont blame you for not accepting bladestar after that recruitment attempt jesus christ the rocket grunt after the nugget bridge gave a better pitch then that >I'm a leaf fucking canadians and another good water lost rest well gustav you cannon octopus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>next 100 fucking plot tumors
I assume moemon kinda fell off a cliff after the switch to 3d but who knows more teams should be like cipher and just drop the team suffix would add a bit of name diversity to things, although the last two gens had the real bad guy not be a team so eh >pokemon, doing anything? >>lets be real florin its a fangame that will never happen jesus flora you dont need to lay it out so thick so insurgence so kaizo/post gen1 brock fucking team rocket traps
poke amine/refresh/camp basically puts alot of the luck based elements of the battle system in your favor its both convenient and cute kanon is there to add a vital element to any party constitution gender diversity because the pc isnt guaranteed to be male >>>expecting programmers and artists to have mechanical knowledge they only know how to code and draw pls understand hey stantler gets intimidate, that makes it a decent not!tarous!.....wow it really does have no niche alas poor deer hooray, sakis dead! shame adam and the water leader whos name I've completely forgotten had to be sacrificed to ensure it but it was a necessary sacrifice oh boy a green pair of siblings! surely this wont lead into another plot tumor!
I see zaius was working on his comeback game during his time on the bench, good for him ultra beasts are just aliens so technically speaking many pokemon are just ultra beasts >scooby doo got dragged off to hell early on would be a sick twist in mystery skulls ngl >leon is going to do nothing for the plot man that comment did not end well at all fucking kill stealer blue is not a flattering light for you my god favorite pokemon list eh
>200 chapters right I forgot how fucking bloated rejuv is in terms of content jesus oh boy orphans! at least these ones have a loving matron instead of a psychotic sadsack and arent actually part of the main plot poor old old man stompy he tried his best but in the end he went senile and died some say his machop is still stomping in his lot, waiting for orders that will never come >rpg maker porn games you just get dialogue trees with the basic battle system ripped out its not that exciting tbh jan had to put the various secret base decorations somewhere so he might as well throw them at the orphans >xerneas is the games icon NOT FOR LONG! rip its trozei sprite it lasted so long
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeE2zmYFN3o a scottish collage student in 2009 >flora surely this wont lead into another plot tumor hopefully maybe >filler leading into unexpected fights with high level pokemon its expected at this point really the piplups will be fine, one will just evolve into a new empoleon and rule the kingdom in his steed