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Everything posted by YinYang9705

  1. and so melias messiah complex caused her to commit a robbery on one of the only people capable of stopping the gas how heroic if your character could actually talk, I'd imagine the cutscene on the yacht would actually be pretty comfy and if you know, the characters that could talk had likable personalities
  2. as I leave the fortree gym, I deal with an old nemesis. afterwords, I once more head into the rain as I think about the journey so far, come see it here!  https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-3

  3. and so, after dealing with mimics, pirates, and may, I finally reach fortree city and  see what its deal is. https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-3#post-778595

  4. And so, I finally reach route 119, with its constant rain and occasional pirate attacks, find out how I handle it right here https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-3#post-778230

  5. After the weekend, I do new mauville and the hidden part of route 115, come see how it works out https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-777751

  6. I just assumed there was some country music about how the wives are perfect submissives, although I guess that people that listen to country and people that upload music are two distinct groups I dont think it's self pitying when you're mourning a beloved pet, veronica you insensitive bitch >maidiac I chuckled since you're the guy they send to deal with all the dangerous enemies, you're clearly the underappreciated fighter
  7. And for the first time of many, I begin traversing the sea, come see how it works out here https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-777188

    1. doombotmecha


      Man, the sea bits were always my least favorite parts of the game--after Norman, I'd immediately head off to Mauville for Magneton, and then up towards Fortree City.

    2. YinYang9705


      eh, they're there, they are not going away, they help me stay on level, and its not very long, so I might as well get them done

  8. On this special weekend episode of my nuzlocke, I revive a fossil, hatch an egg, and finally face norman in battle, come see how it turns out here!https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-776596

  9. And so, which the trickmaster dealt with, I finally got around to handling the desert of route 111, find out what went down here!https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-776207

  10. After defeating flannery, I reunite with may and try to enter the pokemon center. unfortunately, the trick master has resurfaced, can I beat his maze?https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-776054

  11. With cozmo rescued, I travel to mount chimney to stop the dangerous plans of team magma, read on to learn how it unfolds!  https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-775245

  12. After making it to fallaror town, I head off to find out what team magma wants to do with professor cozmo, come find out with me here https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2

  13. In todays episodem I learn the local culture of fallarbor town as I journey through the northen parts of hoenn to reach it, come see what I learned here! https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/page-2#post-774868

  14. After the battle with wattson, I'm forced to take on the trickmaster with a massive disadvantege! will I be able to do it and survive? find out right here! https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/#post-774433

    1. doombotmecha


      Wait, why are you down to only four mons? Are you only adding mons you actively want to train to your team?


      Anyway, the volcano and the ash-covered routes around Fallabor Town are easily my favorite part of gen III. I'm excited to see you tackle them!

    2. YinYang9705


      on no, my rules state I cant have more pokemon then the gym leader, so riri and cacca got benched for the gym battle

    3. doombotmecha


      oooh, right! I can't believe I forgot. I do really like that rule, especially what with the reductions in teams for the last few gens.

  15. after reaching mauville, I headed west to learn what was out there. come find out right here https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/index.php?threads/taking-on-hoenn-an-emerald-screenshotlocke.2152/#post-93019

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