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  1. This is a hard one, since there are so many good tunes in the game. That being said, here's some standouts in random order: -Reborn theme, especially the Opal, Obsidia and Beryl versions -Coral Ward -7th Street / Lapis Then ofc GlitchxCitys bangers such as: -Breeze (aka Black White Entralink remix), the song that plays in Route 1 -Sinister Uprising (I think this should be familiar to anyone) -Majesty -Trainer Battle 2 (aka Emerald Battle Frontier remix) -Wild Battle 2 (aka Mystery Dungeon Aegis Cave remix), gotta love that Tetris motif Yet have to finish E19, but so far it also has some of the best tunes in the game, especially the new battle themes.
  2. Pokemon Sun/Moon is actually pretty hard if you don't use the exp share function (probably same thing for XYZ). But I agree, Reborn and Rejuvenation are way more fun to play. Especially the field effects are genius, and add a whole extra layer of strategy to the combat system. Idk if you have tried it yet, but Temtem's also a pretty good Pokemon clone, and has a WAY better combat system compared to Pokemon. It's also pretty hard especially in the beginning when you have to figure everything out.
  3. The double battles are only part of the reason why the games is more difficult. There are also many other reasons, including: 1). It is way harder to OHKO opposing tems even with super effective moves, so you are bound to tank at least a few hits. 2). There's a billion tamer battles in a row, so in order to make it through you either have to backtrack a lot, or bring a lot of restorative items which REALLY sucks. The temessence vial doesn't help much, because you need to heal after almost every battle. 3). There's no EXP share (except Coward's Cloak, which you can only equip to 1 tem), so it's pretty damn tedious to grind levels, again because it is harder to OHKO opposing tems. 4). Many tems evolve super late, but the ones that don't evolve tend to be weaker or rarer most of the time. So it's a kind of a lose-lose situation. 5). Many tems have either shit move pooles (Looking at you Oceara) or stats (Pigepic for example). Or sometimes you have to breed in order to get the proper moves. This also narrows down which tems are viable, which sucks for diversity purposes. Ganki is so strong on the first island that he essentially becomes a must pick. Houchic is also better than the other starters imo, but unfortunately I can't go back in time to pick him instead of Smazee (which gets outclassed by Skunch pretty soon). And I can go on and on. It's true that temtem is a lot younger compared to Pokemon, but Pokemon made all the improvements so Temtem didn't have to go through the learning curve. Yet, they still fail a lot of basic things (some of which I described above), and also the story leaves a lot to be desired. Also idk if the dialogue options actually make a difference, cos otherwise it's a waste of time. When it comes to difficulty, I think Reborn and Rejuvenation just do it way better to be honest.
  4. I don't get why so many people dislike mirror field, since you can easily destroy it with EQ (which made Serra really easy btw). Favorites: Glitch Field. Really like how this reverted everything back to the good ol' days. A very good reminder for how important the physical/special split is. Least: Underwater/Desert Field. Underwater cripples non-water Pokemon waaayy too much, and Desert was really annoying for me since my Primarina couldn't really use water moves effectively
  5. What do I like the most about Rejuvenation? There's too many things to list, but the most important things you can find below. I remember that a few years ago I said "Rejuvenation is just a watered down Reborn ripoff", but now I feel it is actually better than Reborn in many ways. Now for once it is Reborn that has to play catch up, which I think is impossible, especially because of point 1 and 6. 1). Being able to play as multiple characters. It just adds so much more depth to the story, being able to experience it from multiple perspectives 2A). Side quests Many of the side quests are well thought out and also add to the experience. Some of them are a bit goofy but still fun nonetheless. 2B). Achievement system Honestly quite surprising to have this in a Pokemon game, but another nice addition that rewards you if you are a completionist. 3). Constant updates every version Every time I play a new version, it feels like I'm playing a different game. It's just getting more polished over time which is a good thing imo. 4). Battle Fields & Difficulty Some people hate them, but I think this is one of the most brilliant additions to a Pokemon game ever. You really need to play around the fields or you will get rekt. In Reborn I feel it was sometimes too easy to break the fields, but in Rejuvenation it is a lot harder (could just be my perception tho). Especially on Intense mode you really have to trick the AI and bait out certain attacks. Even with EV (and IV) trained mons it is still hard as triceratops testicles and I wipe dozens of times on hard battles. 6). Story In all honesty, this game has many of the same problems as Reborn....that is having way too many side characters and the story is a bit too unfocused and confusing. Still I think Rejuv has way better characters than Reborn, and like I mentioned earlier, as an added bonus you can also play with some of them. Even though some of the dialogue and plot are cringe AF, it is a lot of fun to play. 7). Music Last but not least, the music in this game is also way better than Reborn. Reborn has way too many GlitchxCity soundtracks, whereas Rejuvenation has a way more varied and balanced soundtrack. I especially like the soundtracks used in Akuwa Town, Terajuma and also the pyramid robot battle music.
  6. Just like many other people here, I flew away from GDT, and now cannot enter anymore with the train. Would be appreciated if someone can help me out edit: Never mind, just found out this problem got fixed in patch 12.2 Game.rxdata
  7. Pikachu learns TB as late as level 42 which means he's pretty much dead weight until then. Tbh it's a lot better to just evolve him into A-Raichu, and then cough up a Heart Scale so you can just learn TB regardless of what level you are. Before evolving tho, you should make sure to get Nasty Plot (as Pichu @L13), and possibly Nuzzle (Pikachu @L29) though it's not that much better than Thunder Wave.
  8. I think Souta is by far the hardest gym leader Rejuv has ever seen (at least on intense mode). In particular the Braviary was so nasty it could even OHKO my team at -2/3 attack. This is one of the only times I actually had to make adjustments to my team to counter something (A-Graveler is really good against him, and can be caught in cave at route 9). In my latest playthrough I also struggled a lot with live Keta (so not the dead one), but that was mainly cos my team was garbage at that point. Valarie also used to be extremely hard, but now she's a complete joke so she should be reverted back to her original power level for some real challenge. I've never had that much problems with Angie, but that's probably because my teams were pretty good against her.
  9. Here's some suggestions for mons you should try out: 1). Medicham. Glass cannon with excellent type coverage. Anything that doesn't resist HJK gets either 1 or 2 shot. Evolves rather late at level 37 but well worth the investment. 2). A-Muk. Good bulk, typing and moveset. Puts in work in almost every battle. Similar to Medicham he evolves pretty late at 37. 3). Golem. Good movepool and access to stealth rock. With sturdy can always get an attack in before dying. If you want something faster you should try out Lycanroc. 4). Magnezone. Good typing and moveset, though unfortunately no access to TB yet (afaik). I think sturdy is by far the best ability to have. I'd say that's true with the exception of the latest gym leader. Idk why people fear Angie so much, I never really struggled with her in my 2 intense mode runs. Also I'm using A-Raichu in my current playthrough, but tbh I'm quite disappointed with his performance. Even at +2 (with max IV/EV /w Modest) he can't always OHKO stuff and with his paper thin defenses he can't take a hit either without dying. I think Magnezone is a way better pick overall, especially also against the latest gym leader.
  10. On my latest playthrough I'm rotating mons in and out, so here are some of my latest contributions. Shiftry - C+ +Can be found pretty early in Sheridan Village +Learns Feint Attack at 24 and Leaf Blade at 28 +Learns Rock Smash/Cut/False Swipe for some extra utility +Can use both physical and special attacks -Shitty defensive typing, 4x weak to bug -Shitty defenses (60/60), pretty decent HP tho -Feint Attack is it's strongest physical dark STAB Vivillon - C +Get it as early as Goldenwood Forest, and evolves early as well. +Learns Psybeam at 17 so pretty useful against Venam +Learns Draining Kiss at 25 which is useful against Keta's second fight +Has access to Quiver Dance (tho very late at 45). -Bad defensive typing and defensive stats (80/50/50), so cannot take hits -Pretty weak after Venam until it gets Bug Buzz at 35, but even then hits pretty weak. -For these reasons it is only worthwhile to run up to Venam, or after lvl 45 when it gets Quiver Dance I'd also like to comment on some other mons that people have assessed. Alolan-Raichu should be at best B+. Even at +2 you can't reliable sweep from my experience, unless you have a + SpA nature with EV investment or something. The problem is that A-Raichu's defenses are so poor that makes it really hard to setup unless you use cheesy strats to lower the attack beforehand. In the beginning of the game there's also a lot of dark/ghost moves for some reason so that doesn't help either. Lycanroc should be at best B. He cannot take hits and doesn't deal that much damage either as his highest STAB move is Rock Tomb/Rock Slide until you get Miss Edge at 48. The only thing he's really good for is hitting for super effective damage, revenge killing stuff with low HP or praying to the RNG Gods and getting multiple flinch hax in a row. So true, even with a shitty 10 IVs spread it puts in work in almost every fight (at least for me). I still wouldn't say it is Blaziken-tier good tho but that would be quite a feat in of itself.
  11. That probably only works if your character turned into the white dude. At least for me it didn't work out cos I turned into Marianette also. Really help someone can help us out fast
  12. Does it have to be Water/Ground type? I'm afraid the only options then are are Quagsire and Gastrodon (and Whiscash but his stats are pretty bad tbh). Otherwise you can always go for good ol' Slowbro. He has nice bulk (95/110/80), a pretty good movepool and really good ability (Regenerator). Also if you can't get the magmarizer anymore, you might want to consider Alolan-Marowak. With a thick club he hits like a truck (you can find thick club from wild cubone, put a mon with compoundeyes in first party slot for higher chance of finding it) and again has a good move pool. Alolan-Muk is another good recommendation for its awesome typing, bulk and move pool. p.s please install the fonts on your pc man, it looks a lot better that way!
  13. Afaik that only works if your character did a MJ like transformation from black to white, not if you changed into Maria(nette) like I did. Will give it a try tho and see if it works out edit: I tried it out and switched the names, but I still ended up as Marianette regardless
  14. Yups I already installed the latest patch. I even tried installing it again but it didn't make a difference.
  15. Sup guys. After browsing the forums I noticed that a lot of people were suffering from this bug where on the 2nd day after the Emma library event, your character permanently changes to either Maria(nette) or other MC. Now while there are of posts reporting this bug, I couldn't find anything about solving this problem. So my question is, does anyone know how to fix this problem? I've been stuck like this for 2 days now and really want to continue playing the game. The link to my save file can be found below: Game.rxdata Or slightly before the event GamePreLib.rxdata Would be really happy if someone can help me out, and also share the method so that other people can benefit from it as well!
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