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  1. In case anyone is curious, there's a working download link pinned to the #reborn-mods channel on Discord.
  2. @Commander Would it be possible to get a new download link for Redux since the current one is down?
  3. Thanks. Fly's working now, although follower Pokemon still aren't. I'll send you my save file though I'm fine with the game as is if you can't fix the issue.
  4. Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't seem to work. I still can't use Fly even after entering and exiting the back room. Follower Pokemon aren't active either and when I try to talk to the Goomy to enable them, this occurs:
  5. I think he may have been talking about a bug that occurs when you first fight Cain. A message about an exception possibly related to the Exp All pops up after you defeat his Koffing and you don't get any experience. He also doesn't send out any Pokemon on his next turn. I can't find the Exp All anywhere in my bag, so that might be related to the issue. Screenshots attached below. I removed all my mods so I can't think of much related specifically to my setup that might have caused this issue. I am playing with the item ban on and at the hardest difficulty if that helps. I would also appreciate it if you could help me with the issue of not being able to use Fly after updating to this version (made a post about this earlier), though I understand if you can't. Edit: Just saw the message on the front page, will try out the Exp All fix. Ignore this post if I don't make any further edits.
  6. I just defeated Ciel before the update and while I could use Fly before updating, I'm now told I don't have the gym badge to do so. Anyone know what's going on? This is my first time updating Reborn so I'm not sure if I'm missing something. I had several SWM components installed but the issue was still present after I removed all the mods.
  7. Is it possible to breed TMs in the current version of this? I've been trying to with a few different combinations of Pokemon, but it doesn't seem to be working.
  8. Most competitive movesets have Greninja with a plus speed nature but I'm not sure if that's the best nature in Reborn Hardcore. There are several pokemon in the game that are very fast, especially for the time you encounter them, but I'm not sure if it's worth sacrificing speed for attack or special attack when the majority of pokemon you encounter (at least after fully evolving) will be slower than you either way. In Reborn, which nature do you think is best for Froakie?
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