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  1. That and more pokemon interaction with the environment, though the logic gets weird at times.
  2. I too ship Taka with my character, but I don't blame Titania too much. Shit happens when reality is so fucked that she somehow builds some fantasy castle, she's just willing to cut through the people actively trying to destroy everything. Also it was a neat battle, had to bring a ditto with a seed to counter her Aegislash. Also the only therapists in reborn are a guy who's obsessed with electroshocks, and a back alley pokemon psychologist, so Amaria's not gonna have much luck seeking help.
  3. I just use what I want and haven't used recently (reborn or otherwise), out of a roster of 18, and occasionally replacing 'mons I don't see myself using
  4. Hitting a snag at Titania, my lineup is as follows: Empoleon with magic seed, moves: Water Pledge, Whirlpool, Brick break, Mist (unused) Charizard with magic seed & Solar Power, moves: Sunny Day, Fire Pledge, Air Slash, Brick Break Ludicolo with Magic seed, moves: Hidden Power (ground), Hydro Pump, Giga drain, Zen Headbutt Klinklang with Magic seed, moves: Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Discharge, Mirror shot Noivern with Magic Seed, moves: Hidden Power (ghost), Tailwind, STAB moves that won't come into use here Dusclops with Eviolite, moves: Hex, Will o Wisp, Curse, Confuse Ray My plan is to throw up a Water Pledge with empoleon, then remove the overworld hail and replace the terrain with a rainbow, using the seed buffs to keep me ahead. I was able to get through Titania's Sandslash, Excadrill, Scizor, and Empoleon using this strategy, but my problem begims with Klefki. At that point, I've got Ludicolo out at low HP, while Empoleon and Charizard are also in the wings with low HP. I can either set a new rainbow with water pledge; prompting it to use Calm Mind, take it out with Klinklang; burning a use of seeds and potentially encouraging Titania to use swords dance with Aegislash (which ended my last attempt), or I can use Dusclops and hope she doesn't switch out; which would remove its chance to burn Aegislash without using a sacrifice and a healing item (Dusclops would survive a shadow sneak at +2). Anyone got any refinements to my plan? I know Noivern is sort of a wasted slot, but I'm hoping to not have to grind up a replacement after I already leveled Empoleon specifically for this rainbow-fu plan, and it was my best choice among my trained reserves for this fight. Edit: I just had the stupidest idea that might work: use a ditto with impersonate to beat her Aegislash with itself. I'm at work so I can't test this, but I have a good feeling I can use king's shield to trick her AI into using swords dance while I'm already heavily boosted.
  5. 1. Shade - he's a great guy once you get to know him, and in my last play through, I REALLY got to know him until I caved and caught a mightyena. Plus he's an actual shade, which is really cool. 2. Terra - full disclosure, I read her lines with Tiny Tina's voice and like the glitch world. She's like an Ork in the grim darkness. 3. Radomus - I like someone who stays a step ahead. Really his rating is buoyed by his mystique right now. 4. Titania - Even though she slew my husbando in a terrible misunderstanding, I appreciate her willingness to cut the bullshit. Get it? Because of her -- yeah you get it. Also willing to go through a lot for Amaria even if she ends up regretting it, and said she felt like shit after the aforementioned misunderstanding, so I guess that helps. Also I hear you're no longer forced to read her diary in this episode, so I can pull a reversal with terrible misunderstandings in a future play through. (Cain would go here if we were rating other characters) 5. Adrienn - aside from being a community leader, xe was the only one smart enough to use his pokemon to escape Lin's trap instead of exhaust them fighting allies. 6. Sapphira - similar reasons to Titania, but she makes me feel less like the protagonist and more like a passenger. 7 (tie). Samson & Ciel - despite Samson not looking like a strong man and Ciel's face looking weird to me in the vs portrait I must have seen 40 times from rematches, I enjoy their dynamic, I think they're exes on good terms or something? 9. Shelly - she'd be higher if the Bugsy angle was dropped because I don't really like that main series tie at all. Her development as a character that you observe over the course of the game is very welcome as a silent protagonist, though. 10. Julia - just because this is the second half of the ratings doesn't mean I dislike her. The way I see it, she's got three close friends who are deep in their own problems while she has none of her own, and she's doing all she can to keep the others from falling into despair using her main asset: her energetic personality. 11. Aya - like a lesser version of the good parts of Shelly, unless there is more interaction with Cain I haven't seen yet (grinding to level up an empoleon for Titania, I have spoiled myself though) 12. Hardy - he left a good first impression but not much else of a later one. 13-17 Noel, Charlotte, Serra, Luna, Kiki - not much of an impression on me. This is probably worse than the last two places because I at least have opinions on them. 18. Rini - not a fan of her robot act. The most interesting thing about her is the nickname her friends give her as a counter to Flobot. Note: I have yet to see the different scene at Celestine manor if you cheese Solaris' garchomp at Pyrous. But since that involves her and fern, that may put her above the indifferents instead of below them. 19. Amaria - I liked the character I saw in the coral district and the factory. It's a shame that's only her mask. Maybe if she finds something to balance her brain chemistry, I'll rate her on the basis of the former character. 20. Corey - yup, rating the two depressed people at the bottom, how original and compassionate of me. Anyway, with that out of the way, here's why: because nobody has made me more frustrated that I'm a silent protagonist than him. He monologues with no ability to interject, and then he offs himself, removing him as an active and potentially interesting participant in the plot. Imagine if he stayed in meteor as a secret traitor, and seeing more interaction with Sirius. Maybe he still dies, but it's for a reason, rather than a lack of reason to exist like with Amaria's use of waterfall without the TMX. That probably wouldn't happen because it'd throw off a lot of other plot elements that are a result of his jumping but still, it's all I've got because my character just stands there and watches without a word. As it stands, his suicide is like most suicides: a tragic waste of potential. The second biggest roadblock to any attempt at writing a fanfiction run of reborn is his scene; the biggest roadblock is taking notes and screenshots as I play through the game.
  6. One strategy is to wait/change the system date until there's no hail in the overworld (unless it's always hailing on top of citrine now), and use Blaziken to clear the snow with fire pledge. It switches the terrain from snowy mountain to mountain, until Blake uses Blizzard, subzero slammer or sets hail for three turns (haven't fought Blake in E17 so I don't know what he's got now). Just paving over the terrain helps a lot in that battle, though if ampharos has electric terrain that gimps Blake even more other than his rotom.
  7. I swear I combed that desert, no mirage tower unless it's something that unlocks after Titania or Amaria. Can you give me a hint about how to find it?
  8. Give not fighting him a whirl next time, the desert is a nice place to have an AI partner to keep you healed.
  9. I'm planning on having two starters use their pledges to yank various bosses' fields out from under them, but the rainbow field only lasts five turns, so my plan may run out of steam too quickly. I know there's an item to extend the effect of "<xyz> terrain" moves, but does it apply to terrains created by other means?
  10. My first time against her, I leveled up an Alakazam specifically to turn the glitch field against her. It broke through a couple of walls I had been facing before falling.
  11. Ciel isn't listed. Last time I faced her, I *only* won by fishing for ancient power boosts on togekiss and then using an X speed and X special just to guarantee I'd get some key one-shots. Nothing else I had in my arsenal could handle her except perhaps steelix against a physical attacker. That togekiss lead just had to be met in kind, it wouldn't give anyone else a chance to do anything.
  12. I don't know what to say, then. It's a removable field that relies on accuracy/evasion boosts and special attacks over physical, turning some misses into hits and fucking with the crit odds. Serra is probably the most likely to get the field turned against her.
  13. Then you aren't manipulating the field properly. A lot of attacks that don't necessarily benefit Serra are boosted by it.
  14. Swalot: C or D + Available right out the gate + Learns yawn, acid drench, body slam, and toxic to cause various troubles for your enemies, all by level 26. + Also gets stockpile and gastro acid at later levels. + Reasonable bulk 100/83/83 lets it get off a debuff or two even at higher levels + Florina, the tangrowths and Corey are susceptible to it + Can use poison gas to mess with Adrien - Poor offensive power - No toxic spikes - its immediate competition is better at those - Slow - Weak ability other than baiting leech seed for all two of the times you'll get that used on you - Ugly face - Might eat you if you let your guard down. - No really, do not hug it. You will die. - That Adrien positive I mentioned? Xe will attempt to stop any such endeavor. Plus xer whimsocott is almost guaranteed to blow away the corrosive mist with tailwind.
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