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  • Alias
    Cannibal Cult Leader
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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Still Hell
  • Interests
    Cephalopods, organs, drawing, reading, writing, hanging out with weirdos

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    Nah fam.
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  1. It's been awhile since I've been here since I've been working on things on and off. Now I present a community story building project, but be warned, it does have dark themes like cannibalism, homicide, questioning self worth, etc. Here's a summary of the setting: 2075 CE, Earth. Technological advancements in subjects such as medicine and material production are plentiful, however, forests are slowly withering away, water is being contaminated in densely populated areas, and many animals have gone extinct/are scarce(exceptions being common pets like cats and dogs, livestock animals are also very common). Most extinct species are preserved in labs for other projects. Cities and towns look as they do today since large scientific discoveries are kept under wraps by the governments and big companies, especially in the US. Rich and mid-upper middle class have decent housing and live near the cities, the poor and homeless are more commonly found dead or foraging for themselves and managing with what they have. In the US, there is a testing facility, run by the government and businesses, where human-animal hybrids are manufactured. Animals are artificially cloned and their genes are kept for repeated experimentation. The people are taken off of the streets, have any and all records wiped, and brought in for experimentation with animal genes as both experiments on animals and humans are illegal. From here on in, they are further tested with either the same genes or more are added over time. The purpose of the facility is to test new products to sell on store shelves. The other use for it is simply to put the mutants to good use, like dogs for tracking, birds for scouts, fish for deep-sea diving, etc. Any attempts to escape is usually met with a barrage of bullets. The whole point of the facility is to make money off of people. No hidden war tactics since just about every government is in on this. The only exception are the governments that have already cut ties off with the rest of the world, simple as that. Every big company you know participates in these tortures and horrors, yes, places as simple as Walmart or Amazon would know about this hell. Some rich families also tend to look into it to possibly make more money than they already do. All of it is a cycle of greed. If there is any interest, I'll send a link to the full document and Discord server.
  2. Is this the Krusty Krab.

    1. SilverAngelus


      No this Patrick

  3. How the hell do you get negative reputation when you haven't been here for almost a year, or is it because you're gone...?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Reputation was reset with the site update. Everyone's rep went back to zero. So if someone took away rep after the site update from a post they gave rep to before the site updated, that would give you negative rep. 

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Now you don't have negative rep anymore.

    3. Zolfie


      Ah. I really appreciate the explanation, thank you very much.

  4. I forgot this existed again.

  5. There is nothing like re-watching a show you haven't seen in years.

    1. Jacobliterator


      Hell yeah man. Sonic X for days!

  6. Zolfie


    Been awhile, so here's a Clubberskull from Kid Icarus.
  7. That one moment when you forget this forum was a thing you had.

  8. You know you need a new laptop when yours starts burning you to the point of leaving scars.

  9. Zolfie


    This one has organs and some gore...
  10. African or European Swallow?

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


    2. Combat


      Well I don't know that.

    3. Arkhi


      The air velocity will still be the same.

  11. Zolfie


    Since I most likely won't upload anything next week, here's a sparkly anatomical heart.
  12. Zolfie


    A thing uglier than last week's.
  13. I put together random letters that seem to spell out something at least decent in the product(or just sound cool). Otherwise, I'd associate them with characters that look kinda like the Pokemon(Baragon the Nidoking, Kikinak the Xatu, Banjo the Ursaring, etc.).
  14. Zolfie


    Another ugly critter.
  15. Zolfie


    I'm not saying I've been working on sprite portraits. But I've probably been working on sprite portraits.
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