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About Halloween

  • Birthday October 31

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  1. Hello! I just defeated Adrienn, but I can't seem to get the super rod from anywhere. Simon is neither in Peridot nor Beryl (which I strange, I usually talk to everyone - but perhaps I missed him?), and the fisherman in Tarzan Cove is not providing me with one either. Have I forever lost my chance for it? Attaching my savefile for reference. Cheers! Game.rxdata
  2. welly well well, technically it's not the 13th yet here, but alas, have yourself one glorious birthday parteeey i'm not even gonna pretend i grasp india's alcohol regulations beyond that they're Fucking Awful but god i hope it's involved
  3. you used up all your correct guesses when Duck was here, Micky MDE?
  4. this is like having this as an only reference for mona lisa; your scan quality is dropping i've always thought the red-blue-yellow colorwheel looked appalling; a relic of old teaching that people still cling to as there's still people that quote freud. this, however is gorgeous. love the black parts with the colored insides, especially, and how rounded they are. this is what messy art is supposed to look like – organized chaos. the image doesn't look cluttered at all, kudos. though i feel like it'd be even better without the tri attack, it sort of... grounds it? plus especially the yellow one distracts from porygon itself. but that shading. it would, quite frankly, look better with flat colors; there's only one other artist i can think of that shades like you do, Viridescent, and that's this guy i don't even know his name, though i imagine there's people on this site that could inform me. but look at that "all lightning comes directly from the front except for when it indiscriminately doesn't" but the glitches look amazing; i can't believe you're drawing this by hand, with how it overlaps. it has a very 3d feel, even with your questionable shading, and that despite that some of the glitches are very much 2d, like the binary code. his beak nearly dissolving! booyah. this is in my top 3 of your arts. off topic, but im gonna continuing really busy the rest of this week, so if you post something new, expect it to take a few days before i can get back on it.
  5. N O where did that Dragon go? coming here, breaking hearts and then just leaving as if it never happened </3
  6. Hallo now. Viridescent? yes imma get back to that thread & the review & maybe even the gazebo when i get home-home, or on my way there later today – there's a lot of places i refer to as home rn but the apartment where i've generally lived the last month... or didnt cause cuba too much travel in case it wasnt clear theres another anon user in this thread rn so imma guess Viridescent
  7. Yes! This Is Halloween, or Hallowe'en (a contraction of All Hallows' Evening), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. you sure took over the arcade, Debojit. when are we gonna see you in Creative Works?
  8. both. i want them both. i want them both to be on fire, and for their ashes to be consumed by illiterate baboon possums to never be seen again since science now says that plants can feel it when we touch them, should we be more considerate to the feelings of plants?
  9. i think it's impressive that he's dragon116, too. what happened to the 115 before him? no one knows imma jump on the bandwagon and guess Dragon as well
  10. Viridescent says he'll send me one – a surprising move for someone allegedly opposed to animals being eaten. Micky?
  11. according to spine, a penguin is leading the norwegian royal guard. and stranger dragons online are totes reliable sources. and im back in my country of origin for now, but there's a zoo nearby. i think we do have caribou in the country somewhere thou... but hey it could also be red deer? or... horses? Viridescent
  12. Spine, how can you mistake me for Viridescent? he uses phrases like 'cernean identification' in casual sentences; i can't even spell restaurant. when people go to sleep is pretty easy though, except for TRHStatement and SgtNoobly, whom I have no idea where he lives; it's like, a bunch of people in roughly the same european timezone, and the good folks in india 2.5 hours before your time. you and Micky are up late. i dont share a timezone with any of you but i sometimes work night and sometimes morning/day anyway so whatevs you could probs save a lot of shipping by taking one like, 20 km from my house, but suit yourself. look out for the special penguin forces, they're the best in the world logic dictates that Viridescent should be next, but imma guess Micky so that i can attach a "sorry for the tl;dr" note
  13. Viridescent, can you spell "Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi" from memory? im listening, it's absolutely fucking terrible, but i thought that about traditional music from other countries at first as well, they sound similar and now i like those so i guess it'll grow... i only very briefly watched parts of what i assume was the first season as a kid... so i guess that one? what's the weirdest thing you have/do in your country/culture?
  14. arent you up awful late, Debojit? /squints on the topic of people usually up late, Micky's next
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