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About Azuuure

  • Birthday September 21

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    Pallet Town
  • Interests
    Pokemon of course!

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  1. I meant the shiny version of Reborn's Ampharos, but that was colored more like aqua-ish.
  2. I made 2 versions for Lilligant's line since I couldn't make up my mind what color to choose xD Hope you like them I'll do Jellicent later, I'm in need of some pokemon reborn gaming right now xD
  3. Hope I can find them then Does anybody know if Destiny knot works in the game? and how does it work? will it work for the pokemon holding the item or will it affect also the IVs of the mate being passed down? I have a camerupt with almost perfect IVs with 28 being it's lowest, but since it's the numel I got after getting the first badge, I couldn't be bothered with EV training my mons yet at the time.
  4. Thanks so much for liking them, makes the effort all much worth it ^^ Edit: Tip: If you want to use the sprite now regardless if your Mawile is mega or not, you can change the name of the back sprite to 303b so that when you use it in battle, the appearance would be that of a mega mawile even if it's just a regular mawile but remember to keep back up sprites of the originals of course ^^ EditEdit: Turquoise Amphy for you
  5. I think it's best to use neutral colors when the main color is white/gray, so I made different variations, hope you find one you like
  6. I only did it pink because the original secondary color also had the same color as the inside of the mouth, so I just followed that pattern, but if you want the secondary color to be different feel free to recommend a color you'd like Sure and thanks for appreciating my work ^^ Edit: Isn't the shiny ampharos already turquoise-ish in color?
  7. You mean you can buy them there right? I was wondering where you can plant them Thanks so much Lugruf that helped a lot! I'm starting to download E12 now, hope it doesn't go cray cray on me Thanks, seems I'll just loook at this guide http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935 for information regarding breeding
  8. Does anyone have a copy of Episode 10 or previous episodes that don't go... yeah... like that... I only use it for tm breeding purposes for my pokemon team, sooo if anyone has a good copy can you please share it with me? TIA Edit: I'll throw in an extra question... where can I plant berries??
  9. So I've defeated Solaris and finished the plot about using a Camerupt to erupt the volcano in Aphopyl. I want to add a leaf pokemon to my team and learned that a Chikorita can be traded for Chimeco, but when I go inside the Meteor base in azurine, there's nobody there, can anybody help me? PS: If this info is needed, I have not yet battled Cain to get the key to Byboxion. Will finishing that trigger the Chikorita event? TIA for information and answers ^^
  10. Thanks again for being so supportive of my work! Hope you enjoy your shinies Goodluck catching them :3
  11. Of course I accept criticism, it tells me what I can do to make my work better :3 Let me do a quick editting with those jiggly eyes ^^ Edit: Here's the result! Hope you like them I also choose to keep most of the black outlines in since they are originally meant to be black be it with the original pokemon colors or with the shiny versions, but I did do those hair curls some color changing Feel free to tell me what you think
  12. Thanks!! I'll just have to edit the back sprite so that it can match the final version of my Shiny Espurr Edit: I've finished Espurr's back sprite, I also made them fatter by 1 pixel. though I don't think that would be too noticeable.
  13. Hmmmm... that's gonna be a bit tough but let me see what I can do about that
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