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About SnowFire

  • Birthday 01/26/1992

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  1. Hey, thanks for your answers! I'm sorry, I had to much work the last days to play again, but I'll show a screenshot when I have the time! I am in postgame now, so I don't lack moves or items... but I startet the playthrough in ep18, when the jungle looked completely different and underroot didn't exist, so it's the first time I explore it now
  2. Hey guys, as the title says, I can,t reach this last corner of the Underroot. There is a cutting tree with a long root blocking the way, and it seems I have to go there from the other side, but I can't find a way to get there. Can anybody help? Thank you!
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  4. Hey guys :) I'd like to breed my Lucario with Meteor Mash. The only pokemon it can get it from is Smeargle. Now I'm wondering where I can find a pokemon to fight against for teaching Smeargle the move... Can somebody help me? Thank you!
  5. Oh thank you so much, you are our hero! Of course tomorrow is ok Game.rxdata 984 - Flippo - 590h 2m - 13 badges.rxdata
  6. I know, but I mean if someome of the team would be so nice to fix this for him when we sent the save file... I think I already read a few times that this happened to someone...
  7. Hey guys, my boyfriend accidently traded away his Exp.Share with the mothim to the man in Crysolia Forest... Is it possible to send his save file to anyone to get it back? :-/ Thank you!
  8. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  9. Hey, I stll can't wake up the crustle, please help...
  10. Thank you very much, I found it now... The problem was that I didn't count exactly 3 oasises... OMG this puzzle drove me CRAZY
  11. I found the yellow star now (tried it yesterday), and the oasis only switched between two places for 3 or 4 times... Today I tried it again and now there is no oasis at all anymore, but also still no tower.... AAAAAHHHH -.- Okaaay... I found four oasises now. Visited them for ten times or more, and it's still no tower there. I didn't left there desert inbetween. What is wrong? Do I have to visit all the oasises one after another with no battle inbetween??
  12. I tried this, but it doesn't work as I said, there is no interaction possible with the crustle, after taking the powder and flying there...
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